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Category: Astrology

Sagittarius and Health

You’d think because a Sagittarius is active and is always on the go that they don’t have much health problems or is highly unlikely to have difficulty with their health. Wrong. The Sag being happy –go –lucky and always want to have fun can, at times, be careless. He is the type of person who will try anything once … or thrice. This is the type of behavior that can actually lead him to trouble. Here are some points the Sagittarius might want to take note of in line of taking care of their bodies.

DIET: A good diet is essential for an active Sagittarius. If you eat too much fatty foods and those with harmful additives it will affect your body function for sure. You want to keep healthy for your daily activities, adventures, outdoor trips and partying. A hike won’t be as fun if you’re gasping for air not half way to your destination. Another thing to keep a close watch on is your liver. The planet Jupiter, Sag’s ruling planet, controls the liver. The Sag loves to party and stay out late and where there’s party, there’s alcohol. People born under this sign are known to be drinkers; some heavier than the other. Again, the Sag’s biggest concern is the liver. The liver sorts through everything that comes in our bodies; food, drinks, drugs, name it. Over consumption of alcohol is a common thing for a Sagittarius so you might want to make a mental note on your limit. A recommended diet for this sign is something with high protein. Protein gives us the energy, helps the immune system and basically replenishes the whole body. So if you’re always on the go you will need this. A healthy serving of meat, fish, milk, soy and other protein rich food plus vegetables for fiber and added vitamins and minerals would do it. Don’t throw away carbs and sugar completely. It will help you with quick energy whenever you need it.

FITNESS ACTIVITIES: Instead of getting cooped up in a gym or your house working out the machines and watching aerobic DVD’s, a Sagittarius would feel thrilled, motivated or even inspired to exercise more if the form of exercise doesn’t keep him boxed and indoors. A good trail at the woods or up a hill will
make for a good hike. This may be one of the best things you can think of and you’re lucky if there’s one near your place. You can work out your legs and whole body, break a sweat and breathe fresh air.

Jogging on a park trail or just around the block is also good. Swimming, of course is always a good form of exercise as it will help your lungs. An indoor activity that sounds appealing is dancing. Take a dance class; it doesn’t matter if it’s jazz, tango or street dance. You can do it with a group or partner up when you enroll in a class. You get to work out, socialize and make new friends. That’s a win-win scenario.

BEAUTY AND SKIN CARE: Partying isn’t always glamorous. Too much partying drinking and smoking can cause damage not only on your internals but also to your skin. We already know nicotine can make teeth and nails yellow or even worse. Too much partying and staying out late can make you look you’re
older than you really are. As for outdoor activities, don’t forget your sunscreen.

Whatever exercise or diet you get yourself into, always remember to take as much water as you can to replenish your body. It’s okay to have fun and live your life but to be able to actually live it you have to be sure you’re in fit shape.

Relationship with a Sagittarius Work if Your Signs Are Incompatible

Can You Make Your Relationship with a Sagittarius Work if Your Signs Are Incompatible

Incompatibility of horoscope signs is one of those areas in which there are many differing opinions. While some people doubt the validity of signs when it comes to personalities, there are some traits that tend to work in favor of the sign under which you were born. If you read the information about Sagittarius and then compare it to people you know, it is highly likely they will exhibit at least some of those personality traits. Whether you accept the validity of the information, there is little doubt that it often turns out to be correct. You need to weigh the odds and decide if you are willing to face that struggles that you may face in this type of relationship.

Sagittarians tend to be very adventurous and hard working even to the point of neglecting their families. In order to make a relationship work with a Sagittarian you have to be willing to overlook these defects in their nature and pick up the slack. Even if your sign is not compatible with Sagittarius, you can make it work if you make the choice to fill in the voids and accept them for what they are. You cannot make demands that will interfere with their ideals such as telling them to slow down or spend time at home relaxing. You have to meet them on their level—you have to be the one willing to make compromises rather than expecting your Sagittarius partner to do it.

One area in which they are adamant is loyalty and faithfulness. You will not have to worry about what they might be doing when they are away from you, but at the same time unless you are willing to become a part of their active and adventurous lifestyle you can expect to spend a lot of time on your own. While this doesn’t mean you need to become a part of everything they do, the more you can learn to enjoy with them, the more time you will spend as a couple instead of being home alone. If you are the kind of person who is content to stay home glued to the television or reading a book you will not be content with a Sagittarius.

It takes a great deal of willpower to learn build a relationship with someone who is not compatible with your astrological sign. While it is possible to make that kind of relationship work it takes a great deal of willpower and determination from both partners with the other person being the one to make sacrifices. Can you make it work with two Sagittarians? That can be very difficult if not impossible, but again, it depends on how much the couple wants to stay together and how strong their feelings are. However, you must be prepared for a lifetime of struggles and compromises, not something that is easy for two people who are prone to anger and driven to career goals to accomplish.

A Sagittarius Sagittarius relationship

What happens when 1 sagittarius gets together with another sagittarius? Read and find out.

General Compatibility:

Lots and lots of fun and excitement await a Sagittarius couple. They have a lot in common which will fuel up the fire. Both love to travel, party, meet new people and go on new adventures. Having the same interests they will also share the same optimistic view in life. If they partner up in business, they will reach things they never even thought of. Sagittarians being philosophical people likes challenges and puzzles. The harder it is to figure out something the more drawn they get to it. They won’t stop until they figure their way out of it. One thing that might hold them back is their care-free nature. They need to get serious about what they are trying to achieve. A lot of times, Sagittarius people focus on “living their life to the fullest” they forget to work on the other necessary things. Adventure and fun can overwhelm the Archer so they need to keep their feet planted firm on the ground. Another similarity is their temperament. Sagittarius people are not emotional or the moody type. They are known to be blunt to the point of tactlessness. Often times they say innocent and honest things and end up hurting the feelings of who they are talking to. They, however, have a very long patience and, to be blunt, a bit “thick skinned” so they don’t normally take offense on a random comment or criticism.

Romantic Compatibility:

The best thing about these two being together is that they love to meet new people and interact with members of both sexes. Therefore, there will be little or no jealousy in a relationship between two Sagittarians. They will have fun together or on their own with their own set of friends. They can count on giving each other enough space to have fun. As with business though, these two need to get serious at one point if they want this relationship to work. Having fun, meeting and hanging out with new people can be overwhelming so they need to remember that they should put restrictions on the freedom that they give each other or that the other gives them. The word “restriction” might not sound very appealing to an Archer but it’s merely drawing the line somewhere. Sagittarians are naturally flirt for example, so one might say, “Fine you can flirt, you can look, but you can’t touch. And I’m going to do the same.” In the end, they will have to sit down and talk about more serious matters if they want to end up hearing wedding bells together.


Sex between two Sagittarians is one of the best. These two are ready to try different things at least once. Therefore there will almost be no boundaries. They will not always be interested in the whole foreplay thing. They are very much full of life when it comes to sex and may not have the patience for “romantic” gestures. Pulling each other in an empty cubicle in the bathroom of a packed club for a quickie might sound lewd for other people but it might just be the best scenario for them.

Breaking up with a Sagittarius

Any kind of breakup can be traumatic, but when it involves a breakup with a Sagittarius it can be more difficult. One of the reasons for this is because the Sagittarius is a very dramatic sign, and a breakup will hurt his ego. He will not let it go and will tell everyone he knows how badly you treated him and will talk about every single mistake you ever made during the time you were with him. He will try to undo his own hurt over the breakup by telling all of his family and friends how you abused, used, loved and left him. Do not expect him to focus on any of the positive points in your relationship.

In an effort to use the hurt of breaking up with a Sagittarius, all Sagittarius women can follow some important steps. It may not work with every man but it may help most of them get over the break up and be able to move on with their lives. One important thing to remember is after you finalize the break up you need to remain single for a while. If you become involved in another relationship too soon and your ex finds out he will put more blame on you and think you broke up with him to begin seeing someone else.

There are several things you can do before you break up with him to prepare him for the breakup. By following these steps you will reach the point where he will be more accepting of the breakup and even welcome it.

• Tell your partner you are unable to keep up with their sexual or physical needs any longer. Since he will want someone who is able to remain on his level he will understand your method of reasoning.

• If you act bored by slowing down and becoming a homebody, the breakup will be much easier. The Sagittarius man likes to be very active and will not want to stay with someone who is boring.

• The Sagittarius is a very confident person, so if you begin to act paranoid or insecure you will drive him out of your life without even trying.

• Start acting very possessive and jealous by questioning his every move. Sagittarians hate being with this type of person and will quickly walk away from the relationship.

• If you tell him you have lost all interest in sex and want to stay celibate for a specific period of time he will not want to stay in the relationship.

By following these steps you will be able to break up with your Sagittarius man without trying to do so. This will eliminate hurt and a tarnished ego. The key is to let the relationship wane rather than actually just breaking it off and causing hurt feelings and maybe facing the potential for him to put all of the blame on you for the end of the relationship.

Getting Your Sagittarius Partner Back

Bringing back someone who left you is not an easy task. It’s not even an easy decision. So you don’t only think of ideas on how to get your Sagittarius partner back, you also have to figure out why they left in the first place and how to make them stay after.

Reasons. If your Sagittarius partner decided to end your relationship, chances are, they are feeling caged in. Sagittarians value their freedom. Once they feel the walls are closing in on them they will head for the door and won’t look back. Not saying this is the only thing that would make them walk. But it’s the biggest factor. Generally, Sagittarians can be impatient, wild, and are afraid of commitment. They are playful and flirtatious and if you voice out your concerns and let them know you feel insecure or jealous they will lose their interest. You have to have fun with them because all those flirting are just that, flirting. If a Sagittarius wants to end a relationship, they will tell you. If they don’t do that, there’s nothing to worry about.

This is the same as being clingy. Sagittarians are independent. Naturally, they will want their partners to be independent. Just like them. They will start feeling nervous and might even panic if all your decisions depend on what they want or what they need. If you think you should do this because you want to make them feel or to know they are important to you … STOP. If you’re deciding on something, whether it be big or small, just either make a decision first, tell them, and ask: “what do you think?” or “hey I’d like to get your opinion on this”. For them, getting their opinion is better than making them decide themselves. Also, since Sagittarius people are carefree, and yes sometimes careless, making them feel things rely on their decisions will be scary for them. They are independent people but looking after others can be strenuous if they’re not ready to do that.

Getting A Sagittarius Partner Back. Stalking your Sagittarius ex and sending them countless of messages and gifts won’t bring them back. You can’t make it happen right away. So don’t push it. Be patient in planning and executing the things you should do. For one, act nonchalant about it. You don’t have to act like you don’t care. Just say you’re okay with it if he thinks it is best (even if you’re not). Offer to be friends with him/her. That way you won’t lose touch and will still know what’s going on even if you’re not together.

Now one of the most important things to do is to love yourself. It may sound cheesy but it’s the truth. Sagittarius people will not give importance to people who do not think of themselves as important. Be selfish if you must. It’s not always that bad. People in a relationship generally makes does things to please their partner. Just take time off to pamper yourself and do the things that you want and don’t think about what he wants or what he may think about it. You’re not in a relationship anymore so what he thinks should not matter, really.

Build up your confidence again. Chances are, you broke up because you were feeling insecure and he knows it. Sagittarius people are very attracted to confident women. He wants someone he can take with him anywhere and not worry that she might not fit it.

All of these boil down to defining yourself. Boost your self-worth, feel important and be important. Respect yourself. If you don’t do that no one will. Make them feel like it’s their loss and not yours. If you take care of your own needs, stop being clingy and start feeling attractive they will find you attractive again, they will look at you again and who knows, they might want a second change again. If it’s meant to be it will happen.

How To Seduce A Sagittarius Woman

Normally a Sagittarius woman is the one who seduces a man. That’s because she likes the challenge. Sagittarians are full of ideas and are always positive about them so expect some pretty irresistible tricks from her. However, if you have been with Sagittarius women I’m sure you wouldn’t want to wait until she notices and seduces you. You have to take action as these fun-filled, lovers of life will not stay single forever. First things first, get to know her different sides; what she likes and not and try to work on it.

The Intellectual Sagittarian. Your main task would be to keep her mind stimulated. She is definitely not a dumb babe so don’t treat her like one! Sagittarians are the intellectual type and you might be surprised to realize you’re the one trying to keep up with how her brain works. She can talk about anything from politics, gas prices, law, traveling, traditions and exchange rate to the latest celebrity gossip, best salons and the price of a lemon. Not only that, she gets bored easily so you need to constantly think of new things to talk about or discuss or her eyes and ears would end up slipping somewhere else. Use your wit and intellect in seducing her. Be humorous and crack jokes. If you can make her laugh then keep going because you’re on the right track.

The Materialistic Sagittarian. At times a Sagittarius female will seem high maintenance. And she could be. Sagittarians love fun and adventure, traveling and sports. One way to seduce this side of her is to take her to trips and cruises away from her usual scenery. Go to a deserted island resort or book a few days stay on a luxury ship. This will blow her mind away. She knows how to appreciate the good things in life. Luxurious hotels, exotic restaurants and high end night clubs will be every appealing to her. Little tokens to show her how you appreciate her or a bouquet of flowers delivered in her office for everyone to see will surely get more than her attention.

The Simple Sagittarian and Sporty. Although she can be materialistic, the Sagittarius woman also values simple things. A Sagittarian when in love is very romantic. Camping out is a good activity to do with her. It’s something that will challenge her and make her sweat at the same time feel romantic because it’s just the two of you in the woods for the night. Bring a double sleeping bag because a Sagittarian is naughty and likes the idea of making love in the great outdoors. On a regular weekend, try staying in to cook for her and watch a DVD. Surprise her by planning a pillow fight but make it look spontaneous for added fun. Or chase her around the bedroom and make sure you end up in bed (or the kitchen counter if you must).

Now for a few DON’Ts. A Sagittarian values independence. Yes she’s a woman but don’t try to stop her for paying the bill at the restaurant. There’s no reason why she can’t do so. This does not mean you should let her pay all the time though. It’s just a way for her to feel you are equal. Also refrain from being to showy in public. Yes a Sagittarian is game for some quick fun in the men’s room but that is different from being mushy and clingy.

A Sagittarius woman will be easy to persuade as long as she’s in to you. Keep that in mind by the time you get into the actual seducing you might find you don’t need to do it anymore.

How To Seduce A Sagittarius Man

If you’ve dated a Sagittarius guy you’d know that he is complex and hard to catch. These men born under the zodiac Sagittarius are very approachable because they are naturally friendly people. But getting their attention is different from keeping it. Whether we like it or not, the men with the sign represented by an Archer or a Centaur will follow the next thing that will catch their attention. Being a dual sign (half man, half horse), a Sagittarian tends to have a double personality too. One is philosophical and idealistic (man) and the other wild and carefree (horse). Given that, one must be ready to come across both personalities and be able to handle it before she plans to seduce him.

Sagittarius Traits. A Sagittarian is easily attracted to a woman that’s fun and full of energy and sex appeal. So what you need to do is dress flirty (not slutty), put on some make up and light perfume, laugh, look fun and HAVE fun. This will get his attention right away and will make him fall for you. Be warm and friendly towards him and his friends. His friends are very important to him and this will make him feel you accept him as a whole.

The Sagittarius man can also be considered a knight in shining armor. Generally, he will want to reach out to help and fight for a worthy cause. But, other than hanging out with fun people he can’t help but get involved with a damsel in distress. Note that this is a part of him that has a dual personality or varied tastes. He may feel he has the responsibility to make things right for someone.  This is the alpha male in him acting out. On the contrary, he doesn’t like women who cannot stand for themselves. This is where it can get complex. Do you act like someone in need or someone who doesn’t need anyone? A little bit of both. You don’t want to act like a weakling who can’t fend for yourself. You need to have enough confidence to let him see you do have your moments but you can always bounce back on your feet.

Moreover, the centaur is a physical person and it bores him to sit around doing and seeing the same things. You need to be able to offer him something else. Constantly.

Seducing The Sagittarius Guy. Don’t just go for the usual things people do on a date. That’s no way to turn on the Archer. If you want him hooked to you engage him in physical activities. A Sagittarius loves sports and outdoor events so plan on a weekend out of town or do activities together. Some of the things you might want to try are gambling, camping, horseback riding, wake boarding or even bungee jumping and sky diving if you really want to impress him. Be impulsive too. Even if you have planned to do one activity it wouldn’t hurt to switch to a different one or add it up if you can still take it. He would love the spontaneity. Do some of these and he will surely bite it hook-line-and-sinker. One thing to keep in mind is that Sagittarians are direct people. You might not need a lot of seduction to get him to jump in bed with you. Most of them may even consider sex as a sport. Be aggressive and tell him what you want. You might want to refrain from mentioning anything about a commitment yet because this will make him run for the nearest exit.

Know What His Dating Rules Are. In every relationship it’s very important to know where you stand. Luckily, being straight forward people, Sagittarians doesn’t go through a lot of phases before he tells you what the score is. But you also need to know what his rules are when it comes to serious dating as opposed to casual dating. Do not force him into going to a serious relationship if he isn’t ready or does not want to. This would only push him away even more.  Give him a little freedom and before you know it he will come back to you.

Best And Worst Careers For A Sagittarius

Sagittarians are the intellectual type. It’s easy for them to learn about new things. Thus, they can get bored easily. They’re the adventurous people who are not afraid of taking risks. It won’t be a surprise for this person to switch jobs everytime they see fit (meaning when they get tired of the what they’re doing which can happen all the time or until they find the perfect job for them). The archer is known to aim for high goals but no matter how much they make or how high the position is, if they feel they’re getting caged in they will look for something else. Below is a brief explanation and tips of what you can do If you’re a Sagittarian and are unhappy of your current career (or finding it hard to figure out what your next career move is) or if you work with a Sagittarian and would like to improve your work relations with him/her.

Figure out what you are good at and what you love doing.

Because a Sagittarian has a lot of interests they also have a lot of big ideas and they are very optimistic about these. They won’t mind investing all the time and resources they have for a certain project. A lot of Sagittarians are entreprenuers so they get into their own businesses and most of them succeed on this. Having a good grasp of the bigger picture might also help them be good managers. They see the big picture and then share it with the team so they can work on it. It won’t be hard as Sagittarians are natural born teachers. They are good at interacting with people and they have the patience to explain their ideas to them. That being said, Sagittarians can also be teachers and writers. The archer loves challenges. He wouldn’t mind a bit of pressure (as a matter of fact, he is good under pressure) because he likes finishing things he already started. He is very active and also love the out-doors so a career in sports, travel or tourism might be suitable.

To sum that up, the more active Sagittarians lean on sports and traveling/tourism, where they can meet people and move around a lot. On the other hand, the more intellectual types can go for more intellectual professions as trading, law and business.

Sagittarians as a boss.

Generally, Sagittarian bosses are easy to get along with. They are very generous when giving bonuses or a raise specially with employees who they know are working well. They can also be generous with time or deadlines and are very reasonable … most of the times. So if you’re having a hard time keeping up with the deadline he might just cut you some slack provided you have acceptable reasons. One bad side about a Sagittarian boss is that he can be stubborn and change his mind a lot. Specially when he gets one of his big ideas.

Sagittarians as an employee.

Sagittarians love being with people and working with people. He’s a very good team player. Being always happy and optimistic he will serve as an inspiration or a morale booster for his fellow employees.

Some of the careers or prefessional fields that a Sagittarian could consider are: Entrepreneur, Teacher/Professor, Lawyer, Sales and Marketing, Writer/Journalist, Public Relations, Trader, Sports Instructor, Athlete, Travel Agent, Tourism related fields.

Top 10 Drinks A Sagittarius Will Enjoy

You decide to host dinner for a Sagittarian date. What better way to get to a person’s heart than through his/her stomach, right? You check if everything’s set:

Dim Lights/Candles – CHECK!

Romantic Music – CHECK!

Appetizer – CHECK!

Main Entrée – CHECK!

Deserts – CHECK!

Red Wine/Champagne – CHECK!

Well, Sagittarians are known to lean on the fun side. Don’t get me wrong, everyone enjoys a romantic dinner at home … once in a while. This might be fun to do if it’s the first time and you’re trying to get to know each other but after 2 or 3 times you might want to add a little spice to it (not sex, dear, cause that comes after everything else … or not). So for once, why don’t you drop the wine and give it a little twist. Of course you don’t have to wait for a romantic dinner. You could be throwing a private party for a Sagittarian or just wanted to share a quick drink but just work with me here, okay?

Here we have a few cocktail drinks that a Sagittarian might enjoy:

1)      CAIPIRINHA – also known as the national cocktail of Brazil and used to be the country’s best kept secret. USED TO BE because it’s now a favorite in Europe and US. Here’s a simple way to make one at home:

Ingredients: 2 ounces Cachaca, some Sugar, 1 Lime, Ice Cubes

Preparation: Mash up the the limes with sugar (just enough to get the juices out), mix the juice with Cachaca, stir, add ice and stir again.

*Cachaca is a type of sugarcane wine. But if you can’t find one on your local store, vodka would do.

2)      COCONUT BATIDA – Not the one you buy on bottles. Batida is a mixture of Cachaca and fresh fruit juice. You can use most tropical fruits for this but coconut cream or milk can be commonly found on supermarkets AND has an exotic twist on it.

Ingredients:  50ml Coconut Milk, 25ml Cachaca, some Nestle or Table Cream and some ice cubes.

Preparation: Just blend everything together and you’re good to go.

3)      FISH HOUSE PUNCH – This is a rum based cocktail that does not have any fish in it. The punch was named after a gentleman’s society in Pennsylvania called The Fish House.

Ingredients:  fresh lemon juice, powdered sugar or syrup to taste, brandy, peach brandy, light rum club soda, ice mold and citrus slices to garnish

Preparation: Chill all of these ingredients before mixing. Put the lemon juice in the punch bowl (add some syrup or sugar to taste). Mix the brandy and rum (tea can also be added for a stronger taste). Add the club soda last and then some ice mold fruit slices (like you would a usual punch).

4)      CHOCOTINI – Nothing like classic chocolate to seduce your partner. This time with a twist of liquor.

Ingredients: Vodka, White Cream De Cacao, Coffe Liqueur, some Triple Sec and cherry to garnish

Preparation: Shake vodka, Cream De Cacao and Triple Sec, put it on a chilled martini glass then add the coffee liqueur which will settle to the bottom.


Ingredients:  Tequila, Orange Liqueur, Pani Puri Masala, Crushed Mint, Lime Juice, Ice Cubes

Preparation:  Pour tequila and pani puri masala along with crushed mint and limejuice in a shaker. Add ice to it and give it a long shake. Pour in a glass rimmed with salt. Garnish with lime and some green chili to give it a more exotic look!

6)      FLIRTINI – This is a drink that would suit the younger Sagittarians. Specially cause it’s hip and was made famous by the series Sex In The City.

Ingredients: Raspberry Vodka, Champagne, Pineapple juice and Cranberry juice (optional).

Preparation:  Combine all the ingredients in a tall glass and garnish it with citrus fruits.

7)      STRAWBERRY BASIL CAIPIRINHA – Basil on your drink? Why not! Here’s another cachaca based cocktail with a hint of basil. On the rocks!

Ingredients: Cachaca, Strawberries and Limes cut in quarters, small/torn basil leaves

Preparation: Mash all the ingredients together. Pour it into a cocktail tumbler with ice, add sugar, mix and pour into a rock glass. Garnish it with strawberry and basil for a more fun look.

8)      CITRUS-GINGER COOLER – To sum it up … ginger = exotic + tangy.

Ingredients: Orange, Lime and Lemon slices, Spring water, Ginger water, Orange Vodka and/or Citrus Vodka and syrup to sweeten.

Preparation: Mash up the orange, lime and lemon slices together.  Add ice, ginger water, spring water, vodka and syrup. Shake well and pour in a tall glass. Garnish with candied ginger.

9)      PEAR AND SPARKLING CIDER COCKTAILS – TIP: The bourbon usually overpowers the taste of the pear nectar so make sure you use one that you like.

Ingredients: chilled pear nectar, chilled sparkling apple cider, chilled seltzer, bourbon whiskey, and pears (unpeeled, cored and cut into wedges) for garnish

Preparation: Stir everything together and pour on a cocktail glass. Use one pear wedge per glass for garnish.

10)   LONG ISLAND ICED TEA – Pretty common but the mix of tangy taste sure is appealing for the Archer. MUST: Use all white liquors.

Ingredients: Vodka, Tequila, rum, gin, triple sec, sweet and sour mix, Coca Cola, lemon to garnish.

Preparation: Pour all alcoholic ingredients into a pre-iced shaker. Pour into a tall glass with ice and add some Coca Cola.

Bear in mind a Sagittarian has a passion for exotic things including food and beverages. They’ll try anything once (or twice if it involves alcohol) so the more exotic and unique the drink is, the more appealing it will be for them.

Good Date Ideas For A Sagittarius

If you’re planning to impress a Sagittarian date, a movie and a romantic dinner might not just make it. Don’t get me wrong, Sagittarians love eating, movies and clubbing. But if you want it to be more memorable and at the same time don’t want to step away from the run-of-the-mill dates that people are used to (because you can have those any other day — or night) then a little bit of imagination and creativity is all you need. Here are some things that you might want to consider when planning THE unforgettable date with a Sagittarian.

BEACHES AND LAKES. Since Sagittarians are the outdoorsy type, plan for a weekend trip or outdoor activity. The beach would be a good place to start. If you’re already thinking along the lines of a dinner by the beach don’t just stop there. You’re already at the beach! Make the most out of it. There are a lot of things to do there whether it be a remote one or a major tourist spot. Try a water sport that he or she hasn’t tried yet. Rent a boat and go island hopping, snorkeling, or even scuba diving in the day.  Go for a swim in the afternoon and watch sunset together. Set up a romantic dinner by the beach (as you originally planned) with the waves as an alternative to romantic music and finish the night off by walking along the shore with the water splashing on your feet.

CAMPING. If you or your date is a more active type you can go hiking and camp out. Watch the stars and listen to each other’s stories about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees in front of the bonfire. Okay maybe that’s a bit odd but hey, there’s just the two of you in camping the woods … what’s there to do? You’ll be surprised how being close to nature can be romantic for a party animal Sagittarian.

MUSEUMS AND HISTORICAL PLACES. Another trip worth taking with the Archer is to a historical place … somewhere. Try a small town in another state or country where a hero was born … or executed. Learn about their heritage and tradition. Explore their old architectural designs, their food and everything else you can absorb. Sagittarians love trying out exotic food that’s new for them. Going out of town just to try a restaurant can be more fun than trying out a new one in the city.

SPORTS. For younger couples who doesn’t have the resources or the time to go on trips right now … try an adventurous sport that both of you can enjoy. Okay so maybe bungee jumping is a bit too extreme. Wall climbing might just be your thing. It’s done indoors, cheap and pretty easy to learn. Riding your mountain bikes on the trail on the hill isn’t such a bad idea too.

SIX FLAGS. Yes the amusement park. Well it doesn’t have to be Six Flags really but a theme park or amusement park is a good idea. There will be lots of people, different rides and plenty of activities to try. Winning a huge stuffed toy from the game booths might be a bit too cheesy but it’s how you won it that would matter. Throwing balls and knocking out bottles isn’t easy you know.

To sum it up, a Sagittarian has varied tastes. They are considered one of the most adventurous signs among all zodiacs. They have a passion for traveling and exotic food and are very inquisitive about rich cultures. That’s why they are often referred to as the globetrotters. They just don’t stay put; always up and about and looking for something new. So consider these small things and incorporate them with your original ideas when trying to come up for a memorable plan. This might just be that one date that will change everything.