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Tag Archives: sagittarius advice

What to do if a Sagittarius doesnt return your calls or texts

Do’s and Don’t When Sagittarius Doesn’t Call or Text Back

Sagittarius is a love ’em and leave ’em sign, but this isn’t malicious. Sagittarius is romantic, in a sense, an idealistic one in which they may fall in love in the moment and feel that it’s real, and then fall out of love shortly after, and feel that that’s real, too. Sagittarius can create and be swept up in a romantic and erotic fervor that begins as quickly as it ends. It doesn’t want to commit. Yes, it eventually wants to meet that special someone, somehow, somewhere, but it takes a while.

Sagittarius is oblivious. It doesn’t know when someone likes them first or likes them back unless they’re explicitly told. Archers aren’t very good with maintaining lines of communication. They will write, call, or text back, but they may not reach out to you first.

If you want to reopen the lines of communication with Sagittarius, here are things you should and shouldn’t do:


Text or call to see how they’re doing. You may have been abandoned, but it’s also possible that something else came up and Sagittarius isn’t contacting you because they’re pressed for time and assume that if you haven’t reached out, the relationship may not be that important to you.

Of course, Sagittarius is gregarious, but Archers of both genders prefer to handle their problems alone and not reach out. They may have had trouble with being taken seriously by others when they reached out in the past. Thus, they may not be contacting you because they’re dealing with some hard stuff right now and could use a friend, but isn’t reaching for one.

Move on with your life. Sagittarius doesn’t need constant contact with someone to maintain feelings of love or friendship. They can meet an old childhood friend they haven’t spoken to in 20 years and pick right up as if nothing happened. A few days or weeks without contact doesn’t mean anything to Sagittarius. They may very well still feel the same and expect you to feel the same, too.

With that being said, if Sagittarius isn’t all over you trying to get your attention, then it’s safe to assume that you’re free to do as you please. You can date other people. You can go out with your friends. You can choose to be unavailable when and if they eventually call. However, keep in mind that Sagittarius doesn’t quite do or get passive-aggressive behavior that includes the silent treatment, so don’t expect them to get the hint right away.

Be positive when you see them again and don’t take it personally. There’s a good chance that the reason Sagittarius has been away has nothing to do with you. However, Sagittarius doesn’t need to be reminded of you to know that they like you. If they’re friendly as if nothing has happened, then understand that they actually don’t think anything happened, and now is as good a time as any to catch up and tell each other about the adventures you both had after you last spoke.


Have a meltdown and/or accuse them of abandoning you. One of the easiest ways to lose a Sagittarius is to become possessive. Whether it’s romance or friendship, Sagittarius must be free to come and free to go if you want them to stay. Trying to make them feel obligated for your wellbeing makes it less likely that they’ll contact you in the future. They may even shrug and block your number so you can’t contact them anymore.

The Archer isn’t really a fighter. They may discuss it, but they won’t argue with you about where they’ve been for the last two weeks, especially in a new relationship. Hell – did they demand to know where you’ve been all this time, have they?

Stalk them or send other people to intervene on your behalf. Again, the Archer doesn’t appreciate your efforts to pin them down, and you putting them in a position to explain themselves to you immediately, or to a third party will pretty much guarantee that you’ll be one of the few people who actually ends up on a Sagittarius’s shit list.

While Sagittarius isn’t an intensely private person, being compelled to treat someone they don’t even know as an authority is an affront to their sense of freedom. If they’re not legally obligated to send a smiley back when you text, then they shouldn’t have to explain that to someone else at a time inconvenient for them.

Create drama to induce them to call or text you. Sure, if they find out that your mom just went to the hospital, they will contact you to see if you’re okay. If they find out that your mom is at home and she just has a cold, you’ve basically lost Sagittarius. They want to trust you. They’re naturally trusting people. However, if you break that trust, then you’ll never get it again.

Also, on that note: don’t try to make them jealous. Sagittarius doesn’t really get jealous. If you get upset and send a picture of yourself with a different man or woman to get a rise out of them, Sagittarius is not going to call your bluff. They’ll just think that you’ve moved on, and there is no need to keep your phone number in their phone anymore. Or, they’ll think you’re petty, and they’ll pat themselves on the back for managing to avoid someone as unhinged as you.

Sagittarius Career Advice (Part 2)

A lot of people have been leaving comments discussing what career a Sagittarius should pick on the blog Best and Worst Careers for A Sagittarius. Despite numerous advice and a long time of analyzing and contemplating, Sags still have a hard time deciding what career is best for them. If you are one of those Sags that are still looking for THE career you may want to regroup and look at things in a different light.

Landing your ideal career doesn’t always mean you’re going to end up happy doing it. There are various factors to consider when deciding what is ideal. For some it could be something that suits their personality, something that challenges them, and something they love. For others, however, it could just be something that pays good. Of course the best type is still a job that gives you all of the above. In the real world, people mostly pick something with a competitive pay and benefits, even if it makes them miserable. There are ways to avoid this from happening, though. The miserable part, I mean.

The answer? When choosing a career, always pick two. A career doesn’t have to be a job. It could be a hobby that you make a career out of. Again, there are different factors in this. If you already have a job that classifies you as a desk jock and you hate being a desk jock (you’re a Sag for crying out loud!) then pick a hobby you can do on your spare time. Don’t even start to say you don’t have spare time, make some! Again, you’re a Sag, you are known for your ingenuity. If you want to do it, you’ll find a way. Even very busy CEOs find time to sail their boats and go on family trips.

A former co worker who is  a Sag loves to surf and goes to a surf resort not far from the city, he eventually came up with the idea of organizing weekend retreats to the surf resort and offers  a package which includes transportation, accommodations, meals, a tour of the area and a couple hours surf lessons or surf board rental for enthusiasts.

It doesn’t have to be a grand idea. You may start small. It’s all up to you. You like making your own accessories? Make some more and sell it online. You can even sell it to your co workers. Your fellow desk jocks. Alone, this might not make as much as you make working an 8-hour shift but it’s a diversion. You work as a technical writer but finds it boring? Write freelance blogs or try for a novel on your spare time. Who knows? It could be the next NY Times best seller.

Bear in mind that not everyone lands their career of choice. We all have ideal jobs but sometimes it’s a matter of how you look into it. Make your own career. If there’s something a Sag is proud of, it’s grabbing life and knowing how to make the most of it.

New Year’s Resolution a Sagittarius might want to Consider for 2013

It is now December 29, 2012. The world didn’t end as the rabidly fanatics said. The Mayan’s didn’t predict the end of the world. They either simply ran out of material to write on, got lazy to update their calendar, or some other reason that doesn’t have anything to do with the end of the world. Now another year is about to end. This is the season when people mentally writes a list of things they won’t do, or at least avoid to do, in the up and coming new year. Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? Specifically, you’re the only one who can pinpoint the exact things you need to change (or alter a bit) about yourself but if you need help, here’s what we have to say.

Lay off on the booze. Okay – okay, you don’t have to lay off ’em completely. It’s nice to have a drink or two especially when catching up with friends or just hanging out with co-workers after a long week of hard to beat deadlines in the office. But it’s easy to say “I won’t drink too much tonight” at the beginning of the party than when you’re in the middle of a nice conversation or the dance floor. Sagittarius are big on parties and parties are usually equipped with alcohol. Give yourself a limit of how much you’ll drink at a party. Also, make sure you go on detox once a month. This is important for the younger party goers who drink almost every night. Health studies show that detoxing for a few days once a month is better than doing it in longer periods like laying off the alcohol two months in a row every year.

Pick up on your exercise routine. You may be active and always on the go but all the food and alcohol in the parties you go to will catch up on you eventually. Make sure you hit the gym or do a healthy physical activity at least once a week. Run, take up dance classes, yoga or anything that might interest you. If you’re too busy you can try walk and walk and walk. Also, use the stairs rather than the elevator if you’re only going two or three flights of stairs. Walk, instead of driving if the place you’re going to is only three or four blocks from where you are. It’s good cardio and will help burn calories.

Bring extra tact with you. We’re not saying Sags are tactless but they are known to be blunt and sarcastic and they have the tendency to tell the truth outright. While this is a trait that might help in a lot of circumstances, you might want to consider a person’s feelings and attitude first before you blurt things out. Especially if you don’t know the person that much. You like meeting new people and having friends, right? Well, you can’t keep them if you’re not careful.

There’s always room for a little improvement for the next year but it doesn’t have to be anything drastic. We’re not saying you should change yourself because that’s who you are. Just make sure that whatever you do, you have to try to have fun with it and make sure no one gets hurt in the process. Happy New Year! :)

How To Ask Forgiveness from a Sagittarius

How do someone ask for forgiveness from a Sagittarius? First off, if you’re asking forgiveness from a Sag, you must have done something REALLY bad. Sagittarius are fun loving people and are somewhat nonchalant that they let most things slide. This is not to say they do not care or worse, push overs. It’s just that these philosophical people understands at a young age that keeping a grudge only does more harm to them than anyone else. They do not hold on to the bad memories and events. They let these experiences hone them as a person and put it in good use. If there is one thing a Sagittarius hates more than anything, it is resentment and hate itself. So you might not have to worry about pissing them off because of trivial things. Now, if you really must ask for a Sagittarius’ forgiveness, here are a few things to consider.

Make sure it’s from the bottom of your heart. Sounds cheesy, yes, but a heartfelt apology is always appreciated. Look them in the eye when you ask for their forgiveness. If you feel the need to explain yourself then do so. Sagittarius people are very good listeners and they will not only humor you but even put themselves in your shoes. They are somewhat righteous in a way that they ask themselves “how would I feel if I were in his position” all the time. Just say your piece and let it all out but be careful about the words that you use as well especially if the two of you disagreed about something. Sagittarius can be very passionate about their beliefs so explain yourself in a way that would make him feel that you understand where he is coming from. If they feel you are sincere about saying sorry and making amends, they will forgive you from the bottom of their hearts too.

Generally, people under the Sagittarius zodiac are very forgiving. Extraordinarily forgiving, actually. And it’s not just about the small things. Sagittarius people wear their hearts on their sleeves and most of the time you can tell how they really feel about the situation. These party goers are also hopeless romantics. If you are lovers and had a disagreement, don’t let pride get in the way.Don’t be afraid of getting rejected or being asked to walk away. A Sagittarius prefers to know both sides of the story and he will not mind hearing you out. In fact, he prefers this because any other option makes him feel left in the dark.

If you have wronged a Sagittarius person, he may have forgiven you before you even ask for it. If it’s not a major issue, a Sagittarius will probably initiate the conversation too. He will try to sort things out and figure out where things went wrong and he would prefer that the two of you work it out together. It is very hard to make a Sagittarius person angry but keep in mind not to take advantage of them. Don’t wait for that time when you have to run after them just to say those two words.

Venus Retrograde, What It Means for Sagittarius Relationships

People always talk about Mercury retrograde but other planets go that way too and apparently, the planet Venus is going on Retrograde by the middle of this month until late June. Although Venus is not Sagittarius’ ruling planet, it can still affect the archer’s day-to-day scene. First, what is retrograde? Retrograde motion is the movement towards the opposite direction of how things should go. Simply put, in astrology, retrograde is when harmonious things go haywire. So how does Venus going on retrograde affect a Sagittarius?

Generally, Venus represents love and beauty so expect problems surrounding that area. This is the time when everything imaginable that can test your relationships seems to be hurled your way. Make sure communication is open at all times. This is one of the key factors to a successful relationship. If you sense something troubling your partner, ask them right away what the problem is or wait when you think it is safe to ask. Do not wait too long or ignore it. You’re the one who knows your partner best so trust your intuition. In the middle of heated arguments, try to breathe and count to ten. It does not help to shout at each other and say things in a whim. Have the sense to back down and keep in mind that keeping your cool will help you think better. This isn’t only true about romantic partnerships, relationships with friends, family members and even co-workers could also be in line. Again, communication is key. Hear them out especially if they are trying to get a message across and do not just block them because you think differently. Try to understand where the other party is coming from and you may see sense in things. They may have a point and you may only realize this if you try to clear your head and not let your emotions get in the way. Try to be logical. Be cautious during this time because even your closest relationships can be at stake.

It’s hard to please everyone and give them what they want so know how to compromise. Think of a way that will work for both of you. This will help set things back to the right rhythm. Don’t try to have everything at once. You may need to sacrifice something to be able to get in a state that you need to be in. This is not the time to make big decisions too. Things are rocky at this time and whatever final decisions you make will affect everything that comes in the future.

Other than communication, the biggest thing that will get you through this phase is patience. Venus retrograde will be over by the end of June so things should get back to normal if you don’t let hot heads lead and decide for you. There will be plenty of time to catch up and by the end of this troubling time you will just find yourselves laughing at that problem. Clear your head, keep cool and think ahead.

How Do Sagittarius Handle Exes?

A typical Sag is known to breeze through awkward and even stressful events. They are one of the most happy and fun loving people. They won’t sweat the small stuff because normally for them, it’s not worth it. Not that they don’t ever take things seriously. They do. But only when they feel it’s necessary. In relationships they don’t hold back. It may take a while before they commit but they go all out when trying to charm someone. It is said they can charm a stripes off a tiger. They can be very sweet and will know how to make you feel special and one of a kind. If you can keep a Sag then you’re one of the lucky ones. Not all relationships with the sweet Sag works out, though. How do Sagittarius handle exes? They don’t.

Your “relationship” after the relationship will depend on the reason you broke up. Most break ups with a Sagittarius is caused by their need for independence. They will want to spend time with you but they need their “me time” every once in a while. Not to be alone and think but to hang out with friends and meet new people. Once they feel fenced in they would be uncomfortable and may start thinking twice about the position they are in. Normally, in these situations, it will be the Sag who wants out. They like to talk, socialize and flirt in a harmless way so if you don’t like that you need to tell them, otherwise it will all build up inside you and before you know it you will be the one who wants out. There is little to no room for jealousy with a Sag. This can be suffocating for them. Again, once they feel cornered they look for the easiest way out. If the other party initiates the breakup the only thing a Sag will ask is an explanation. That is if they really don’t have a clue. Sometimes, as intellectual as a Sag is, he can be dense. He may not know his words are harsh. For the Sag, the things that comes out of their mouths are just opinions or facts. They may already be hurting you and they still don’t know it. If they understand the reason why you want to end up things then they can rest.

If you part with a Sagittarius in good terms there will be no problem staying friends with them. But most of the times, ending a relationship with a Sag means it’s really over. Don’t expect to hear from them or even see them. They will move on with their lives and choose to leave all the negative things behind. If your breakup is bad the Sag will just try to go forward so don’t expect to see them distraught or depressed. They will mostly party the bad experience away. In case you run across them they may acknowledge you as an acquaintance and nothing else. It may seem harsh but that is kind of the way for them to cope with it.

The Do’s and Donts when with a Sagittarius

Do’s and Don’t’s when with a Sagittarius

While we are fully aware that each species born bear a different Zodiac attached to his/her fate, we couldn’t deny the fact that to accept the bad points of someone will still be quite difficult. We do, after all, have both positive and negative characteristics, which are sometimes uniquely ours. If you know someone who’s a Sagittarius, and you find it hard to deal with them, you might want to read on to understand why they behave the way they do and how you should “play” along. But if you’re a Sagittarius yourself, well, there’s no need to be all defensive if you find some strange facts about who you really are because we will plainly lay down these cards for you to ponder on.

What we have here are guidelines for a harmonious relationship with a Sagittarius. These are the simple Do’s and Dont’s that we have to remember when faced with a Sagittarius’ company:

DON’T be boring. Sagittarius people have wide ranging minds that could burst without warning. They are great conversationalists and they could talk for hours — without any of your input in the conversation –and still go on without batting a lash. You really don’t want to just stay still and hear them chitchat away because at some point, their overwhelming brilliance could render you witless.

DO think extremes. When you’re stuck in an island with a Sagittarius, not that that happens often, don’t expect him/her to sulk in a corner. They dislike being idle and all they could ever think of is how on Earth they could spend every single second of their lives using their curiosity to answer all the questions that they may happen to have in their restless minds. Gift a Sagittarius a gigantic crossword puzzle, don’t be surprised if they would jump for joy like some kid rather than roll it up and hit you on the face with it. Or maybe even if you’re totally scared of heights, invite him/her for some hardcore bungee jumping (on a cliff maybe). Just prepare yourself if he/she would suddenly consider you their instant BFF when you pass your own test.

DON’T hold them on a leash. Sagittarians are everything but clingy. They tend to live quite peacefully, going about their own business even without someone they’d depend on. Sagittarius people are very independent and would not tolerate restriction. In a relationship, if you just try to dominate them in any
way, they would easily let go of you and worse, will not think twice about broadcasting to other people the kind of person you were when you’re still together. Imagine restraining a mutt struggling to get to a hot and juicy bone. You will get dragged along but a Sagittarius won’t really care as long as they are in control.

DO accept Sagittarius people the way they are. Yes, they’re mighty upbeat and quick thinkers and all that jazz. They’d even “unconsciously brag” how awesome they are but you must not take it all too personal. Besides, all Sagittarians always dig much deeper in search for logical (not necessarily sane)
explanation to almost everything that stirs up their gray matter. The ultimate lesson here is to ride their wagon with ease and enjoy their endless enthusiasm for life!