Bringing back someone who left you is not an easy task. It’s not even an easy decision. So you don’t only think of ideas on how to get your Sagittarius partner back, you also have to figure out why they left in the first place and how to make them stay after.

Reasons. If your Sagittarius partner decided to end your relationship, chances are, they are feeling caged in. Sagittarians value their freedom. Once they feel the walls are closing in on them they will head for the door and won’t look back. Not saying this is the only thing that would make them walk. But it’s the biggest factor. Generally, Sagittarians can be impatient, wild, and are afraid of commitment. They are playful and flirtatious and if you voice out your concerns and let them know you feel insecure or jealous they will lose their interest. You have to have fun with them because all those flirting are just that, flirting. If a Sagittarius wants to end a relationship, they will tell you. If they don’t do that, there’s nothing to worry about.

This is the same as being clingy. Sagittarians are independent. Naturally, they will want their partners to be independent. Just like them. They will start feeling nervous and might even panic if all your decisions depend on what they want or what they need. If you think you should do this because you want to make them feel or to know they are important to you … STOP. If you’re deciding on something, whether it be big or small, just either make a decision first, tell them, and ask: “what do you think?” or “hey I’d like to get your opinion on this”. For them, getting their opinion is better than making them decide themselves. Also, since Sagittarius people are carefree, and yes sometimes careless, making them feel things rely on their decisions will be scary for them. They are independent people but looking after others can be strenuous if they’re not ready to do that.

Getting A Sagittarius Partner Back. Stalking your Sagittarius ex and sending them countless of messages and gifts won’t bring them back. You can’t make it happen right away. So don’t push it. Be patient in planning and executing the things you should do. For one, act nonchalant about it. You don’t have to act like you don’t care. Just say you’re okay with it if he thinks it is best (even if you’re not). Offer to be friends with him/her. That way you won’t lose touch and will still know what’s going on even if you’re not together.

Now one of the most important things to do is to love yourself. It may sound cheesy but it’s the truth. Sagittarius people will not give importance to people who do not think of themselves as important. Be selfish if you must. It’s not always that bad. People in a relationship generally makes does things to please their partner. Just take time off to pamper yourself and do the things that you want and don’t think about what he wants or what he may think about it. You’re not in a relationship anymore so what he thinks should not matter, really.

Build up your confidence again. Chances are, you broke up because you were feeling insecure and he knows it. Sagittarius people are very attracted to confident women. He wants someone he can take with him anywhere and not worry that she might not fit it.

All of these boil down to defining yourself. Boost your self-worth, feel important and be important. Respect yourself. If you don’t do that no one will. Make them feel like it’s their loss and not yours. If you take care of your own needs, stop being clingy and start feeling attractive they will find you attractive again, they will look at you again and who knows, they might want a second change again. If it’s meant to be it will happen.