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What to do if a Sagittarius doesnt return your calls or texts

Do’s and Don’t When Sagittarius Doesn’t Call or Text Back

Sagittarius is a love ’em and leave ’em sign, but this isn’t malicious. Sagittarius is romantic, in a sense, an idealistic one in which they may fall in love in the moment and feel that it’s real, and then fall out of love shortly after, and feel that that’s real, too. Sagittarius can create and be swept up in a romantic and erotic fervor that begins as quickly as it ends. It doesn’t want to commit. Yes, it eventually wants to meet that special someone, somehow, somewhere, but it takes a while.

Sagittarius is oblivious. It doesn’t know when someone likes them first or likes them back unless they’re explicitly told. Archers aren’t very good with maintaining lines of communication. They will write, call, or text back, but they may not reach out to you first.

If you want to reopen the lines of communication with Sagittarius, here are things you should and shouldn’t do:


Text or call to see how they’re doing. You may have been abandoned, but it’s also possible that something else came up and Sagittarius isn’t contacting you because they’re pressed for time and assume that if you haven’t reached out, the relationship may not be that important to you.

Of course, Sagittarius is gregarious, but Archers of both genders prefer to handle their problems alone and not reach out. They may have had trouble with being taken seriously by others when they reached out in the past. Thus, they may not be contacting you because they’re dealing with some hard stuff right now and could use a friend, but isn’t reaching for one.

Move on with your life. Sagittarius doesn’t need constant contact with someone to maintain feelings of love or friendship. They can meet an old childhood friend they haven’t spoken to in 20 years and pick right up as if nothing happened. A few days or weeks without contact doesn’t mean anything to Sagittarius. They may very well still feel the same and expect you to feel the same, too.

With that being said, if Sagittarius isn’t all over you trying to get your attention, then it’s safe to assume that you’re free to do as you please. You can date other people. You can go out with your friends. You can choose to be unavailable when and if they eventually call. However, keep in mind that Sagittarius doesn’t quite do or get passive-aggressive behavior that includes the silent treatment, so don’t expect them to get the hint right away.

Be positive when you see them again and don’t take it personally. There’s a good chance that the reason Sagittarius has been away has nothing to do with you. However, Sagittarius doesn’t need to be reminded of you to know that they like you. If they’re friendly as if nothing has happened, then understand that they actually don’t think anything happened, and now is as good a time as any to catch up and tell each other about the adventures you both had after you last spoke.


Have a meltdown and/or accuse them of abandoning you. One of the easiest ways to lose a Sagittarius is to become possessive. Whether it’s romance or friendship, Sagittarius must be free to come and free to go if you want them to stay. Trying to make them feel obligated for your wellbeing makes it less likely that they’ll contact you in the future. They may even shrug and block your number so you can’t contact them anymore.

The Archer isn’t really a fighter. They may discuss it, but they won’t argue with you about where they’ve been for the last two weeks, especially in a new relationship. Hell – did they demand to know where you’ve been all this time, have they?

Stalk them or send other people to intervene on your behalf. Again, the Archer doesn’t appreciate your efforts to pin them down, and you putting them in a position to explain themselves to you immediately, or to a third party will pretty much guarantee that you’ll be one of the few people who actually ends up on a Sagittarius’s shit list.

While Sagittarius isn’t an intensely private person, being compelled to treat someone they don’t even know as an authority is an affront to their sense of freedom. If they’re not legally obligated to send a smiley back when you text, then they shouldn’t have to explain that to someone else at a time inconvenient for them.

Create drama to induce them to call or text you. Sure, if they find out that your mom just went to the hospital, they will contact you to see if you’re okay. If they find out that your mom is at home and she just has a cold, you’ve basically lost Sagittarius. They want to trust you. They’re naturally trusting people. However, if you break that trust, then you’ll never get it again.

Also, on that note: don’t try to make them jealous. Sagittarius doesn’t really get jealous. If you get upset and send a picture of yourself with a different man or woman to get a rise out of them, Sagittarius is not going to call your bluff. They’ll just think that you’ve moved on, and there is no need to keep your phone number in their phone anymore. Or, they’ll think you’re petty, and they’ll pat themselves on the back for managing to avoid someone as unhinged as you.

Six Awesome Ways to Snag a Sagittarius Man (And Maybe Even Keep Him)

Six Awesome Ways to Snag a Sagittarius Man (And Maybe Even Keep Him)

Sagittarius is the luckiest sign of the zodiac. Lucky to be alive, that is.

He’s the guy at work that makes fun of the boss to his face and somehow gets away with it. He trips over his own feet, falls on the ground, and finds a $100 bill under a garbage can. He gives you the best sex of your life, tiptoes out while you sleep, doesn’t call you back, and then greets you with a high-five weeks later as if nothing happened.

This man likes to live on the edge.

Now, you’re sure you want this lifelong bachelor? But alas: you do. You can get him for an hour or two, or maybe a whole night, but how do you actually keep him? Many have tried; few have succeeded. But there are ways, and they aren’t for the faint of heart.

First and foremost, act like you don’t care what he does. You know how cats seem to like people who don’t like cats? That’s pretty much how Sag rolls. Don’t expect anything from them and they’ll stick around. Make demands and they hide under the sofa and vomit. Sag needs to think it’s free to come and go. He calls you, but he won’t answer your calls. He won’t tell you where he’s going or who he’s with. Let him come to you, and he’ll keep coming, over and over again. Just don’t play hard to get: pushing and pulling is too much work for him, and since you’re putting in the effort to play mind games, he knows he’s already won. Just be independent like the modern woman you are.

Start a conversation about something most people would find uncomfortable to discuss. Sag doesn’t understand taboos or small talk. He doesn’t give a crap about your job what happened there unless you walked in on your boss masturbating. Then definitely tell him all about it. Sags just don’t take words seriously, the way that a fish doesn’t take a drop of water seriously while swimming in the ocean. So, whatever offends, infuriates, scandalizes, and confuses everyone else delights him. Just don’t tell him point-blank that you want to fuck him. That sounds too much like a commitment, and Sag doesn’t do commitment unless it is his idea

Go out with him for an exotic meal and pig out. Sags eat until there’s nothing left. Chances are that he’s permanently banned from at least one buffet, so try a regular restaurant. He wants you to choose, because given the possibility of choosing just one thing to the exclusion of all others throws him into a panic. And he fully expects you to partake in the joy of eating something new and interesting. He thinks pretending that you live on salad and iced tea is a horrible LIE, and he’d rather not be the only one who gets food in his hair.

He gets food in his hair, you know.

Stay outside. Sags are claustrophobic. They’re fine in their own basement, but put them in a room where there’s no actual activity – like a party – and they either create something to entertain them, like a fight, or beeline for the door. They don’t like crowded spaces, and they handle that by drinking … a lot, so think twice before taking him to a Thanksgiving dinner with all 80 of your closest relatives. If you want to see Sag at his best, stay outdoors.

Choose adventure and leave the heels at home. Sags likes to be outside and likes to be moving. They wander around, even when they don’t have to go anywhere. They’re at peace when they can move around on their own accord and take in the sights and sounds. They can duck into alleys and hide when the girl they were with last week comes walking by. Sag is perfectly content to spend the day hiking up a mountain, wandering the shops in Chinatown, or down the aisles at Wal-Mart at 3 a.m. on a weekday to see the locals in their natural habitat. Suggest a date that involves exploring a new neighborhood or hiking in the great outdoors and he’s game, especially if neither of you’ve been there before.

Meet him online first. Online dating is perfect for Sag because keyboards have delete keys but mouths don’t. He has a better chance of not putting his foot in his mouth if he has to think about what he’s about to say. He’s a poet and a scholar behind the screen. You can’t see the barbeque sauce on his shirt, or the fact that he hasn’t showered in three days. Of course, he’ll clean up if you (ever) meet, but by then, you’re already in love with his adventurous, fiery soul.


The Sagittarius Dad

Much is written about mothers and Sagittarius mothers but what about the fathers? I have a Sag friend who said he wanted to have kids one day just so he can pass on his legacy and by legacy he didn’t mean decades of hard earned possessions and wisdom. He simply meant his collection of baseball cards (and yes he was serious). He was 38 years old then and a HUGE baseball fan (I’m sure you can tell). Another Sag friend who was 35 at the time said he needed to have a baby before his sister does cause that’s going to be the first grandchild so his parents will be in favor of his kid so they can take over and babysit while he goes out. Yes, I had to roll my eyes on that. Now given these cases, and since Sagittarius take time to mature and men (in general) take time to do so as well, does that mean they make bad dads? Not necessarily.

We’ll take their cases for example. Both of them are parents now and showed everyone they’re good at it. The baseball fan, of course, did as he said. He may sound very much like a kid at the age of 38 but this proved to be a good thing. He spends a lot of his time playing with his son. A Sag dad is the type of dad who wants to spend as much time as he can with his children. They know how to show their kids a good time and they will be loved for that. They know when to take things seriously too and although they aren’t the disciplinarian type, they know how to instill good values to their kids by spending time with them and showing them how the world works. Sags believe that quality time together with their kids will mean a lot because that is what they want from their parents too.

On the case of the 35 year old guy, he did get his wish of having the baby before his sister but lo and behold, he couldn’t even keep his hands off his little bundle of joy to have his parents fuss over her. He was so overwhelmed and fell in love at the first sight that he’s the one who would stay up all night to change her diapers and make her a bottle of milk. Now, seeing him like that makes one think he’s the spoiler not the grandparents. But a Sagittarius’ sense of independence and intellect gives him the sense to raise the girl properly, not giving in too much to her demands and making her discover things on her own. Sags grew up like that. They liked exploring and trying to figure out things without others help. They may be impatient at times but take joy and pride at learning new things on their own.

They may seem a lot of work, these Sagittarius men. That’s because they are. But that doesn’t mean they stay the way they are forever. It takes different circumstances to see how mature (or not) they can act out. As carefree as they are because that’s how most people see them, they do wisen up once another person’s future is at stake.

What Happens When You Hurt A Sagittarius

Those under the Sagittarius sign are probably the easiest to get along with because they don’t like to pretend they’re somebody else to please the people around them. Yes they take pleasure at making people laugh (and who doesn’t) and sometimes they may go out of the way to accommodate friends but only if the favors doesn’t clash with their principles and, more importantly, their schedule.

First off, Sagittarius people are hard to piss off. They have a pretty good sense of humor which can be dry and sarcastic so they know how to handle a joke when it’s thrown at them. They can also be callous without intending to be and as intelligent as they are, they can be dense when it comes to other people’s feelings so you need to spell it out for them. A Sag is usually seen as a very happy-go-lucky and come-what-may person but they also know how to get serious in life. They just don’t like getting stressed all the time. All that said, it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to get angry or sad. It just takes a lot for them to get hurt because they’re not very sensitive like the water signs for example. They like to live life and doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

Now, you know what they say about what could happen when the other shoe drops? It’s not that true with most Sags. They are mutable signs and learn how to adapt easily. They get hurt but they have the sense not to dwell on the negative things that happen to them or around them. This is one of the strengths of the Archer. They learn to shun out the negative people and things in their lives and charge it to experience so, although they are seen as careless when they’re young, they mature to be strong and wise individuals. They are good at learning from experiences and they only use it to make their next actions better. Now, whether they forgive you or not depends on the level of the damage you made. Telling them their dress looks awful probably won’t affect them too much. She’ll ponder on it for a couple hours but will also either immediately try to think of a way to remedy the situation or think of a nice come back to make the conversation lighter and funny instead of insulting. However, it could take a Sag relatively longer to get over things if you cheat on them. They may even make a scene upon finding out but they will learn to let go eventually and even sooner than you would expect but don’t think they’d readily take you back. When Sags let go, they let go completely. They’re not the most patient person when it comes to fixing broken things. They’d much rather look for something new to replace the last one. It’s just too messy and too much trouble for them. Although they are very forgiving and probably let the things you do slide most of the times, they are still human and there will come a time they’re going to say enough is enough.

A Healthy Lifestyle For The Sagittarius Male

Sagittarius men aren’t the most vain people on the zodiac wheel but they often come attractive because of the x-factor they posses. They are very intellectual and oozing with self confidence and we all know girls just love an alpha male. These men work hard but party harder. They can drink all night and all weekend without a care in the world. Alcohol and cigarettes are part of their daily diet. It might be safe to say they have the most unhealthy lifestyle among other zodiacs so some might wonder how most of them stay oh so irresistible. Some can be lucky to posses slim bodies and don’t gain weight easy but that doesn’t mean they’re healthy. An unhealthy diet will take its toll sooner or later so if you want to stay a head turner you might want to sort out your priorities a little bit and start living a little healthier.

Since Sags are very physical and usually always on the go, a nice start to a healthy routine is good exercise. You don’t have to plan a 5-hour daily work out program and get bored inside the gym (unless there’s a hot number you like to watch in there while working out). The problem with a Sag is that they lack commitment, not just in relationships. If it’s a regular work out program then 8 out of 10 times, a Sag will miss their  session. Sagittarius male likes going with the flow. They fail to follow routines either because they forget it or just too stubborn to be part of a system. They like to feel free, that they can do whatever they want, whenever and wherever they want so keeping them tied up to a plan won’t work. Like everything else, a Sagittarius guy likes to have fun while working out so the solution here is to make his work out fun. Sags like exploring and going out so jogging in the morning or late afternoon can be a good alternative. It beats a treadmill anytime. Taking a walk or hiking on weekends can also be fun but if you’re after something that you want to enjoy to the fullest then pick a sport you’re really into. It could be golf or tennis but if you believe in what they say that more is merrier then go look for basketball or baseball buddies. I’m sure it won’t be hard because Sags have a ton of acquaintances if not friends. They are very approachable and fun loving that people just love being with them. Extreme sports are on the list too. Mountain or rock climbing is something a Sag will try if only for the adrenaline.

Same goes with their diet. Don’t make them try to loose weight or stay fit by making them count calories or measure the portion of food they take. It just won’t work out that way. Try giving them new food to try instead. Consult a nutritionist and ask for interesting dishes to include in the diet. Something good for the liver since Sags have a tendency to drink a lot.

A good thing about Sags is that they are very determined people and if they set their minds on to something they actually achieve it. They are positive thinkers so it only takes a bit of encouragement and challenging (since they love to take risks) and they’d be back on track to a healthy lifestyle.

How To Seduce A Sagittarius Man

If you’ve dated a Sagittarius guy you’d know that he is complex and hard to catch. These men born under the zodiac Sagittarius are very approachable because they are naturally friendly people. But getting their attention is different from keeping it. Whether we like it or not, the men with the sign represented by an Archer or a Centaur will follow the next thing that will catch their attention. Being a dual sign (half man, half horse), a Sagittarian tends to have a double personality too. One is philosophical and idealistic (man) and the other wild and carefree (horse). Given that, one must be ready to come across both personalities and be able to handle it before she plans to seduce him.

Sagittarius Traits. A Sagittarian is easily attracted to a woman that’s fun and full of energy and sex appeal. So what you need to do is dress flirty (not slutty), put on some make up and light perfume, laugh, look fun and HAVE fun. This will get his attention right away and will make him fall for you. Be warm and friendly towards him and his friends. His friends are very important to him and this will make him feel you accept him as a whole.

The Sagittarius man can also be considered a knight in shining armor. Generally, he will want to reach out to help and fight for a worthy cause. But, other than hanging out with fun people he can’t help but get involved with a damsel in distress. Note that this is a part of him that has a dual personality or varied tastes. He may feel he has the responsibility to make things right for someone.  This is the alpha male in him acting out. On the contrary, he doesn’t like women who cannot stand for themselves. This is where it can get complex. Do you act like someone in need or someone who doesn’t need anyone? A little bit of both. You don’t want to act like a weakling who can’t fend for yourself. You need to have enough confidence to let him see you do have your moments but you can always bounce back on your feet.

Moreover, the centaur is a physical person and it bores him to sit around doing and seeing the same things. You need to be able to offer him something else. Constantly.

Seducing The Sagittarius Guy. Don’t just go for the usual things people do on a date. That’s no way to turn on the Archer. If you want him hooked to you engage him in physical activities. A Sagittarius loves sports and outdoor events so plan on a weekend out of town or do activities together. Some of the things you might want to try are gambling, camping, horseback riding, wake boarding or even bungee jumping and sky diving if you really want to impress him. Be impulsive too. Even if you have planned to do one activity it wouldn’t hurt to switch to a different one or add it up if you can still take it. He would love the spontaneity. Do some of these and he will surely bite it hook-line-and-sinker. One thing to keep in mind is that Sagittarians are direct people. You might not need a lot of seduction to get him to jump in bed with you. Most of them may even consider sex as a sport. Be aggressive and tell him what you want. You might want to refrain from mentioning anything about a commitment yet because this will make him run for the nearest exit.

Know What His Dating Rules Are. In every relationship it’s very important to know where you stand. Luckily, being straight forward people, Sagittarians doesn’t go through a lot of phases before he tells you what the score is. But you also need to know what his rules are when it comes to serious dating as opposed to casual dating. Do not force him into going to a serious relationship if he isn’t ready or does not want to. This would only push him away even more.  Give him a little freedom and before you know it he will come back to you.