The Vital 3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Winning the Heart of a Sagittarius Woman
Sagittarius is the one that never settles down. Is she your girlfriend? Not so fast. She lives for the moment, and she decides when the moment begins or ends.
Everyone has a crush on her, but she never seems to have a boyfriend. The problem with this woman isn’t that she’s oblivious – though she certainly seems that way – but that she just doesn’t care about being paired up. If you want a woman who isn’t going to post a thousand pictures of the two of you on Instagram, you have a winner. If you want a woman who’s going to return your calls, then you have a bit of a challenge on your hands.
1) DO learn to appreciate honesty. Sagittarians are honest to a fault. They don’t have a filter between their mind and their mouth. If you have something between your teeth, she will tell you. If you have a bad haircut, she’ll let you know. She means no harm. After all, there’s no point in pretending that something doesn’t exist when everyone knows it does, and who doesn’t appreciate the truth? The truth, after all, will set you free. She’s perfectly willing to talk about things other women may keep private, so what’s the big deal? Everyone farts, so what’s the problem with owning up to it, at church, with your parents?
2 DO let her eat. Sags love to eat and drink. Abundance and novelty thrills them. Go for Korean, where you get 20 side dishes, or tapas, or something else that has a ton of spices and ingredients. She won’t order a salad, unless it contains octopus and chili peppers. Theoretically, she knows that overeating isn’t good for her, but it feels good right now. Yes, it will catch up with her later, but she thinks she’ll always be young. Take her out and order something delicious so she feels comfortable ordering what she wants. Oh, and let her to pick at your plate and have the olive in your martini.
3) DO give her space. Sagittarius needs to be free to come and free to go. She’s not good at keeping track of dates and times. She avoids routine. She’s also not keen on spending every waking moment with you. She doesn’t need to be physically with someone to reinforce the bond. She feels as she feels, and time and space doesn’t change it. Pouting about being without her tells her that maybe she’s better off without you, because you’re just too needy. If she wants to spend Saturday afternoon walking through the woods, that doesn’t mean she wants you to go with her. She needs space, unstructured time, and opportunity to worry about no one else. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the less she sees you, the more new you are.
1) DON’T try to romance her the traditional way. This philosophical soul appreciates romance for the experience, but you’re not in just because you sent her roses. You could send flowers to a thousand women. You could take a thousand women out to dinner. While she’s perfectly content to talk the night away as the two of you bare your souls, she actually does that all the time. Talking is her thing, and just because you shared your dreams doesn’t mean you had a moment she wants to recreate. Take her out to a sports game or to a museum. She would rather spend a day at the Smithsonian or park than at the mall.
2) DON’T talk about commitments. A Sag woman wanders into commitment. She doesn’t seek it out. If your five-year plan is marriage, a mortgage, and regular promotions, don’t be surprised if her five-year plan is simply being five years older, and maybe a walkabout in the Outback. She doesn’t want to be an accessory to your grand plan. While she thinks it would be nice to have a big, cozy home, the idea of having to slave away at a job to pay the mortgage on that big house sends her into a panic. She needs the freedom to change her mind and the freedom to make up her mind.
3) DON’T try to feminize her. If you want a girl who takes 3 hours to get ready, you don’t want Sagittarius. She doesn’t want to be a Barbie doll. French tips and lifting weights don’t mix. Don’t get her lingerie for her birthday; she knows it’s really for you. Sag women aren’t interested in clothes shopping. Having stuff means having to take care of stuff. She has never been to a dry cleaner. She’s feminine on her own terms, in her own way, without all of the stifling trappings of conventional femininity. If it’s uncomfortable or limits her movement, she’s not wearing it, and you can’t convince her otherwise.