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How to win and lose a sagittarius woman.

The Vital 3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Winning the Heart of a Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius is the one that never settles down. Is she your girlfriend? Not so fast. She lives for the moment, and she decides when the moment begins or ends.
Everyone has a crush on her, but she never seems to have a boyfriend. The problem with this woman isn’t that she’s oblivious – though she certainly seems that way – but that she just doesn’t care about being paired up. If you want a woman who isn’t going to post a thousand pictures of the two of you on Instagram, you have a winner. If you want a woman who’s going to return your calls, then you have a bit of a challenge on your hands.


1) DO learn to appreciate honesty. Sagittarians are honest to a fault. They don’t have a filter between their mind and their mouth. If you have something between your teeth, she will tell you. If you have a bad haircut, she’ll let you know. She means no harm. After all, there’s no point in pretending that something doesn’t exist when everyone knows it does, and who doesn’t appreciate the truth? The truth, after all, will set you free. She’s perfectly willing to talk about things other women may keep private, so what’s the big deal? Everyone farts, so what’s the problem with owning up to it, at church, with your parents?

2 DO let her eat. Sags love to eat and drink. Abundance and novelty thrills them. Go for Korean, where you get 20 side dishes, or tapas, or something else that has a ton of spices and ingredients. She won’t order a salad, unless it contains octopus and chili peppers. Theoretically, she knows that overeating isn’t good for her, but it feels good right now. Yes, it will catch up with her later, but she thinks she’ll always be young. Take her out and order something delicious so she feels comfortable ordering what she wants. Oh, and let her to pick at your plate and have the olive in your martini.

3) DO give her space. Sagittarius needs to be free to come and free to go. She’s not good at keeping track of dates and times. She avoids routine. She’s also not keen on spending every waking moment with you. She doesn’t need to be physically with someone to reinforce the bond. She feels as she feels, and time and space doesn’t change it. Pouting about being without her tells her that maybe she’s better off without you, because you’re just too needy. If she wants to spend Saturday afternoon walking through the woods, that doesn’t mean she wants you to go with her. She needs space, unstructured time, and opportunity to worry about no one else. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the less she sees you, the more new you are.


1) DON’T try to romance her the traditional way. This philosophical soul appreciates romance for the experience, but you’re not in just because you sent her roses. You could send flowers to a thousand women. You could take a thousand women out to dinner. While she’s perfectly content to talk the night away as the two of you bare your souls, she actually does that all the time. Talking is her thing, and just because you shared your dreams doesn’t mean you had a moment she wants to recreate. Take her out to a sports game or to a museum. She would rather spend a day at the Smithsonian or park than at the mall.

2) DON’T talk about commitments. A Sag woman wanders into commitment. She doesn’t seek it out. If your five-year plan is marriage, a mortgage, and regular promotions, don’t be surprised if her five-year plan is simply being five years older, and maybe a walkabout in the Outback. She doesn’t want to be an accessory to your grand plan. While she thinks it would be nice to have a big, cozy home, the idea of having to slave away at a job to pay the mortgage on that big house sends her into a panic. She needs the freedom to change her mind and the freedom to make up her mind.

3) DON’T try to feminize her. If you want a girl who takes 3 hours to get ready, you don’t want Sagittarius. She doesn’t want to be a Barbie doll. French tips and lifting weights don’t mix. Don’t get her lingerie for her birthday; she knows it’s really for you. Sag women aren’t interested in clothes shopping. Having stuff means having to take care of stuff. She has never been to a dry cleaner. She’s feminine on her own terms, in her own way, without all of the stifling trappings of conventional femininity. If it’s uncomfortable or limits her movement, she’s not wearing it, and you can’t convince her otherwise.

Interested in dating a sagittarius woman?

A Sagittarius woman is full of life and possibilities. This fiery archer has a mind of her own and is an avid explorer. Every day with her can turn into an adventurous ride with her never ending thirst for venturing into something new. If you are dating a Sagittarian woman you should know that you are with an extremely sensitive person who has a unique way of looking into things. She is a palette of vibrant colours with which you can paint your own canvas. She would value an intellectual conversation more than anything else. So to woo her you need to be well aware of many topics and have an analytical mind that can pull off any conversation. She can surprise you any moment with her spark and vivacity. Her soul is calm and the exuberance that she portrays is to keep fuelling her soul with varied experiences. It’s definitely a very special feeling to date a Sagittarian woman as she can help you strive to see the best of life and stay motivated. Her radiance will attract you to her and she would want a partner who is equally fun to hand around with, who has a zeal for the knowing the unknown, who can stimulate her in an interesting way and most importantly who can keep the spark on. She is definitely not the one who can be tamed in a cage. She needs to fly high and keep exploring and she would want a partner who can like the wind help her flight. The chemistry with a Sagittarian woman can be both romantic and yet fiery at the same time. She can be as calm and as wild as the sea. Her idea of life is very vast and you can soak completely in her never ending romantic tales of life.

This archer is a very interesting company in any social gatherings and people can feel an instant connection with her. She can be the centre of attraction and the apple of the eye very easily. Each one of your date with a Sagittarian woman can be the best of roller coaster ride that you have ever come across. More the time you spend with her the more you will understand her philosophy and start loving her for reasons beyond her looks. She would want a deep passionate relationship with a person who has a mind of his own and is extremely loyal and faithful, because she values loyalty above all. As she cannot be tamed so giving her own space becomes very imperative, however you need not worry as she is very loyal and would never cheat. A Sagittarian’s favorite colour is mostly Turquoise and she can be a little materialistic, so be very careful in deciding a gift for her. A romantic holiday on an unexplored terrain might be an interesting gift to woo her than handing her some random flowers and chocolates.

She can gel well with person’s of any zodiac sign because of her spontaneous nature, however a fellow Sagittarian male or a Leo male are known to be the ideal match for this fiery archer.

Compromising with a sagittarius

While compromise is a necessary part of any relationship, it is especially important for Sagittarius. This is true in part to the fact that the Sagittarius is quite capable of taking care of himself and doesn’t need someone in order to meet his daily needs. He is quite content to fend for himself and go about his daily business alone. In fact, it is very difficult for the Sagittarius to make a commitment to a long-term relationship or marriage, so if you are fortunate enough to get him to make the commitment, you will discover the necessity for compromising.

One of the first things you need to learn is you cannot control or dominate a Sagittarius. The Archer must always be in control of his own life and will not allow anyone else to attempt to have a hold over him. No matter how much he may love his partner, if she attempts to put him on a leash he will quickly walk away and not even think twice about looking back. It is very difficult for him to commit to a long-term relationship as it is, so anyone who attempts to control him will be left standing in the cold.

It is also important to allow the Sagittarius to explore his mind and those things that surround him. He is a very intelligent human being and has a deep need for not just adventure but for finding answers to everything that surrounds him. If you are not the adventurous type, you will have a very difficult time meeting the needs of your Sagittarius mate. On the other hand if you are willing to join him in the things he enjoys even if you don’t really enjoy it, you will find he greatly appreciates you and your company. Instead of refusing to join in those activities he enjoys, swallow your pride and join in—at least some of the time.

One thing the Sagittarius doesn’t like is people who are boring. Because their minds are so active they must always be doing things that provide challenges. You might make them very happy if you give them a gift of a large crossword puzzle or engage in a game that challenges them to think such as some type of trivia game. If you travel with them to a deserted island, they will still want to find out everything about their surroundings; they will not be content with just those things that are in their immediate view. They always need to know what, how and why for everything in life.
The Sagittarius is also a very upbeat personality and likes the people around him to be the same way. If you are sad being around a Sagittarius will quickly change your mood, and that is just the way he likes it. You also must accept him for what he is—never try to change the Archer into something other than what he is or you will displease him immensely.

Make Your Sagittarius Relationship Work

How to Make a Relationship Work with a Sagittarius

For the most part Sagittarians do not like to be died down domestically but that doesn’t mean you will never find one you can marry or even with whom you can form a permanent relationship. The key is to not make them feel tied down and allow them the freedom to pursue those things they enjoy. If you happen to enjoy the same things you will find yourself spending more time as a couple. Sagittarians are adventurous and will not be content to stay home and sit in front of the television nor are they likely to enjoy something as simple as just going shopping. You have to allow them the freedom to do those things they enjoy doing—hunting, fishing, hiking and sports are several areas in which they excel.

Because of their adventurous nature you have to either participate with them or allow them the freedom to go alone without you. This takes a great deal of skill and even self-control because failing to give in to their adventurous nature can mean the end of your relationship. Learn to be compromising or develop a love for the things the Sagittarius enjoys and you will find your relationship blossoming. They are very loyal and faithful to those they love, so you do not need to be concerned that allowing them freedom will create the need for additional male/female interaction. The choices you make will determine the longevity with a male or female Sagittarian.

Should you learn to participate in the activities your partner enjoys just to keep peace in the family? It would be in your best interest to learn to enjoy some of the activities your Sagittarian does if you expect to spend any time together. For instance, you are more likely to vacation in places where there are a great deal of activities rather than renting a condo at the beach and hanging out at the pool for the duration. That doesn’t mean a Sagittarian doesn’t enjoy swimming as an activity, but he or she will not be content to lie on the side of the pool and sunbathe. They may also enjoy sports such as horseback riding, skiing, bicycling and other strenuous activities.

If you have a successful marriage with a Sagittarian he or she will be committed and devoted but may also tend to drive hard into his career. Even women who lack a career can become overzealous to the point of lacking ability to be affectionate and perhaps earn the title of frigid. It can be very difficult for anyone to live with another Sagittarius, and almost impossible for two Sagittarians to form a successful relationship. It’s important to understand the importance of understanding your Sagittarian partner in order to make the relationship work. They are highly prone to anger and you have to learn to expect and accept this phase of their personality. Work with them rather than against them while at the same time accepting the deep love they have to give to the right person.

Living with a Sagittarius

Living with a Sagittarius: How to Ensure Peace and Tranquility

Living with a Sagittarius is probably one of the most difficult things you will have to face. With their strong personality and hard driven career goals, you can expect to assume the majority of the work involved in raising the family. A Sagittarius often puts his career above his family in his or her struggle to succeed, and if you attempt to interfere with these goals and efforts you will lose the sense of peace and tranquility that exists in your home. There are many sacrifices you will expect to make in order to assure the longevity of the relationship or marriage, and you must be willing to make those sacrifices.

The adventurous nature of a Sagittarian will prevent him or her from being content to sit home and relax. He always needs something to do and will likely become involved in a great many sports activities. Your vacation time will be spent in spots where there are many activities: swimming, hiking, skiing, golf, horseback riding and the like. You will not interest a Sagittarian in sitting along the beach and soaking up the sun though swimming, surfing or waterskiing may be quite appealing.

What if you are not an active person by nature? Your relationship will go downhill quickly unless you learn to participate in some activities with your active partner. You cannot always spend time doing only those things that appeal to you without putting a strain on the relationship. There is a great deal of compromise involved in holding any relationship together, and this is especially true when you have two personalities so different. It can become any more difficult if there are incompatible signs involved—that leaves more obstacles a couple must overcome in order to make the relationship work.

Since the Sagittarius has such a strong and well-defined personality, you must be willing to accept him or her at face value. When you are dating do not expect things will change if you marry—this is untrue in any situation even with signs that are fully compatible. Be willing to assume the responsibility in any areas in which the Sagittarius fails or neglects to do his or her part. Remember although there will be deep love and commitment to spouse and children there is also the Type A personality that will also “marry” the career and spend time away from spouse and children to do so.

Maintaining peace and tranquility living with a Sagittarius means being willing to overlook the things he or she neglects and being content with the time you do spend together. Do not attempt to change your Sagittarian and allow him or her to pursue those activities that make him happy while participating in as many as you possibly can as a compromise. If you compromise instead of trying to force your partner to do so you will find life will run much smoother and both of you will be happier and more at ease with each other.

Keep Your Sagittarius Relationship Interesting

You finally got your ideal mate so the question now becomes: how do you keep your Sagittarius partner? It doesn’t stop at getting the Sagittarius person you’ve been targeting. You might have seduced them or got them to date you but what’s going to keep them with you? Among all the zodiacs people born under the Sagittarius sign are the easiest to get bored. It goes the same in relationships.

Sagittarians aren’t really players; they can be the most faithful partners. But they need to be constantly on the go. There has to be a variety in everything they do and everything they have. When in a relationship, Sagittarius tries their best to make it work out. So it’s just fair to do the same thing for them. Don’t be a lazy partner. In general, if you want something work on it. It’s a two way process so you have to remember to give as much as you take.

The horoscope said Sagittarius people are happy people. They are fun, are always full of laughter and very active. Start there and figure out fun things you can do together. Take a married couple for example. After a few months of being together they stop going out regularly and the honeymoon stage ends. They either concentrate on work or stay home during their free time to watch TV together. They start to build a secure family that they forget to work on their relationship as well. The “honeymoon stage” doesn’t really need to end. It was just a term that people made up. Try to go back to how you were before when you started dating. How does that feel? You get butterflies on your stomach? You feel excited every time you go on a date? That’s how it should always feel. Don’t stop doing the activities you used to do when you were just dating if both of you still enjoy doing that. Or try something new too. A Sagittarius partner will get bored if he or she comes home and all you have to talk about are the bills you need to pay or the roof you have to get fixed or what’s up in the latest reality TV show.  Now if you said you’ve signed up both of you in that reality TV show then that would get their attention.

Pay attention to the little things. When dating it’s natural to compliment your date about the clothes they wear. About the effort they went through just so they can come up with a romantic date. Once in a relationship people forget to notice these small things. It said in a song that: “it’s those little things that mean so much” and it’s true.

It all boils down to the fact of both of you keeping your relationship as hot and as exciting as when you were first dating. The flowers, small tokens, candle light dinners, out of town trips (jus the two of you) doesn’t have to end just because you’re married and already have kids or you already feel secure about the relationship.