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12 Things People Love AND Hate about Sagittarius:

1. Sagittarius is adventurous and open-minded. It loves the exotic and different, including cultures, people, and ways of thinking. They prefer the values and ways of any culture but their own. They long to travel abroad and may live abroad at some point.

2. Sagittarius is low maintenance. All they need is space…lots of space, to be free to come and free to go. All they need is their freedom. The laundry, the bills, and the responsibilities can wait.

3. They’re born comedians. Sagittarius sees the world in a different way from everyone else, and they always see humor in everything, even in things others would prefer they didn’t.

4. It’s hard to insult a Sagittarius. Sticks and stones may break their bones, but words don’t actually hurt them. Words just don’t mean much to them. They may even laugh if you insult them well, but beware: they have no problem insulting you back, and it will cut right to the bone.

5. Sagittarius loves the outdoors and walking around. They’re most at peace when outside in wide, open spaces and miserable when cooped up in cramped, crowded spaces, like a classroom or office.

6. Sagittarius seeks knowledge and will go to the ends of the earth to find it. They’re lifelong students, who value knowledge about all else, and will spend their lifetimes seeking the truth about everything.

7. The are honest, outspoken loudmouths who exaggerate but they do it so well that they easily persuade others to agree with them. They will say what others are afraid to say. Knowing that others want to hide the truth makes them more determined to reveal it.

8. Sagittarius is independent and hates being told what to do. Try to impose your will on them and they will simply step aside. If you keep trying, they will torture you with psychological warfare until they can escape from you forever.

9. If you want to date a Sagittarius, don’t act like you want to date them. They fear commitment and labels, but they can do friendship. Let them come to the conclusion that you’re an item and that you’re special.

10. Sagittarius doesn’t do cliques, mean girls, or in crowds. Excluding them doesn’t work because they don’t want to be included. They have a way of making their own in-crowd and eclectic group of wonderful weirdoes from everyone who was left out.
11. Sagittarius is happy to spend the day wandering anywhere. Don’t expect them to honor schedules, routines, or deadlines. They can if they have to, but they most prefer unstructured time. Tell them to take their time and they absolutely will.

12. Sagittarius is your friend for life. Years pass and they can pick up where they left off with you. They don’t really miss anyone, because everyone they love is always with them in their hearts.

A Day In The Life of a Sagittarius

Must be exciting, eh? A Sagittarius being one of the most social and fun zodiacs, one would surely expect adventure and parties left and right, day and night, and round the clock. Right? Wrong, actually.

Some Sags find adventure and enough risks at work. Particularly in the boardroom. They can be fierce in handling business deals the same way as they are in life. A lot of Sagittarius can be successful once they learned to sort out their priorities. Once they strip off their suits and ties then the better-known Sagittarius party begins. Sags like rewarding themselves for the hard work they do. I mean, who else would? Adults usually find self-gratification the best way to end the day. It could be a drink or two or an out of town trip over the weekend to sky dive with friends. You never know with these Sags. They can be workaholics but they would know how to have a good time.

Now, as cliches go, no two people are alike and there are always exceptions so don’t expect the same things from every Sagittarius you know. For one, Sags like being unique and strive for a certain … err … uniqueness. But although we know the mighty archer to be active in everything they do (especially those they really put their heart into), don’t be surprised if you meet one who spends the whole day sleeping. Or, okay, half of the day sleeping. It’s not for naught. There’s a story behind the lazy Sunday mornings. Or Saturday mornings. People who says Sagittarius won’t “waste” their day sleeping has, obviously, never partied with a Sagittarius. Since Sags are known party goers they probably spent the whole night clubbing or bar hopping with friends (or new found friends and strangers, really). They’d start drinking at 5 in the afternoon and won’t stop until they see the sun rising again … actually, scratch that. Some won’t stop until they run out of drinks or get thrown out of the bar. Therefore, they have a perfectly good excuse to stay in bed as long as they want (which is usually until they have to get up to party again the night after). Somewhere in between the sleeping and partying, the Sag would also make sure they do things if only to break the monotony. Of course there are errands to do down to the smallest item on their grocery list. This type of Sag would eat only when they get hungry. They’d much rather spend their time finishing off things on their regular to-do list so they can make sure they don’t have to worry about anything when they go meet friends that night.

There are a lot of day to day things that can separate a Sagittarius’ life from others’.  Sags are usually seen as people who never sits idle but that’s because they have a lot of interests and they try to keep up with everything. Again, no two people are the same so although Sags have the same characteristics, they may have different interests the like to pursue.

New Year’s Resolution a Sagittarius might want to Consider for 2013

It is now December 29, 2012. The world didn’t end as the rabidly fanatics said. The Mayan’s didn’t predict the end of the world. They either simply ran out of material to write on, got lazy to update their calendar, or some other reason that doesn’t have anything to do with the end of the world. Now another year is about to end. This is the season when people mentally writes a list of things they won’t do, or at least avoid to do, in the up and coming new year. Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? Specifically, you’re the only one who can pinpoint the exact things you need to change (or alter a bit) about yourself but if you need help, here’s what we have to say.

Lay off on the booze. Okay – okay, you don’t have to lay off ’em completely. It’s nice to have a drink or two especially when catching up with friends or just hanging out with co-workers after a long week of hard to beat deadlines in the office. But it’s easy to say “I won’t drink too much tonight” at the beginning of the party than when you’re in the middle of a nice conversation or the dance floor. Sagittarius are big on parties and parties are usually equipped with alcohol. Give yourself a limit of how much you’ll drink at a party. Also, make sure you go on detox once a month. This is important for the younger party goers who drink almost every night. Health studies show that detoxing for a few days once a month is better than doing it in longer periods like laying off the alcohol two months in a row every year.

Pick up on your exercise routine. You may be active and always on the go but all the food and alcohol in the parties you go to will catch up on you eventually. Make sure you hit the gym or do a healthy physical activity at least once a week. Run, take up dance classes, yoga or anything that might interest you. If you’re too busy you can try walk and walk and walk. Also, use the stairs rather than the elevator if you’re only going two or three flights of stairs. Walk, instead of driving if the place you’re going to is only three or four blocks from where you are. It’s good cardio and will help burn calories.

Bring extra tact with you. We’re not saying Sags are tactless but they are known to be blunt and sarcastic and they have the tendency to tell the truth outright. While this is a trait that might help in a lot of circumstances, you might want to consider a person’s feelings and attitude first before you blurt things out. Especially if you don’t know the person that much. You like meeting new people and having friends, right? Well, you can’t keep them if you’re not careful.

There’s always room for a little improvement for the next year but it doesn’t have to be anything drastic. We’re not saying you should change yourself because that’s who you are. Just make sure that whatever you do, you have to try to have fun with it and make sure no one gets hurt in the process. Happy New Year! :)

Common Sagittarius Personalities that Get Misinterpreted

Somewhere in this blog we have mentioned that one should not judge a Sag too quickly. If you’re thinking it is easier said than done then you are right. Or at least highly understandable. It is very easy to judge a person most especially someone born under the Sagittarius zodiac. They have qualities that gets misinterpreted more than any other signs of the zodiac wheel.

The Rule Breaker. Sagittarius ruled people likes taking chances and pushing boundaries. They like to know their limitations so they can find out how far they can go. If you look at it in their way, pushing boundaries just means perseverance. A Sag would go a long way to make sure they finish something they started. They are not afraid to try unusual procedures if it would bring good results. This leads for them to be misinterpreted as rule breakers. They would try anything out if it means it’s something new and most especially, out of the usual. For them, if it’s fun and brings new experiences then it can’t be that bad. It just depends on who’s looking at it.

The Heart Breaker. A Sagittarius love being around people but most of all they like getting to know people. They would figure you out like a puzzle to know what tickles you pink. Sags are somewhat people pleasers in that regard. They are very accommodating and they would give you what you want and need without realizing they are leading you on. The Jupiter ruled zodiac are also hopeless romantics.They are forever out there looking for “the one” and they aren’t afraid of getting hurt or taking chances because deep inside, they know that “someone” is out there waiting for them and they wont miss an opportunity if it means they will finally meet. If they feel like the person they are dating is not the one they will be honest and say so so they can move on to find their soul mate. For them, the truth should be said even if it hurts. On another note, Sags are huge flirts too. Sometimes they don’t realize it but they are. They are very playful and sociable and they would have a conversation with anyone who is up to it. Especially with the opposite sex. :p

The Know-It-All. The philosophical nature of Sags can also lead them to be misinterpreted. Sagittarius people are inquisitive and forever looking for answers. They don’t stop when you give them a good-enough answer. It has to be the absolute truth. Although they are fun-loving people they can rant too like when they don’t understand why people do things a certain way, for example. This is mostly why they are pegged as a bunch of know-it-all. They will talk about things that they don’t understand and suggest something that, for them, makes more sense.

The Sagittarius people have strong personalities so they can come off as extreme (and we don’t mean it in a good way). The best thing to do is look inside them and know what their intentions are. Most of the time, they think and act in ways they think will benefit not just them but the people around them too.


New Year’s Resolution Sags Might Want To Consider

If you’re a Sag (or a friend / family / lover of a Sag – you may relay this to them), here are some things you might want to consider for a New Year’s resolution. You don’t want to change anything about yourself, you say? Now, the NY’s resolution doesn’t have to be things that you should do to change what you already are. It could be something you’ve been planning to try for the longest time or something you didn’t realize you should do to improve your life or the lives of others. These are suggestions and, of course, are written for your consideration :).

1) Cut Back on Party Juice. It’s obvious, right? We all know Sags looooove to party. That’s good because a happy life leads to a long life. But being happy doesn’t always have to involve booze and cigarettes and staying up late every weekend. Try to cut back on alcohol. Just take a good amount of it to give you the right buzz to make crazy dance moves on the floor. Or consider something more tame. Sometimes, a quiet dinner out with a select number of friends have its own rewards.

2) Live a Healthy Lifestyle. Don’t tell me you didn’t see that coming. This automatically follows the first resolution. Instead of staying out late every weekend why not sleep early on a Saturday night so you could get up early the next day and jog or take a walk at the park with your dog. Instead of steak, grill some fish and pair it up with some greens. Instead of vodka, have a glass or two of red wine. You know the drill.

3) Travel Abroad. This will make you hit a few birds with one stone. Planning to go out of the country involves the need to save up for it. You’ll learn to appreciate the value of money if you’re trying to save up for something big and a trip out of the country with a different money value will help loads! Also, they say Sags are a happy-go-lucky bunch that needs a lot of maturing. Traveling is one way to learn how to act like an adult. You will see and experience new cultures and can compare it with yours. Meet new people and try to live their lives. See how they go by their daily grind in a country that lacks food and medicine and appreciate how lucky you are for having what you have. By the time you come back you may be looking for charities and causes that you can participate in left and right.

4) Be sensitive. Sags aren’t known to be the most sensitive signs in the zodiac wheel. You don’t have to cry at the drop of a hat but try to read between lines or, at the least, make sure you put a filter between your brain and your mouth.  Just because you thought one thing is funny doesn’t mean everyone else will find it funny too. You may have a different sense of humor than theirs and if your humor is dry unlike the person you’re talking to then you might be in for a little trouble. :p

5) Have a Happy New Year! Push away bad vibes and try to attract only the good ones. If you can’t help it, use the bad things to make yourself a better person.

The Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp

The Cusp of Prophecy is probably one of the most beautiful and successful cusps on the zodiac. The overlapping or transition of one sign to the other is called a cusp. People under the Sagittarius – Capricorn cusp are those born on December 19 to 23.

This is a blend between an optimist and a pragmatist; traits that could take a person a long way once he figures out how to use them to his advantage. Amazing ideas tend to just roll out of people under this sign so they are usually successful in the fields that they choose. The Capricorn’s bright mind and the Sag’s thirst for adventure can be the start of great things. If they learn to use their positive traits they will find out how to come up with plans for the future without getting in over their heads. One of the best workers you can come across with are these cuspers. They always give out their best in projects and everything else they put their minds on. They are also reliable so they are usually assigned (if they don’t volunteer for it first) as leaders. They are direct to the point and believes the best way to reach a goal is to start NOW. Although the Sag is known to be a partier he knows when he should be serious and that attitude, when partnered with the Capricorn’s being industrious makes this individual an achiever. The dominant side of the Capricorn blended with the people-person trait of the Sagittarius makes them one of the best leaders a group can come across with. All that being said, some Sag-Cap cuspers doesn’t really have a set of plans or rules on how to do things. They usually deal with stuff as they come by. They like to learn new things by first hand experience which is both adventurous and practical.

Many people like the Sag and Capricorn cuspers because they are very friendly, humorous and loyal. They are known to be responsible, practical, aggressive, self-reliant and quick tempered but also fun, enthusiastic and romantic. They tend to give out so much but they do expect to be treated the same way. The Sag is very approachable and while the Capricorn is usually aloof, they can keep friends by showing their loyalty and giving great advice.  They have a wide set of friends but falling in love is not very easy for them. A Capricorn needs security and loyalty first and foremost, whereas the Sag needs his freedom and adventure and these two combined could mean that they need time to meet people that will fit their standards. Often times this is also viewed as selfishness. When they do fall in love it’s hard to fall out of it; they start to get very serious and think long term so someone who snags a Sagittarius – Capricorn cusper would be very lucky.

They can be very different in a lot of ways and these two signs might not work out if they are owned by two separate bodies but one person having both traits is a totally different thing. A Sagittarius’ disposition usually clashes with a Capricorn’s but amazingly, when both qualities are combined, better circumstances arise.

The Weak Points Of A Sagittarius

The Centaur. The mighty Archer. Two symbols that represent the Sagittarius zodiac. Both signifies strength, power and wisdom. This zodiac is suitable for alpha males; people who are born leaders or posses high ranking positions. Socially, the Sagittarius carries him/herself well. They are what you call the life of the party. People like to be around them. Clever and witty, they also normally excel in their chosen field or at least perform very well at the things they do. The level of their confidence takes them a long way. They have varied interests that takes them around the world. On the front, a Sagittarius seem to be perfect. The ideal person everyone is looking for. But there are a few weak points that one needs to know before they decide if they want to be with an Archer.

It’s not always going to be parties and good times. There will be a few bumps in the road before one can finally say you think you may love happily ever after and whether they are big or small depends on the person who’s dealing with it.

The Sag is a traveler. He is active and has varied interests. This is considered a good attribute but in the long run may be a problem. The Sagittarius tend to be restless. They like going from one place to another because their feet just itches to go out and explore. It’s unlikely for them to stay put at one place for a long time. They don’t like staying home much because Sagittarius gets bored easily. If they live in the city they will constantly go out to meet people to have fun with. In the outskirts they may just decide to go back packing one day and see how far up the trail on the hill goes. A person with a Sagittarius should not expect to have him stay indoors for too long. Go on vacation maybe twice a year or make sure regular night outs are on the calendar to keep them entertained.

A carefree attitude can be cute but the Sag tends to overdo it. That characteristic can easily turn to being irresponsible and reckless. A developed Sagittarius knows when to take things seriously but the inexperienced ones just don’t know when to stop. Good thing they are mutable so they can be steered to the right direction. One must make sure they’re up to guiding a these devil-may-care bunch if they want to get to their destination.

One of the biggest Sagittarius trait that may cause them problems is their flirtatious nature. They are very aggressive (whether male or female) in bars and would approach the first person that would catch their attention and they won’t stop there. A Sag is a visual person and their eyes will roam around. They don’t have a problem dating 2 (or more) people at the same time and that can get messy.

The Sag lacks commitment. A person with the Sag should make sure things are clear and in black and white. They are highly intellectual people but relationships and commitments are not their forte.

Things To Do When The Sun Is In Sagittarius

Literally, the sun brings light, heat and energy to the planets that revolve around it. It’s a very essential thing that provides life. In Astrology, it is that and so much more. The sun over Sagittarius means a lot of things that are mostly positive. This means one should take advantage of that.

Take note, this is not only for people with the Sagittarius zodiac sign. The sun affects all zodiacs but how it does so depends on which sign. Here are few things you should be aware of next time you hear the sun is hovering over the Archer this month.

1) Take A Risk. We all know the Sagittarius is a natural risk taker. He likes the thrill it brings especially if he thinks he might bag the prize. So if there’s a better time to “Go For It”, it’s when astrologers say the sun is in Sagittarius. If you’ve been contemplating about a new business venture or an idea that might improve work then do it. Trust serendipity to bring you something pleasant but unexpected. Audition for a community play and you might just get the lead spot! It can be anything, really. Just something that would add up a bit of spice to your usual grind.

2) Take On A New Adventure. Again, another thing to bring excitement to your daily routine. Take a hike, ride a bike, try bungee jumping or jumping off a plane. That may sound extreme but you get the drift. It’s all about trying things you’ve never done or haven’t even thought of. Travel and learn. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Experience different cultures and traditions, first hand. Get out of the house and have fun!

3) Explore Your Creative Side. This in itself can be a new adventure for anyone. The Sagittarius is known to value freedom and not only in relationships. Freedom is a way of thinking so expressing ideas is, in a way, freeing yourself. Either through business or personal matters, there is a way to exercise this. You pick something you’re really good at like, drawing or writing and practice with it. You can share your ideas with others and make them think too. This way you can have someone to explore with and think of other great things to meddle with.

4) Shape Up. The sun plays a vital role in your health when it’s in Sagittarius. Go and ride the not only physical and mental vigor of the Archer. This is the time to either sign up for health classes or just go out of the house and job around the neighborhood to avoid being stagnant. If you’re already in a program you may feel the need to take it up a notch. Athletes for example can go up on a more hardcore training to increase endurance. Mentally, you can attend work shops and go on retreats to achieve inner peace and relax. The sun is usually associated with the heart, circulatory system and the immune system so you would want to be careful with those. If you are a hardcore partier you might want to change your lifestyle a bit to save yourself from further health problems.

5) Socialize. The Archer is known to be friendly and light hearted. They can get along and be friends with almost anybody so go out and meet friends. Get a hold of your old friends and renew your bond, do the things you used to do together and try some new ones. Also, meet new friends either through the old ones or from whatever social gathering you attend. Say hi to the person sitting on the table beside yours at the coffee shop. Or the next person you stand beside with at the veggie section at the grocery. You might have the same things in common that can be a start of something special.

There are endless possibilities that open up to a person everyday. The key is to know when to do something about it. The sun in Sagittarius just might be the time.

The Sagittarius Celebrity and their traits

Ever wondered how your favourite celebrity handles a badly burnt toast, a spilt wine on their posh carpet, or how they deal with unwanted friend requests on Facebook? Well, they are all just humans like you and me, which means they could flare up and kill (pun intended) easily to situations like these too. Yes, despite the friendly façade you see on your tubes or whenever you watch their movies. Ok, maybe they can be as nature-loving or warm-hearted as the characters they play onscreen but do keep in mind that there are always two sides to a coin. So, flipping 1 over now, let me introduce to you the other side of these famous people’s dime by extracting their supposedly innate characters through their Sagittarius Zodiac.

Looky here (and lucky you!), we got quite a lineup of actors who were born under this sign: Brad Pitt (December 18), Lucy Liu (December 02), Katie Holmes (December 18), and Brendan Fraser (December 03) just to name a few. They are four different persons but the one dominant thing they have in common is the fact that they all possess the characteristics of a Sagittarius. You may have seen them smile and laugh or get angry, whether it’s on film or TV show or when they are tied down on a hot seat, getting interviewed by whoever. Then again that merely says much about them. Let’s take a look at what makes them “unique” to everyone else.

A Sagittarius person, whether they are simple beings with simple careers or they are paparazzi-ridden creatures, will almost always have the same effect on other people and on themselves, plainly because they possess the same characteristics. But since we’re talking about four different personalities, let’s take a peek at at least two of them and check out what really their astrological charts say about them.

Brad Pitt’s moon is in Capricorn, meaning, he is an ambitious person who wanted to be taken seriously. He’s practical as well, and this says a lot about him with regards to choosing his partner. Given the wide array of gorgeous women he’s had relationship with, he ended up with one of the sexiest and most sought-after mother slash ambassadress, Angelina Jolie, while adding to her already full-to-the-brim gene pool. Brad, as we all know, is famous not just for his great acting skills but we also love him for being that hot sexual icon. Since Mars is often associated with sexual energy, it is actually one of the strong points in his chart (go figure!).

Another celebrity who most girls with an ugly-duckling-turned-beautiful-swan story would most likely be a fan of is Katie Holmes. She is best described as an independent and high-spirited Sagittarius. She’s got a whole lot of fire in her, with both Neptune and Jupiter surrounding her moon, Leo. This explains why Tom Cruise won her heart, since Tom is also a Leo and has got a lot of charm and straightforwardness to burn. With Sagittarius Katie, who is ever a mature damsel in this relationship, she will remain with a responsible attitude towards life in general if only she could avoid going overboard with expectations at times.