People born under the Sagittarius zodiac are seen as happy-go-lucky, nonchalant and, a lot of times (although they usually don’t mean to be), callous. But for every one of these adjectives that people throw at the Archer, there is a positive trait that weighs ten times more that can make the seemingly negative traits fade. Here are some of them.
1) Independent. Being independent can mean a lot of things and the Archer takes it all. Whether financially, intellectually or emotionally, a Sagittarius prides himself to be independent. They are very good at handling their finances so they always have something to take out of their pockets in case of emergencies. It may not be easy for them to pick a career that bring them success because a Sag needs something that doesn’t restrict him to a certain type of conduct but they do their best no matter what is thrown their way and at the same time they don’t stop looking for that job that would give them the fulfillment they need. Emotionally, they are usually in control. No, they’re not cold and calculating. As a matter of fact, the Sag can be the most affectionate sign there is if they want to be or if they think you deserve that affection. They are emotionally stable and does not resort to drama to get what they want. Sags love having fun too much to give in to drama. They’d rather take their time to think of a way to solve things in a quiet way. They try to solve their own problems too and try not to drag everyone in it.
2) Optimistic. This is a part of their happy-go-lucky character as well as their intellectual part. Whereas a pessimistic person will see so many road blocks, the Sag can think of a hundred and one ways of how and why things can work out. Unlike others who just say, things are going to be okay, the Archer actually thinks of ways to get to the goal.
3) Confident. Not the overly confident type, the Sag just have enough confidence that lets them slide through the day with ease. No matter what obstacle they face, they are confident they can get through it with a bit of logical thinking. Their confidence is also part of their charisma and appeal. They don’t believe you have to be gorgeous (although of course that helps, A LOT) to gain attention. You just have to think you’re gorgeous and that’s how Sags are. It may sound conceited as you read this but probably the thing that doesn’t make them so overbearing is the fact that they know how to use all their good qualities together.
4) Generous. The Archer is generous in more ways than one. They will offer support to friends and loved ones whether it be monetary or a sound advice. They will share their roof if they need to not in exchange of anything but just because they hate to see anyone they care for in a pickle.
All of these in one person is a great deal to top so don’t be too quick to judge the Sag. đ