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Things To Do When The Sun Is In Sagittarius

Literally, the sun brings light, heat and energy to the planets that revolve around it. It’s a very essential thing that provides life. In Astrology, it is that and so much more. The sun over Sagittarius means a lot of things that are mostly positive. This means one should take advantage of that.

Take note, this is not only for people with the Sagittarius zodiac sign. The sun affects all zodiacs but how it does so depends on which sign. Here are few things you should be aware of next time you hear the sun is hovering over the Archer this month.

1) Take A Risk. We all know the Sagittarius is a natural risk taker. He likes the thrill it brings especially if he thinks he might bag the prize. So if there’s a better time to “Go For It”, it’s when astrologers say the sun is in Sagittarius. If you’ve been contemplating about a new business venture or an idea that might improve work then do it. Trust serendipity to bring you something pleasant but unexpected. Audition for a community play and you might just get the lead spot! It can be anything, really. Just something that would add up a bit of spice to your usual grind.

2) Take On A New Adventure. Again, another thing to bring excitement to your daily routine. Take a hike, ride a bike, try bungee jumping or jumping off a plane. That may sound extreme but you get the drift. It’s all about trying things you’ve never done or haven’t even thought of. Travel and learn. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Experience different cultures and traditions, first hand. Get out of the house and have fun!

3) Explore Your Creative Side. This in itself can be a new adventure for anyone. The Sagittarius is known to value freedom and not only in relationships. Freedom is a way of thinking so expressing ideas is, in a way, freeing yourself. Either through business or personal matters, there is a way to exercise this. You pick something you’re really good at like, drawing or writing and practice with it. You can share your ideas with others and make them think too. This way you can have someone to explore with and think of other great things to meddle with.

4) Shape Up. The sun plays a vital role in your health when it’s in Sagittarius. Go and ride the not only physical and mental vigor of the Archer. This is the time to either sign up for health classes or just go out of the house and job around the neighborhood to avoid being stagnant. If you’re already in a program you may feel the need to take it up a notch. Athletes for example can go up on a more hardcore training to increase endurance. Mentally, you can attend work shops and go on retreats to achieve inner peace and relax. The sun is usually associated with the heart, circulatory system and the immune system so you would want to be careful with those. If you are a hardcore partier you might want to change your lifestyle a bit to save yourself from further health problems.

5) Socialize. The Archer is known to be friendly and light hearted. They can get along and be friends with almost anybody so go out and meet friends. Get a hold of your old friends and renew your bond, do the things you used to do together and try some new ones. Also, meet new friends either through the old ones or from whatever social gathering you attend. Say hi to the person sitting on the table beside yours at the coffee shop. Or the next person you stand beside with at the veggie section at the grocery. You might have the same things in common that can be a start of something special.

There are endless possibilities that open up to a person everyday. The key is to know when to do something about it. The sun in Sagittarius just might be the time.

What Sign Is Most Compatible With A Sagittarius Female

Sagittarius women are fun and flirtatious but can also be intellectual and deep. It takes a while for them to commit but once they do, they are very loyal partners and will honor that commitment. Sagittarians look for people who either have a lot of things in common with them or someone who can make them experience something new continuously. They love to party and have fun so they wouldn’t settle for just about anyone. Below are some of the best romantic matches for a Sagittarian female.

Aries Male. This is perhaps the best match for a Sagittarius female. The female Archer may like to flirt but an Aries male won’t be too possessive of her because both of them love meeting and hanging out with new people. These two will throw great parties or small gatherings that all of their guests will enjoy. They are both intellectual types too although an Aries male will be more passionate about an issue than the Sagittarius female might be. Usually Sagittarians are the last to commit to anything but if Aries can keep them interested (which they can) the female Archer will soon be accustomed to a more long term relationship. Because of a lot of similarities between the two of them, they will have a very harmonious relationship and can lead to a marriage made in heaven.

Leo Male. Leos are creative and idealistic. That is probably the biggest advantage that they have in winning a Sagittarian female’s heart. Leo’s have a very bright outlook in love and life. He is intellectual and philosophical like the Sagittarian. They too have a lot in common. A Leo is a fixed sign while Sagittarius is mutable. It will be easy for a Leo to manipulate or drive a Sagittarian towards a goal that he thinks is best for the two of them. This is one sign that a carefree Sagittarian female will work with. Leos are born to be leaders and a Sagittarian is easy to guide. In bed, Leos like things spontaneous. This works for a Sagittarius because spontaneity is her middle name. The biggest possible problem they will encounter is that the Sagittarian female can sometimes say things a Leo does not care to share with just about anyone. If they can fix these little differences then expect another long term relationship from these two.

Aquarius Male. Aquarius males make fun look like double the actual fun he gets. This is another air sign and air can guide the fire sign Sagittarius to the way they want. There will be little jealousy on this relationship because both love meeting new people and partying until the wee hours of the morning. An Aquarius guy might have a detached nonchalant attitude about things which is fine with a female Sagittarius.

Libra Male. The air sign Libra is more focused and likes to be in control. The Sagittarius female, which is also a fire sign, would let him take the reign and guide her to the direction he wants to take. The female archer will never get bored with the ever changing ideas of a male Libran. She will find it exciting since she is a risk taker and Librans would not stop her from her adventurous ways.

Sagittarius Male. Both signs can make great partners in crime. They know how each other are and what each other like so it will be easy for them to adjust and in most cases they don’t have to adjust anymore since they understand where each other are coming from. They both love to party and have fun. They are idealists, creative, loves living life and has a passion for freedom and space. This relationship will be like a roller coaster but will also be worth it for the two of them.

Keep Your Sagittarius Relationship Interesting

You finally got your ideal mate so the question now becomes: how do you keep your Sagittarius partner? It doesn’t stop at getting the Sagittarius person you’ve been targeting. You might have seduced them or got them to date you but what’s going to keep them with you? Among all the zodiacs people born under the Sagittarius sign are the easiest to get bored. It goes the same in relationships.

Sagittarians aren’t really players; they can be the most faithful partners. But they need to be constantly on the go. There has to be a variety in everything they do and everything they have. When in a relationship, Sagittarius tries their best to make it work out. So it’s just fair to do the same thing for them. Don’t be a lazy partner. In general, if you want something work on it. It’s a two way process so you have to remember to give as much as you take.

The horoscope said Sagittarius people are happy people. They are fun, are always full of laughter and very active. Start there and figure out fun things you can do together. Take a married couple for example. After a few months of being together they stop going out regularly and the honeymoon stage ends. They either concentrate on work or stay home during their free time to watch TV together. They start to build a secure family that they forget to work on their relationship as well. The “honeymoon stage” doesn’t really need to end. It was just a term that people made up. Try to go back to how you were before when you started dating. How does that feel? You get butterflies on your stomach? You feel excited every time you go on a date? That’s how it should always feel. Don’t stop doing the activities you used to do when you were just dating if both of you still enjoy doing that. Or try something new too. A Sagittarius partner will get bored if he or she comes home and all you have to talk about are the bills you need to pay or the roof you have to get fixed or what’s up in the latest reality TV show.  Now if you said you’ve signed up both of you in that reality TV show then that would get their attention.

Pay attention to the little things. When dating it’s natural to compliment your date about the clothes they wear. About the effort they went through just so they can come up with a romantic date. Once in a relationship people forget to notice these small things. It said in a song that: “it’s those little things that mean so much” and it’s true.

It all boils down to the fact of both of you keeping your relationship as hot and as exciting as when you were first dating. The flowers, small tokens, candle light dinners, out of town trips (jus the two of you) doesn’t have to end just because you’re married and already have kids or you already feel secure about the relationship.

Getting Your Sagittarius Partner Back

Bringing back someone who left you is not an easy task. It’s not even an easy decision. So you don’t only think of ideas on how to get your Sagittarius partner back, you also have to figure out why they left in the first place and how to make them stay after.

Reasons. If your Sagittarius partner decided to end your relationship, chances are, they are feeling caged in. Sagittarians value their freedom. Once they feel the walls are closing in on them they will head for the door and won’t look back. Not saying this is the only thing that would make them walk. But it’s the biggest factor. Generally, Sagittarians can be impatient, wild, and are afraid of commitment. They are playful and flirtatious and if you voice out your concerns and let them know you feel insecure or jealous they will lose their interest. You have to have fun with them because all those flirting are just that, flirting. If a Sagittarius wants to end a relationship, they will tell you. If they don’t do that, there’s nothing to worry about.

This is the same as being clingy. Sagittarians are independent. Naturally, they will want their partners to be independent. Just like them. They will start feeling nervous and might even panic if all your decisions depend on what they want or what they need. If you think you should do this because you want to make them feel or to know they are important to you … STOP. If you’re deciding on something, whether it be big or small, just either make a decision first, tell them, and ask: “what do you think?” or “hey I’d like to get your opinion on this”. For them, getting their opinion is better than making them decide themselves. Also, since Sagittarius people are carefree, and yes sometimes careless, making them feel things rely on their decisions will be scary for them. They are independent people but looking after others can be strenuous if they’re not ready to do that.

Getting A Sagittarius Partner Back. Stalking your Sagittarius ex and sending them countless of messages and gifts won’t bring them back. You can’t make it happen right away. So don’t push it. Be patient in planning and executing the things you should do. For one, act nonchalant about it. You don’t have to act like you don’t care. Just say you’re okay with it if he thinks it is best (even if you’re not). Offer to be friends with him/her. That way you won’t lose touch and will still know what’s going on even if you’re not together.

Now one of the most important things to do is to love yourself. It may sound cheesy but it’s the truth. Sagittarius people will not give importance to people who do not think of themselves as important. Be selfish if you must. It’s not always that bad. People in a relationship generally makes does things to please their partner. Just take time off to pamper yourself and do the things that you want and don’t think about what he wants or what he may think about it. You’re not in a relationship anymore so what he thinks should not matter, really.

Build up your confidence again. Chances are, you broke up because you were feeling insecure and he knows it. Sagittarius people are very attracted to confident women. He wants someone he can take with him anywhere and not worry that she might not fit it.

All of these boil down to defining yourself. Boost your self-worth, feel important and be important. Respect yourself. If you don’t do that no one will. Make them feel like it’s their loss and not yours. If you take care of your own needs, stop being clingy and start feeling attractive they will find you attractive again, they will look at you again and who knows, they might want a second change again. If it’s meant to be it will happen.

How To Seduce A Sagittarius Man

If you’ve dated a Sagittarius guy you’d know that he is complex and hard to catch. These men born under the zodiac Sagittarius are very approachable because they are naturally friendly people. But getting their attention is different from keeping it. Whether we like it or not, the men with the sign represented by an Archer or a Centaur will follow the next thing that will catch their attention. Being a dual sign (half man, half horse), a Sagittarian tends to have a double personality too. One is philosophical and idealistic (man) and the other wild and carefree (horse). Given that, one must be ready to come across both personalities and be able to handle it before she plans to seduce him.

Sagittarius Traits. A Sagittarian is easily attracted to a woman that’s fun and full of energy and sex appeal. So what you need to do is dress flirty (not slutty), put on some make up and light perfume, laugh, look fun and HAVE fun. This will get his attention right away and will make him fall for you. Be warm and friendly towards him and his friends. His friends are very important to him and this will make him feel you accept him as a whole.

The Sagittarius man can also be considered a knight in shining armor. Generally, he will want to reach out to help and fight for a worthy cause. But, other than hanging out with fun people he can’t help but get involved with a damsel in distress. Note that this is a part of him that has a dual personality or varied tastes. He may feel he has the responsibility to make things right for someone.  This is the alpha male in him acting out. On the contrary, he doesn’t like women who cannot stand for themselves. This is where it can get complex. Do you act like someone in need or someone who doesn’t need anyone? A little bit of both. You don’t want to act like a weakling who can’t fend for yourself. You need to have enough confidence to let him see you do have your moments but you can always bounce back on your feet.

Moreover, the centaur is a physical person and it bores him to sit around doing and seeing the same things. You need to be able to offer him something else. Constantly.

Seducing The Sagittarius Guy. Don’t just go for the usual things people do on a date. That’s no way to turn on the Archer. If you want him hooked to you engage him in physical activities. A Sagittarius loves sports and outdoor events so plan on a weekend out of town or do activities together. Some of the things you might want to try are gambling, camping, horseback riding, wake boarding or even bungee jumping and sky diving if you really want to impress him. Be impulsive too. Even if you have planned to do one activity it wouldn’t hurt to switch to a different one or add it up if you can still take it. He would love the spontaneity. Do some of these and he will surely bite it hook-line-and-sinker. One thing to keep in mind is that Sagittarians are direct people. You might not need a lot of seduction to get him to jump in bed with you. Most of them may even consider sex as a sport. Be aggressive and tell him what you want. You might want to refrain from mentioning anything about a commitment yet because this will make him run for the nearest exit.

Know What His Dating Rules Are. In every relationship it’s very important to know where you stand. Luckily, being straight forward people, Sagittarians doesn’t go through a lot of phases before he tells you what the score is. But you also need to know what his rules are when it comes to serious dating as opposed to casual dating. Do not force him into going to a serious relationship if he isn’t ready or does not want to. This would only push him away even more.  Give him a little freedom and before you know it he will come back to you.

Sagittarius Babies

Active and playful makes up a Sagittarius baby. They are the first babies in the day care center that would walk and expect to see a beaten path on the way that he goes. Sagittarius’ are natural born explorers. They are also very curious so these babies will touch everything they see on their way. Wondering what it is and what it tastes like! Sagittarius babies, or any baby for that matter, just have the urge to put anything and everything in their mouths. That said make sure he roams around a clean and hygienic place.

Speaking of roaming around, being an explorer he will want to go up and about a lot so it’s a good thing to give the baby a lot of space to run around and discover new things. Taking the baby out to the playground is a good thing; just make sure someone keeps an eye on him every single second he’s out there. The Sagittarius baby will also be excited about seeing people. They love meeting people and being part of a crowd; they will play with just about anyone they meet. Again, someone needs to keep an eye on him when he’s out on the playground because they could easily wander away. You don’t have to be on his side all the time, though. Sagittarians like feeling free and independent. Being beside them all the time and telling them what to do will make them feel boxed in. That’s no way to raise these babies. They will want to be able to discover things on their own and they will come to you when they do to show you what they just found proudly. It could be a rock, a flower or an abandoned toy on the sandbox. Just act like it’s the most wonderful thing you’ve ever seen. They need to feel inspired all the time; or successful and proud of their achievements. Be supportive of what they want to do. Feed them with more information. If they get interested in insects (they usually do) buy them books and encyclopedias about insects. Or educational toys that will make them more interested. Not doing so might put the baby off and dampen his high spirits.

Sagittarius babies will be proud of what they discover. He is a walking think tank and is like a sponge that will absorb everything he sees around him. Wondering what all these things are for. He will seem very brave for a small guy when compared to other babies as he isn’t afraid of new people or taking a bus or loud noises. Other babies might cower and run for their mommies when they hear a loud animal’s cry at the zoo. A Sagittarius baby will crane their heads to all directions and look where it comes from.

There will be times a Sagittarius baby might come off as boisterous and nosy kid. Sometimes even a wrecking machine. Don’t think this. He’s just trying to investigate and examine the things he finds interesting. In the end, it’s up to the parents to show him how he should deal with things and how a Sagittarian baby will grow up. A parent of a Sagittarius baby should have a lot of patience and enough tolerance and creativity to guide this little curious mind in exploring the big world in front of him.

5 Ways To Attract A Sagittarius Female

A woman born under the Sagittarius sign is full of life, independent, idealistic, and a lover of traveling and knowledge. With these characteristics it’s not impossible that men would go out of the way to woo her. It might seem easy at first. Besides, these female Archers (or Centaurs) love meeting people. They are known to be flirtatious and playful; perhaps, too flirtatious and playful. Keeping a female interested is the problem they have to overcome. Sagittarius females get bored easily. They tend to look for new things to try or new people to connect with. Here are some tips to bear in mind when trying to attract Sagittarius women.

1)      Dress Up. It might seem shallow, but women (in general) give high regards to a well dressed guy. When going out, make sure you dress better than your friends. Don’t overdo it though. Dress up for the occasion. Don’t wear a suit if it’s not a formal gathering and don’t wear jeans in a formal party. Some of the things to check out are shoes and fingernails. Seriously, if you can’t keep those clean (they’re in plain sight) then women won’t want to know about things they can’t see. Accessories are good too. Usually a wrist watch or a bracelet is enough. Again, don’t over accessorize.

2)      Keep Her Amused. It’s not all about the looks. Sagittarians are highly intellectual and philosophical people. On the other hand she also loves fun and laughter. So engage her in a light but stimulating conversation. Talk about business but don’t be too technical (unless she asks). Talk about her latest trip or your travel plans in the next few months. Or an exotic restaurant you want to try out.

3)      Be Hot And Cold. Now for a more devious trick … be unpredictable. Nothing drives a female Sagittarian crazy than an enigmatic guy. In flirting with them, the push and pull theory totally works! Be sweet with them and then keep your distance the next time you see each other. Going on and off will keep them wondering what’s up and keep them interested. It provides an air of mystery that messes up with their senses.

4)      Be The Prize. Don’t show them attention the whole time. Be the one who is worthy of attention! Make yourself the cath. Or at least make yourself seem like the most eligible bachelor in the room. Sagittarians love challenges. She’d be thinking of ways to win a “prize” and she would want the one with the highest value.

5)      Respect Her Freedom. A Sagittarian can very well take care of herself. She’s independent and she loves it that way. You have to respect that. She doesn’t want to be tied up. Don’t ask for a commitment after 2 weeks of going out with her. Do not give her an ultimatum and refrain from being too clingy (yes men can be that way too). Give her space to grow.

More importantly, be sure to explore new things with her. This is the best way to connect and keep up to date with what it takes to keep her interested.

5 ways to attract a sagittarius guy

So you’ve figured out from your horoscope that the perfect match for you is a Sagittarius male. The next step of course is to meet them. Pretty easy, just hang out in places where they might like to hang out. Where? Being happy and free spirited, this guy likes to party and have a lot of fun. Try a packed bar or a club. There will be a lot of guys with raging testosterones in there.  Some of them will be Sagittarians.

A Sagittarius male in some ways is just like any other male. Say it with me … testosterone filled. So first, just think about the usual ways you’d do to attract a regular hot blooded man. (No sweetie, don’t walk in the bar naked). Then incorporate it with the Archer’s characteristics. Here are five ways that will help you attract a Sagittarian male:

1) Be Mysterious and Aloof. Sure you’ve gone out on 3 or 4 dates already. But that doesn’t mean you have to tell him you can recite the multiplication table backwards. When you were five. While you were sleeping. The Zodiac Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. They are philosophical people and like puzzles. Don’t get us wrong here. You’re not supposed to act all weird and zoned out but being aloof should do the trick. Tip: Mysterious is NOT the same as weird. If he, for example asks a question that you don’t like to answer like … “How many boyfriends have you had in the last 2 weeks” just smile and say “Why would you want to know?” That way you’ve avoided answering his question in a polite BUT playful manner and at the same time leaving him with a little puzzle to figure out.

2) Be Fun and Playful. We all know Sagittarians are happy people. No Sagittarians would want to hang out with a gloomy chick. So if you’re all “Emo” and determined to cry the next time a chalk breaks you might want to change your priorities a little bit because Sagittarius and suicidal (yes they both start with the same letter, but still) does not go together. You have to be little miss sunshine. Smile. Laugh at his jokes. Try to engage him in a light conversation. And no matter what happens, refrain from talking about how, every now and then; you almost always want to follow your dead cat to the other side.

3) Flirt. If you’re in a bar and you want to come over and talk to him and get his number? Go ahead. Make the first move. There’s no law that would stop you from doing so. They like meeting new people so it won’t hurt. They will love the attention. It might overwhelm him a little bit but in this case, an overwhelmed Sagittarian is a good thing. Again, laugh at his jokes. Tap his arm or thigh lightly if you must. Bear in mind, Sagittarians like to flirt.

4) Be Unpredictable. So assuming you are already in a relationship with a Sagittarian male, this does not mean you’re going to stop from getting his attention. You still have to work on it because the Archers get bored easily. And once they do, expect him to head out of the door and look for some fun and excitement. So be unpredictable. Should be easy enough as women are known to be like that anyway. It’s not the same as being fickle minded, though. For example, plan on a weekend trip to the beach. Sagittarians love to travel so going out to a new place would excite him. If you’re used to planned vacations, try back packing for once. Just get on a bus, don’t book for hotel rooms or a car service. Head out the door with a few cash and even less clothes and no plan at all. This will make the adventurous part of him very happy.

5) Be confident and always look your best. Confidence takes people a long way. Sounds pretty generic. But physical appearance is very important to any guy. Especially to a Sagittarian. Of course it’s never a good idea to just rely on looks but it definitely helps. Be clean and hygienic. Dress sexy. Smell fresh. You don’t have to be crowned Miss Universe but if you don’t look after yourself, Sagittarius men (or any men for that matter) may just not make that second glance.

There are a lot more ways to attract the Sagittarius male.  Various “techniques” will come along the way. For now, bearing these simple tips in mind is a start and will come in handy.