A woman born under the Sagittarius sign is full of life, independent, idealistic, and a lover of traveling and knowledge. With these characteristics it’s not impossible that men would go out of the way to woo her. It might seem easy at first. Besides, these female Archers (or Centaurs) love meeting people. They are known to be flirtatious and playful; perhaps, too flirtatious and playful. Keeping a female interested is the problem they have to overcome. Sagittarius females get bored easily. They tend to look for new things to try or new people to connect with. Here are some tips to bear in mind when trying to attract Sagittarius women.
1) Dress Up. It might seem shallow, but women (in general) give high regards to a well dressed guy. When going out, make sure you dress better than your friends. Don’t overdo it though. Dress up for the occasion. Don’t wear a suit if it’s not a formal gathering and don’t wear jeans in a formal party. Some of the things to check out are shoes and fingernails. Seriously, if you can’t keep those clean (they’re in plain sight) then women won’t want to know about things they can’t see. Accessories are good too. Usually a wrist watch or a bracelet is enough. Again, don’t over accessorize.
2) Keep Her Amused. It’s not all about the looks. Sagittarians are highly intellectual and philosophical people. On the other hand she also loves fun and laughter. So engage her in a light but stimulating conversation. Talk about business but don’t be too technical (unless she asks). Talk about her latest trip or your travel plans in the next few months. Or an exotic restaurant you want to try out.
3) Be Hot And Cold. Now for a more devious trick … be unpredictable. Nothing drives a female Sagittarian crazy than an enigmatic guy. In flirting with them, the push and pull theory totally works! Be sweet with them and then keep your distance the next time you see each other. Going on and off will keep them wondering what’s up and keep them interested. It provides an air of mystery that messes up with their senses.
4) Be The Prize. Don’t show them attention the whole time. Be the one who is worthy of attention! Make yourself the cath. Or at least make yourself seem like the most eligible bachelor in the room. Sagittarians love challenges. She’d be thinking of ways to win a “prize” and she would want the one with the highest value.
5) Respect Her Freedom. A Sagittarian can very well take care of herself. She’s independent and she loves it that way. You have to respect that. She doesn’t want to be tied up. Don’t ask for a commitment after 2 weeks of going out with her. Do not give her an ultimatum and refrain from being too clingy (yes men can be that way too). Give her space to grow.
More importantly, be sure to explore new things with her. This is the best way to connect and keep up to date with what it takes to keep her interested.