Active and playful makes up a Sagittarius baby. They are the first babies in the day care center that would walk and expect to see a beaten path on the way that he goes. Sagittarius’ are natural born explorers. They are also very curious so these babies will touch everything they see on their way. Wondering what it is and what it tastes like! Sagittarius babies, or any baby for that matter, just have the urge to put anything and everything in their mouths. That said make sure he roams around a clean and hygienic place.
Speaking of roaming around, being an explorer he will want to go up and about a lot so it’s a good thing to give the baby a lot of space to run around and discover new things. Taking the baby out to the playground is a good thing; just make sure someone keeps an eye on him every single second he’s out there. The Sagittarius baby will also be excited about seeing people. They love meeting people and being part of a crowd; they will play with just about anyone they meet. Again, someone needs to keep an eye on him when he’s out on the playground because they could easily wander away. You don’t have to be on his side all the time, though. Sagittarians like feeling free and independent. Being beside them all the time and telling them what to do will make them feel boxed in. That’s no way to raise these babies. They will want to be able to discover things on their own and they will come to you when they do to show you what they just found proudly. It could be a rock, a flower or an abandoned toy on the sandbox. Just act like it’s the most wonderful thing you’ve ever seen. They need to feel inspired all the time; or successful and proud of their achievements. Be supportive of what they want to do. Feed them with more information. If they get interested in insects (they usually do) buy them books and encyclopedias about insects. Or educational toys that will make them more interested. Not doing so might put the baby off and dampen his high spirits.
Sagittarius babies will be proud of what they discover. He is a walking think tank and is like a sponge that will absorb everything he sees around him. Wondering what all these things are for. He will seem very brave for a small guy when compared to other babies as he isn’t afraid of new people or taking a bus or loud noises. Other babies might cower and run for their mommies when they hear a loud animal’s cry at the zoo. A Sagittarius baby will crane their heads to all directions and look where it comes from.
There will be times a Sagittarius baby might come off as boisterous and nosy kid. Sometimes even a wrecking machine. Don’t think this. He’s just trying to investigate and examine the things he finds interesting. In the end, it’s up to the parents to show him how he should deal with things and how a Sagittarian baby will grow up. A parent of a Sagittarius baby should have a lot of patience and enough tolerance and creativity to guide this little curious mind in exploring the big world in front of him.