Somewhere in this blog we have mentioned that one should not judge a Sag too quickly. If you’re thinking it is easier said than done then you are right. Or at least highly understandable. It is very easy to judge a person most especially someone born under the Sagittarius zodiac. They have qualities that gets misinterpreted more than any other signs of the zodiac wheel.
The Rule Breaker. Sagittarius ruled people likes taking chances and pushing boundaries. They like to know their limitations so they can find out how far they can go. If you look at it in their way, pushing boundaries just means perseverance. A Sag would go a long way to make sure they finish something they started. They are not afraid to try unusual procedures if it would bring good results. This leads for them to be misinterpreted as rule breakers. They would try anything out if it means it’s something new and most especially, out of the usual. For them, if it’s fun and brings new experiences then it can’t be that bad. It just depends on who’s looking at it.
The Heart Breaker. A Sagittarius love being around people but most of all they like getting to know people. They would figure you out like a puzzle to know what tickles you pink. Sags are somewhat people pleasers in that regard. They are very accommodating and they would give you what you want and need without realizing they are leading you on. The Jupiter ruled zodiac are also hopeless romantics.They are forever out there looking for “the one” and they aren’t afraid of getting hurt or taking chances because deep inside, they know that “someone” is out there waiting for them and they wont miss an opportunity if it means they will finally meet. If they feel like the person they are dating is not the one they will be honest and say so so they can move on to find their soul mate. For them, the truth should be said even if it hurts. On another note, Sags are huge flirts too. Sometimes they don’t realize it but they are. They are very playful and sociable and they would have a conversation with anyone who is up to it. Especially with the opposite sex. :p
The Know-It-All. The philosophical nature of Sags can also lead them to be misinterpreted. Sagittarius people are inquisitive and forever looking for answers. They don’t stop when you give them a good-enough answer. It has to be the absolute truth. Although they are fun-loving people they can rant too like when they don’t understand why people do things a certain way, for example. This is mostly why they are pegged as a bunch of know-it-all. They will talk about things that they don’t understand and suggest something that, for them, makes more sense.
The Sagittarius people have strong personalities so they can come off as extreme (and we don’t mean it in a good way). The best thing to do is look inside them and know what their intentions are. Most of the time, they think and act in ways they think will benefit not just them but the people around them too.
How true! All my traits xD
Sags have a huge curiosity, this is why they like to ‘play’ people to get to really know them, and Sags get really fun when surrounded by people they know a long time, trust and not get bored by xD
I really hate math and I was curious if my fellow sagittarius also the same.;D
Mostly I am a freedom love, free to explore, free to learn, free of almost everything
I am 29 year old Sagittarius male, I am 5.5 in hight, brown hazzle eyes, somewhat musle, I don’t talk much unless it necessary or what to talk, I am curious about everything of anything in frony of my own two eyes and the facts are there or I could come up with an idea or invention base on what I see or thing, sometime I adopt my idea to a already exist invention @ combine those two to see if it work propertly @ satisfied
Mostly I am a freedom love, free to explore, free to learn, free of almost everything, I am 5.5 in hight, weight some 145 to 150 pound but my weight goes up@ down never really study balance my weight, I have i oringinal natural brown hair striaght, brown hazzle eyes, I am flexible, with almost a strong tone of voice, but sometime I cannot really hear my own voice, I love to read, I love to draw be a architect in designing expansion bridge, drawing designing the great ocean liner steam ships from theast as well as this present or future, I love to learn explore, I like to read about the great sphinx, great pyramids, great stonehenge, the tallest flexible skyscrapper, designing futuristic odd automobiles, mostly in my opinion when come to friends I think I have more hobbies then anyone else when combine, I love to technology movies, science, natural geographic explore, history, planets, my favorite planets is jupiter, saturn, uranus@ neptune and some time mercurt@ venus since it closer to the sun and is really hot, I am looking for a single female that I love that she have a great body, @ that she have somewhatalmost the same common ground with mw and have alot of energy restless, brave, beautiful, my real name is juan born 11271982 at 11:57p.m s.d tx
so much truth. I forever get in trouble at every job I work at. People dislike me either because I do my work very well or I know whom I do or don’t wish to socialize with.
I know I am greatly misunderstood as a saggie. I find that it happens most when I try to do something nice for someone else trying to act with their best interest in mind. It then turns out to be bad on my part. I feel if there was a planet to move to where I wouldn’t have to deal with those that misunderstands me, I would def live there
This is soooo true. And I, for one, really need to watch my flirting xD Not very handy when you’re actually not into the guy.
Fun read!
Hi everyone!
I love being a Sag, but it is hard work!
How many times at work am I fighting with indiviuals regarding my personality, or even my success?
Or even relationships?
There must be an opposite sign out there who admires the way we sag’s think or even are?
At times I thought that whoever wrote this knows me personally,,,ha ha ! seriously, so true amonna try to find a match based on best match of sag…..
any Aries out there ?
I see that Libra is a good match for us (sags).
Any Libra out there ?
Leo is a fantastic match too!
I’m a sag female and I’m a loner, I like talking to people and strangers but after time I forget about them and they forget me too!
I’m 16 years old and never had a best friend, only once in middle school, she was a sag too but she said we shouldn’t be friends anymore. So after that I started to loose trust on people.
I hate people.
I love to travel and fun to be with … but im kinda judgmental too .. I don’t know if all sag is like that.. when i have a new friend and i like her .. i will communicate to her more often .. but if i don’t like the person at all with my first impression .. i don’t want to be with her again .. im really frank about whats on my mind .. but im definitely a faithful friend …
Once you get to truthfully know and figure out people around you, like a ‘puzzle’ as you say, its not necessarily a good thing. There are bad people in the world too you know.. Sometimes you find yourself repeatedly in unhealthy relationships that you were okay with at the start, just to eliminate loneliness. And then kicking yourself and wanting to leave. Hence some loner sag who arn’t very social.
I am a TRUE SAG and find it very interesting that so many others share my quirks I love it now if only everyone would read this so they know how to deal with me Life would be so much better because of course I’m perfect LOL
I am on the fence about being a Sag. Because I am very cautious around people I don’t know – I have been called snobish (which I am not). I have really learned to control my assertiveness because that only angers people. I am painfully loyal to people I love but end up disappointed when I rarely get it back. Don’t really trust my judgement after two bad marriages. Sag is naturally optimistic – and I have been even when I had little hope.
hey vivian bryan i just learn about sag i am a scorpioi have friend that is a sag
I love it, I love it I love it I love it!!!!!!!! I now know I have fellow beings from my planet living amongst me lol. We Sags r the best in the world! I could relate to every comment b4 mine. It’s truly amazing! I get easily annoyed with fake ppl, can’t stand bullies, hate that I always seem 2 have 2 explain what i mean, even after having full convo with someone that seemed ti be on point. I’m very blunt but can take the blows back, in fact I believe that any feed back is better then no feed back. As my grandmom Vi, (the first true Sag I ever met ;p) would say “only the important ppl get ridiculed, talked about & judged” all the rest live off of their fame lol
I definately agree that being a sag is hard work, especially when we have so much to give. I think we should be considered relatively easy to understand, as we really are very straight forward. I love being a sag as we’re so unique but, unfortunately it seems that this makes it very hard for others to relate to us. What could be easier than the truth? But people always repress the truth which makes it so difficult. Like celo green said ” it’s not that I didn’t know enough but, knew too much”
Am rhodes nd am a 16 yr old sag i am 5.6ft tall i attract a lot of attention if nt 2 much attention 2 my self am easily misunderstood i hate being tld wat 2 doo am extremely curious abt ppl am honest 2 a fault i have a great body nd really always d cente of attraction any were i gooo in academics,,in beauty competitions,in any kind of activity everytin written here abt sags is really true!
Funny enough! We are known for our joy-bringing and generosity. Few weeks spent with my cancer friend in her house got to make me change my approach of beign Sag.
Buying all the best foods, cooking it and animating the whole time into the party reminded me that there are some people that are there to take, not to give.
People think that we are lucky becouse we attract people and make everybody feel good, Sadges, admit it, sometimes it is just damn hard work!
The Heartbreaker- I ain’t gonna lie. I love tea baggin hoes 😉
true enough! we, sags, are often misinterpreted! ^_^
this is so true..
n thnk god i m born sagitarius…
m so lucky at times..
jus luv freedom n always ready to help..
will always do hardwork to get success….
now this is soooo sagi
Well, I am born on 3 December… My N node is scorpio… But I have been finding me in very unlucky situations…last two years..And I never attract friends…I don’t know whether I have found wrong people around me….and everyone misinterprets like anything…I have all the Sagittarius qualities..good and bad..i only get good friends of opposite sex…!!…Please help…I am really worried opposite to the Sagittarius qualities …
oh yeah sags rule but other who dont understands us are huge knuckleheads sometimes i feel to shake their idiot head and say”dude wake up and see why the hell i am doing this” as i dont like to explain myself
I have celibacy of the brain- I don’t give a f$#& about what anyone else thinks! I would like to be loved, but I deserve better- so do all of you. Love yourself, first, Sag. The others will follow!
I like finding out everything about a person. I’m a better friend if I understand them more. I’m a very passionate Sag.
I’m very apprehensive and guarded when I meet new people too. Some feedback I’ve gotten was that I came across as a snob, aloof and cold. It’s hard to let my guard down around new people. Any of you have the same experience?
I find a lot of my characteristics to be similar to our profiling then a lot of others that don’t fit me at all im not very adventurous or sporty im more of a home bound sag I guess you could say I love being with my son and my family at home I don’t care too much for partying or socializing cause I have an extreme low tolerance for stupidity and immature people I also cant stand smart asses I love watching learning channels history,military,animal planet,discovery channel and I love to play challenging games on pc and xbox I got so focused on final fantasy XIII I beat it the 2nd day I had it I am a very sensitive guy currently going through a divorce cause my spouse was unfaithful and very dishonest and betrayed me with a lie that almost costed me 6yrs in prison for something I didn’t do im very blunt im not afraid to share my opinion if you ask me what I think bout something other then that I try to bite my lip and keep my mouth sut unless im asked im very loving and loyal to my family a lot of people say im like a pitbull mess with my family and friends that im close to and be prepared for a fight I don’t have much back down but I don’t go looking for trouble I try to stay to myself and out of other peoples business I usually lock my self in my room and stay to myself some say im kind cold I have no sympathy or remorse when they get on my bad side I do like talking to people that interest me people I can relate too and treat me as an equal theres a lot more to say but im kinda out of words at this moment if theres anyone else out there and feels like I do let me know I don’t wanna feel alone here lol PS. my spouse was a libra there not all the same either.
I also don’t fit the stereotypical sag trait of being the active and outdoorsy type… I’m quite lazy to be honest. Lol! But I am loyal if my friends or family need me, I am there for them 100 percent. I will always try to help with their problems even going as far as taking their problems on myself. I tend to be quite outspoken as well especially when it comes to being treated unfairly. My pet peev office politics i.e. When people who are popular at work but not necessary the best at what they do get promoted… Pisses me off… Any of you fellow saggi’s experience or feel the same regarding this?
Yes! You guys r all fucking awsome!I beat up bullies stand up for those weaker w less of a voice obsessed w everything cool as fuck but have an unquenchable dork side of fascination for science spiritual n paranormal stuff!I love it our lives are deep thoughtful and amazing where other people woulnt c the bigger picture I am the best at wtever I touch esp fucking.I work hard play hard n then some never date a pices guys!ever n libra n other sags fuck soooo great together everytime!super honest lovin life love ya’ll!
i love beeing a sag..i love learning about my self…
Wow omg it was like reading a book about myself. I feek so much better now I feel like im not alone in the way that I think and feel. Except im more of a loner tyoe and im not that sociable. IM a homebody person. Im 29 I will be the big 30 next month .
I wish I could hand this out when I meet people…Jeez I’m the least judgmental person you will ever meet. i can talk to anyone at the drop of a hat getting too personal that’s another story I gotta feel the same lack of judgment from you in order to open up to someone. I love being a Sag.
Typical and not so typical Sag, I think. I am annoyingly Optimistic. That part is true. Yes, I am blunt and often tactless, and I could probably stand my own on a battlefield, using a sharp tongue as my only weapon. I am adventurous (my bucket list is a mile long), I am prone to exaggeration (see bucket list), I love to make people laugh, I am embarrassingly amused by bathroom humor, and I cannot tolerate people who live their lives as perpetual victims or perpetual bullies. And, for me, I can deal with anything as long as ALL of the facts are on the table. I want nothing but the absolute truth…no omissions, no sugar coating.
I do enjoy my true friendships with a very select small group of people…exactly three. Apart from them, I am a loner. It seems that my true interests in life require solitude. I even work better in absolute peace and quiet. Some consider me a loner and I guess I am to the extent that the selfish side of me cannot be bothered with others’ demands when I am enjoying something of interest to me. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it; I do not want to be held back in my creativity, curiosity, and freedom to do what I want for as long as I wish. Even cross-country road trips are taken alone and I love every minute of it. If I decide to binge watch a favorite television series for hours on end, it is alone, and that is by design. I want nobody to tell me I’ve watched just about enough TV. In my world, that’s for me to decide. I suppose part of that is typical Sag; that is, I would prefer to be alone than to have someone try to rein me in or tie me down. Trying to do so is about as easy as trying to bathe a cat. All you’re going get in the process is teeth, claws, and fur flying everywhere. As I said, though, my Sag life can also be a bit contradictory. For instance, as much as I am content to go through life solo, I think I would like to meet the one man for which I would gladly compromise and share my life. I’m just not convinced that he exists and, even if he does, he’s probably living on a mountain in Tibet or somewhere similar. I don’t mean to sound pathetic, but it’s just the way it is for me. I was only married once (big mistake) and only long enough to have two children who I raised on my own. They are the ones I gladly compromise for. So, unless one day God drops a man from the sky at my feet, with a big sign hanging around his neck (probably in a noose) that says, “Here he is; Mr. Right. Sorry for the delay, now don’t screw it up. Love, God,” I am content to live this life on my own. Do others here have such obvious Sag contradictions?
Love your comment:-) . Sooo true!