Much is written about mothers and Sagittarius mothers but what about the fathers? I have a Sag friend who said he wanted to have kids one day just so he can pass on his legacy and by legacy he didn’t mean decades of hard earned possessions and wisdom. He simply meant his collection of baseball cards (and yes he was serious). He was 38 years old then and a HUGE baseball fan (I’m sure you can tell). Another Sag friend who was 35 at the time said he needed to have a baby before his sister does cause that’s going to be the first grandchild so his parents will be in favor of his kid so they can take over and babysit while he goes out. Yes, I had to roll my eyes on that. Now given these cases, and since Sagittarius take time to mature and men (in general) take time to do so as well, does that mean they make bad dads? Not necessarily.
We’ll take their cases for example. Both of them are parents now and showed everyone they’re good at it. The baseball fan, of course, did as he said. He may sound very much like a kid at the age of 38 but this proved to be a good thing. He spends a lot of his time playing with his son. A Sag dad is the type of dad who wants to spend as much time as he can with his children. They know how to show their kids a good time and they will be loved for that. They know when to take things seriously too and although they aren’t the disciplinarian type, they know how to instill good values to their kids by spending time with them and showing them how the world works. Sags believe that quality time together with their kids will mean a lot because that is what they want from their parents too.
On the case of the 35 year old guy, he did get his wish of having the baby before his sister but lo and behold, he couldn’t even keep his hands off his little bundle of joy to have his parents fuss over her. He was so overwhelmed and fell in love at the first sight that he’s the one who would stay up all night to change her diapers and make her a bottle of milk. Now, seeing him like that makes one think he’s the spoiler not the grandparents. But a Sagittarius’ sense of independence and intellect gives him the sense to raise the girl properly, not giving in too much to her demands and making her discover things on her own. Sags grew up like that. They liked exploring and trying to figure out things without others help. They may be impatient at times but take joy and pride at learning new things on their own.
They may seem a lot of work, these Sagittarius men. That’s because they are. But that doesn’t mean they stay the way they are forever. It takes different circumstances to see how mature (or not) they can act out. As carefree as they are because that’s how most people see them, they do wisen up once another person’s future is at stake.
I love your posts and look forward for the next one
My sag and I (aquarius) are expecting a son April 6th and he’s 31. This will be his first. He told me he sees himself having kids with me and wanted to continue his bloodline. He’s gone over the top for his son and stepdaughter so God only knows what will happen when he finally arrives.
Hey what happened with the blog?
i think the way we sagittarius guys are is that,
we’re kids at heart. always were, and always will be.
even as dads, but the thing is we’d do anything for them-
because they are a reflection of who we are, even if only for a small, sporadic amount of time. i remember my very first pregnancy scare with my girlfriend. We didnt know, but i sure as HELL wasnt going to wait to find out. the very first day she said she had stomach pains, i ran out and got ANOTHER job on the spot. i actually nearly puked out of the fear that i wouldnt be good enough of a father for this hypothetical child that neither of us knew if it was on the way or not. the tests came back negative though, and she got her period. So that was that for me. Talk about a huge test of character!
My father is a Sagittarius and he’s an amazing father! He’s very hard working and has made a lot of sacrifices for us. He’s always joking around, but is serious and firm when he needs to be. He is very wise and is very strict on certain things, and very lenient on others. I adore my dad. My boyfriend is also a Sagittarius. Last month I took a pregnancy test because I still hadn’t had my period. My boyfriend was freaked out but excited at the same time. He felt sick to his stomach, but He automatically started thinking of how he was going to support me and the possible kid. He was there with me the whole time waiting for the results. The test came out negative and I got my period a few days later. He was relieved but also kind of disappointed! He always talks about all of the stupid things he’s going to do with his kids and how much fun they’re going to have, but also about his going to be very strict. Let’s see what happens!