Sometimes a Sagittarius seem to possess a multi-layered personality that it’s hard to know how to act around them. He may have that come what may attitude but he can also be an intense and dedicated lover. He’ll constantly spring up with new ideas and activities that would keep you on your toes. He’ll surprise you with home cooked meals and small tokens for gifts when he feels like it. If you have a Sagittarius partner you will know that they are a romantic through and through. You will also know that they can sometimes do something different from what they say. Not that they’re fickle, they just act on impulse most of the times and rely on their instincts. So even if they planned to do something with you over the weekend it could still change depending on his mood.
This varying persona creates a confusion as to what the Archer expects or needs from a partner. But observing his different activities and moods will also give you an insight on how to interact with him and give him what he needs. It’s actually that simple.
For starters, you have to have a sharp brain. You’ll notice how he takes a liking to philosophical and intellectual movies, books, or any other type of media. He likes solving puzzles and won’t stop until he figures something out. In this case you should also stimulate your brain and smarten up to make sure you keep up with him. He’d like someone of the same intellectual capacity. He’d get bored if he can’t talk to you about the thing that interests him.
Sports and socializing. Odd combination? Not really. He’s a very physical guy with a lot of energy to spend so make sure he spends it the way that would benefit you both. It’s never too late to learn a sport. If he offers to take you with him or teach you how his sport go for it. If he doesn’t then ask if you can. If you’re not a sporty type of person just try. Who knows, you might actually like it. If you decide you don’t both of you can try a new sport. Something both of you may like. And if all else fails, you can always go to his game with his friends and cheer for him. You can meet his friends’ girlfriends too. As for socializing, this in itself is energy consuming. But there are also activities that will help you socialize. Dancing for example. Go out and party with him. It could be with your friends and his friends or just the two of you hitting the club making mew friends. He’d like that. He likes to meet new people so encouraging him to do so by going with him would make him love you more.
Sex. Not just lots of it. A variety of it. You may say he’s a guy and it’s a given. Although this is true, keep in mind that the Archer likes trying out new things. Keep him on his toes by surprising him with a sensual massage or a quickie in the club bathroom. If that’s too much for you try a lap dance at home. If you’re scared of upsetting him by going overboard you can always ask him what he wants. :p
Lots of trust and long patience. He needs these from you. He can be crass at times but remember that he doesn’t mean to hurt you. He can just be honest and would rather go straight to the point than beat around the bush. Also remember that it takes forever for a Sag guy to commit so if he’s with you … that means a lot.