Sometimes a Sagittarius seem to possess a multi-layered personality that it’s hard to know how to act around them. He may have that come what may attitude but he can also be an intense and dedicated lover. He’ll constantly spring up with new ideas and activities that would keep you on your toes. He’ll surprise you with home cooked meals and small tokens for gifts when he feels like it. If you have a Sagittarius partner you will know that they are a romantic through and through. You will also know that they can sometimes do something different from what they say. Not that they’re fickle, they just act on impulse most of the times and rely on their instincts. So even if they planned to do something with you over the weekend it could still change depending on his mood.
This varying persona creates a confusion as to what the Archer expects or needs from a partner. But observing his different activities and moods will also give you an insight on how to interact with him and give him what he needs. It’s actually that simple.
For starters, you have to have a sharp brain. You’ll notice how he takes a liking to philosophical and intellectual movies, books, or any other type of media. He likes solving puzzles and won’t stop until he figures something out. In this case you should also stimulate your brain and smarten up to make sure you keep up with him. He’d like someone of the same intellectual capacity. He’d get bored if he can’t talk to you about the thing that interests him.
Sports and socializing. Odd combination? Not really. He’s a very physical guy with a lot of energy to spend so make sure he spends it the way that would benefit you both. It’s never too late to learn a sport. If he offers to take you with him or teach you how his sport go for it. If he doesn’t then ask if you can. If you’re not a sporty type of person just try. Who knows, you might actually like it. If you decide you don’t both of you can try a new sport. Something both of you may like. And if all else fails, you can always go to his game with his friends and cheer for him. You can meet his friends’ girlfriends too. As for socializing, this in itself is energy consuming. But there are also activities that will help you socialize. Dancing for example. Go out and party with him. It could be with your friends and his friends or just the two of you hitting the club making mew friends. He’d like that. He likes to meet new people so encouraging him to do so by going with him would make him love you more.
Sex. Not just lots of it. A variety of it. You may say he’s a guy and it’s a given. Although this is true, keep in mind that the Archer likes trying out new things. Keep him on his toes by surprising him with a sensual massage or a quickie in the club bathroom. If that’s too much for you try a lap dance at home. If you’re scared of upsetting him by going overboard you can always ask him what he wants. :p
Lots of trust and long patience. He needs these from you. He can be crass at times but remember that he doesn’t mean to hurt you. He can just be honest and would rather go straight to the point than beat around the bush. Also remember that it takes forever for a Sag guy to commit so if he’s with you … that means a lot.
If my man did that to me I would dump him… But you are complaining but yet you are still with him?
Loving the stories people! Keep them coming! Here is mine.
I met the Sagittarius when we were both 18 and were together on and off for 3 years. Looking back, I did get too emotionally involved… even I the ‘independent’ Liberian felt as clingy as hell during his hot and cold phases, when all I was doing was trying to initiate some social time. I learnt a whole lot from this guy-it was hard to break free as he was someone I wanted to get to know more but wouldn’t let me in. He was intelligent, generous, caring, romantic, was interested in what I had to say, and could talk with me for hours on end. He was also moody and irritable, extremely harsh, and withdrawn-but would never hold a grudge if we had a disagreement. For some reason, I didn’t take his emotional instability/draining relationship as a sign to back off. I always tend to fight my challenges. Towards the end though I wanted to focus on my grades for my last year at uni and didn’t make contact for a while during our ‘cold’ phase. What frustrated me was that just before I was going to move back to my home city, he suddenly became emotionally available again.
This saga of a relationship made me stronger with other relationships which followed..7 years later we made contact again and he is still the same Sagittarius, only older and perhaps a little less cocky. He came across as more open and even nervous, a better listener..something I’ve never seen before. We are still in contact but I’m not hanging out for anything like I was before. I live my life and date other people, even though I feel like I still have a connection with the Sagittarius. I have learnt that (and other people have confirmed) that his hot and coldness is a coping strategy but was too wrapped up in the bubble of love to make sense of it. I’m not sure if this is what I want in a long-term relationship either from the Sagittarius or not (I’m sure other men share this trait!) but in the end I think if you are with someone, you need to accept who they are. Accept that you can’t change them- you’re with them because you love someone for who they are, flaws and all. And if you can’t and/or not happy..then best to work on it sooner than later.
Love to hear from you if you have any comments re: this.
Sooooooo true been close to marriage 6 times no kids all the girls extra clingy and jealous fell in love once she was a Leo to bad though but thus shit is true going to email this to all future dates lol
Sagittarius man and Taurus woman work!! We are both happy-go-lucky, love to socialize and laugh, love sex, blunt sometimes when we speak, and thrive on intellectual and philosophical conversations. I feel a Taurus woman is my equal in every way. The secret is to establish some security with them at first and then, they will give you all the space you desire. They are not clingy but very affectionate when you need them. We joke in the same way, we curse in the same way, and she knows how to respect boundaries.
Sag men, stay away from vengeful, manipulative Scorpio women and crazy Leo women! I was a fool for being so blind to how miserable I was with these two signs. The Scorpio was a huge spender, super jealous all the time and used sex to control me. Not to mention, she was cheating on the side while she was pretending to be so faithful and trying to make me feel guilty for my occasional flirtation. I got trapped with this Scorpio’s drama in the beginning. Broke up with her several times and then she tried to tie me down by having kids that I didn’t want right away. I admit, I stayed mostly for the kids. I eventually realized that I can still be a good father to them and find my own happiness with someone else.
The Leo woman was exciting at first but then got crazy. She started sending me weird messages threatening to do stuff if I flirted with other women or if I didn’t do what she wanted. She needed constant attention and was very controlling. Complete psycho!
Yep, I was a blind optimist BUT THEN, a lovely, awesome Taurus gal came into my life unexpectedly, and I realized how much happier I could be with her. She’s smart, good with money, ambitious, fun to be with, sexy as hell and has a heart of gold. She knows when to leave me alone when I get into a mood and never gives up on me. Guys, if you ever meet a Taurus gal, trust me, you’ve hit a hidden jackpot! Don’t let her go! Give it time and you’ll be the happiest man ever!
I guess you just have to be a libra woman to truly see how wonderful the sagi man is, huh, Day? I completely agree. I used to be clingy and mistrustful, thinking he was like every other guy, reading that sagittarius men are man whores and not to be trusted…. The reason they act the way they do to everyone is because you’re going wrong somewhere. I let up on the clinginess, was open and honest, considerate and made actively try to understand him. If you’re going to be mistrustful and asinine, why should they treat you like a princess? Mine doesn’t have a “leash” and he always shows he’s dedicated to me. I’ve told him i don’t care if he messes around; he actually says no and gets really hurt that I’d say that. I can’t agree that they’re romantic, but he’s been the most considerate man I’ve ever met. He can easily talk to me because i actually LISTEN and make an active effort to UNDERSTAND. These are clever men that won’t let on things that they’ve noticed, but they’re watching and listening to every little thing to better understand YOU. Their sign is the centaur- half man, half wild beast. Think of them as nothing more or less… Keep the man mind happy and give the wild beast room to be free and he’ll always come right back to you. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. We never fight, we keep each other happy, and he’s actually been talking about wanting to settle down WITH ME, have kids WITH ME, get married TO ME, and always have ME in his life. One big pet peeve I’ve noticed they have that women do is putting a label on your relationship…. Don’t pester him about it, just let go and let fate take it’s course. They hate women constantly bickering, making accusation, and putting a label on them… Find you an older, more mature/kindred soul sag- they are the best lovers out there! Absolutely the most faithful and fun man I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing
Lioness here! My 2 serious relationships, one was my fiancĂ©, were with Sagittarius men and I’m currently dating yet another sag. Here’s some advice for you ladies having trouble with Sags…relax. Just breathe…have fun and relax. My sags moved fast with me and fell hard but then they pulled away a little. My reaction was the same every time… I didn’t let it bother me. I hung out with friends and went on dates with other guys…at times, I almost forgot about them, and that made them come back ready to commit. I’m a Leo…Im vivacious, full of energy, smart, sexy…I know I have great qualities. I’m never boring so I never fret. I know they’ll come back, they always do. I am confident and no man will change that with their fickle behavior….this is why their absence doesn’t threaten me at all. They also know that I can meet other suitors at anytime. My current Sag tried to pull a fast one after we became intimate. He tried pulling away so I told him to have good time hanging with his friends and started going out with an Aries. He was quite the charmer and kept me distracted…so distracted that I almost fell for the Aries and my Sag came running back.he was baffled that I didn’t come looking for him and asked me where I have been and if I was seeing someone else. It was funny because he was the one who pulled away. I told him that I enjoy my time with him and me seeing other people isn’t relevant. He got upset but then demanded that we be together and has been with me ever since. I stopped seeing the Aries and my Sag stepped into a full time lover position. Since all of my exes are Sags, this outcome was not surprising…at all. Be confident…be a sex goddess…and be unattached. That’ll have an Archer bending down on one knee…trust me. And if you’re a Leo like me or if you’re a fire sign, you’ve got all the ingredients to snag him. Just be cool and it’ll happen. Sags are more frightened than any other sign about being trapped or lock down. If you free yourself from them, they will feel free and in return, they will give you their hearts.
Taurus here and basically got just dumped by a Sag guy when he told me he thought he had a “connection” with someone else he met at work. Course by the end of the week, he’s groveling at my feet begging me to take him back. My guess is, this one-off date didn’t want to deal with crazy Sag either. As a Taurus, we can put up with a lot of crazy but the one thing we won’t tolerate is infidelity and I find it hard to forgive him or trust him again. I did give him his space to do what he wanted socially and I always respected him but when I asked about “MY” feelings when he brought up his infidelity, he just looked at me with a blank face. I’ve done the emotional roller coaster ride with him and during those “sweet” times, he was amazing but that temper flicked on like a switch. I remember him flipping a lip once when I couldn’t remember one of his friend’s names that I never even met. Didn’t speak to me for a whole day and then pretended like nothing happened after.
I find Sag to be “grass is greener” people. You could give them 90% of everything they want, but they will always be looking elsewhere for that 10% even if it means losing that 90%.
So.. I’m Scorpion and the big guy is Saggitarius. My experience gives me the opinion that, for the characteristics mentioned here yes.. on point.. I noticed however that he had alot of his parents influence and so has additional characteristics of his parents signs… his mum is Scorpio, dad is Pisces. Like me, I have extra fire and earth sign characteristics, my mum Capricorn dad Aries.. so I tend to think its a combo of your parents signs, your own established characteristics over time, combined with your life lessons and experience that tells you whether your compatible or not. For example.. as a scorpio young adult.. I was jealous as heck…! Mum grounded me and taught me how to recognize my trait, dad taught me to overcome it by being a better version of me. . Shucks what cool as parents. So end of story.. IT WORKS with Scorpio women and Sagg men so long as the lady can trust, be patient AND give him space and he honours his lady by exercising loyalty when he says he is going to, doesn’t get too damn critical and makes one thing throughout his life unique and special just with her and only her worth the risk and the fight.. life is so much more than if he wasnt in my life xox
Im a Taurus women & Ive been dating a sagittarius man for a month now … I dont wanna say I love him but i got mad love for him.. if that makes sense, I really look forward to being with him for a long time. I think he is amazing & i want this to last so im trying everything to keep him happy & make this work cause I heard taurus & sag’s dont really get along.. but we’re going to make this happen(:
Well good luck but I’m a Taurus woman who fell in love with a sag guy aged 44 and I’ve been burned do my advice would be take everything he says with a pinch of salt. Initially he’ll make you feel so special, sag men are so much fun to be around, make good friends but falling in love with one is doomed. They love themselves more Tha they could ever love anyone else, they believe its your job to entertain them and stop them from being bored. They pride themselves on honesty but their brutal cruel unnecessary honesty can hurt deep especially since most women are sensitive. He’s a compulsive flirt and its almost as if he’s trying to prove he’s still attractive to every female he meets. He’s not interested in a long term relationship but will string you along to get what he wants (which isn’t very honest but very manipulative). He goes on and on about his freedom but that’s only because he doesn’t know how to deal with a grown up relationship. He will hurt you with words and flirting with other women and just laugh at your reaction because he doesn’t care about your feelings. Hell knock your confidence and make you doubt yourself, will be vague about where and who he’s with because he travels a lot and hides a lot. When you get suspicious hell try and make you feel paranoid, go with your instinct, a born flirt afraid of commitment, their huge ego needs satisfying by meeting a variety of women, he forgets about honesty in these situations. He is ver vain and worries about getting old, if his hair is okay, if he looks sexy today, hell take longer to get ready to go out than you. On a date, no matter how beautiful you look or how witty or how many intelligent comments you sum up, be aware he is looking over his shoulder for the next fresh young thing, he likes the chase but once he has you and you’ve shared all your stories he will be bored of you and just as your completely in love with him he’ll go cold and withdraw from you. Forget him and live your life, hell come crawling back then but don’t fall for it as his game with your heart just begins all over again. He plays with your heart because it amuses him. Good luck from one extremely heartbroken lady. I loved him but no matter how wonderful I could ever be it would never be good enough for him.
Having said all that I dont think he knows he’s hurting you. On a positive note (id really like to finish on one) sag guys are great fun, they’ll make you laugh, make you feel alive, sex is amazing, I’m talking multiple orgasms, intelligent, they can chat for hours with you and you wont notice the time go by, they have manners and make you happy, unfortunately if you mention that you love them they freak out thinking you want to tie them down. I like my freedom too as long as there’s trust, there was just no trust between us. Everyone’s different, good luck, sag guys are definitely unique.x
I’m a down to earth, practical, intelligent, attractive, funny, kind and loyal Taurus girl. I also have a knack for smelling bullshit….I dated a Sag guy aged 44 (thought at 44 he’d be mature, ha!), never ever again will I date sag guy. Without boring you with the details, these guys think it’s your job to entertain them, neurotic and obsessed with how sexy they think they look (he actually believed that because he was so good looking it was a burden, ladies harassing him, oh my god), they can’t talk about their feelings, perhaps because they don’t feel much, except in their penis region. They require a lot from you, always look good, always accept their fantastic honesty which they pride themselves on even when its unnecessary and just plain cruel and bitchy. Watch your weight girls, he’s obsessed with that, be funny and light all the time, don’t kill his buzz by having a bad day and trying to tell him about it – yawn! how boring, never be boring, even if he is, its your job to keep HIM interested, remember? Never take it personally when he flirts with strangers when you are out on a date, he needs to share his sexiness with the world, just be supportive of that! Never expect a long term relationship, don’t traumatise him by suggesting that, how could you? Tell him constantly how gorgeous he is but don’t expect a compliment back just a thank you because he has impeccable manners. He requires an intelligent gal so try your best but don’t show him up by being more intelligent than him, his ego can’t cope with that, just massage his ego but even then, he’s a quitter. This Irish Taurus girl is moving on, p.s. to my sag/sad man, do you know you have a bald spot getting bigger at the back of your head? Sag men are great in bed but thats it, a one trick pony, its all they’ve got and they know it which is why when they know you’ve figured them out they run away. Love to you all.x
Sag men are just plain selfish assholes who only care about their freedom and self gratification, they are liars, cheaters and manipulators. Everything has to be on their terms. Most fucked up zodiac sign if you ask me, living always in the clouds with their million of projects in their heads that they never get to accomplish or execute them, your typical Peter Pan syndrome guy. Just stay away from them.
Been dating a Saggitarius man coming up on a year.He works alot,Fulltime job and does his own business on the side.We don’t see each other as much as I would like. I do care for him. Tiold him I love him just recently. He said he loves me also. He lied to me about hios where abouts and i called him out on it. He called me back saying that he felt bad, apologize. And sayed that he has to learn to not take things for granted no matter how small they are. He also wanted to meet up with me to see me that same day. He called me the next day to tell me hewanted to make a dinner date with me. Also to tell me he wnated to see me later in the week. I just don’t know what to think. When we are together things a GREAT It’s as if it’s just me and him. And time always goes by really fast. I do care for him. I’m just not sure where his heart and his heas is at.
I just want to leave my agreement to all you Taurus girls, exactly all the description you said is true, for an instead I though you are talking about my husband and I don’t doubt he could be he has a big spot in his back head LoL!! And he is a player with alot of younger, he will be 47 this 14 November,he is the biggest lier,player,asshole, selfish person I ever know and I hope never fall for any other sagitario in my life!Good luck to all girls who belive all his games and lies, I learn alot from this lier and now I know there isn’t limits of lies just to get all fun,freedom, sex free,party from their life and fuck about everybody feeling,hurt… it is what it is, tlx.
Iv been reading a lot about Sag men. Never dated one before. I have always been just friends, until recently. Met a boy Sag on a dating site. He’s 11 years younger than me. Date was great, dinner, drinks, a walk in the evening. Didn’t sleep with him ( thank my lucky star). After the date and a few days later he told me that he couldn’t do a long distance relationship. He left back to Utah lickity split.
One thing he said to me before he left wad ” This is not goodbye” we can still be friends. WTF
I’m a Pisces with a Scorpio moon. His mars is in Scorpio. He also has a lot of Pisces. My point is, should I wait for this one? I really liked him. As time has gone by he has grown more cold. He has blocked me from the dating site and his phone.
I know, Right! Crazy as I am
Worst sign ever, next to Virgo. I have been in a situation with a Sag man for 7 years. When I met him, he lied about being single and started up with me. Come to find out, he was also seeing someone else. Then, when I dumped him, he kept pursuing me. It was like he couldn’t stand me not wanting him anymore. Unfortunately, I had fallen in love with this asshole before I knew about his other person so I let him creep his way back into my life. He promised the sun, moon and stars and also said this other person didn’t mean anything to him. Long story short, he lied. He was still seeing this other woman too. So, when I dumped him again and started seeing someone else, here he came again. Unfortunately I work with him and see him on a daily basis. They are the most screwed up people. They are insecure and try to always be the life of the party to compensate. They also have a major problem keeping it in their pants and being loyal to one partner. Which is very dangerous in this day and age. This guy got engaged to the other women he said he didn’t love or care about and his actions previously certainly reinforced his words. It’s now been well over a year since he got engaged but he won’t marry her. I think he’s old and desperate now and that other woman is really dumb so she’s hung on hoping he would be a good man. He’s not! Just last week he was trying to get on me again. If you meet a Sag man, just watch for the signs. They will lie to get their way and come across as very genuine but watch their body language and listen closely because you will catch them lying.
Was casually dating a Sag man once and he was extremely intelligent, fun, and very laid back. He had a magnetism that drew me in. He was a great conversationalist, well traveled, and sexy. He also was a liar. Told me he was single the first night we met. A month into our casual fling, I get messaged by his girlfriend freaking out and asking who I am and if we slept together. I told her the truth which was that I didn’t know he was seeing her bc he told me he was unattached when we met. He told me she wanted to get married and he didn’t so they broke up. How was I supposed to know he was lying? They DO lie ladies. The Sag men will lie to keep as many women as he can. Watch out.
I have been dating this Sagittarius guy for about 5 years now and I love him to death. I could write a book about his qualities. However, his flaws are equally hurtful. I just found out he has been talking with his ex and she has been sending him little “souvenirs”. When I brought up to him, he didn’t want to talk about it; he needed “space”. And I am standing there in front of him heartbroken. Well, at this point my heart began skewing away from him. I am a Virgo and the sad part for me is that once my soul is wounded like that, it becomes hard to overcome it. We didn’t break up. We are still in a “relationship” if you can call it but after so many ups and downs and emotional pain, I am ready for a more stable, loyal guy. I need to experience what it is to have a man in love with me, giving me attention, making me feel special. I love my Sagittarius guy and I think I always will. But I think this time I need to be a bit selfish and look for comfort, find friendship, male attention to soothe me out of this pain. I think the right caring, fun, dedicated guy may catch my heart. Funny thing will be the saggi guy coming back after he notices he lost me. By then I will be over him. Don’t understand me wrong. I love Sagittarius but they are for a different crowd. One who never matures in the good sense of the word.