It is a difficult task at best to succeed in capturing the heart of a Sagittarius and getting him to commit to a one on one relationship. However, if you are fortunate enough to accomplish that, you also want to be very careful not to do anything to doom the relationship. There are five things you can do that would doom your relationship with a Sagittarius.
1.Try to control your Sagittarius.
Sagittarians do not like to be controlled. They are content to go about their own business and do not need anyone in their lives. They must always be in control, and if you attempt to take control, you will lose.
2.Be boring
Sagittarius has a very active mind and cannot tolerate people who are boring. He needs to have challenges, things that will allow him to use his superior intelligence to explain and understand the things in his life. It doesn’t matter whether it is things that happen every day or in an exotic location. The Sagittarius would be happy visiting a third world country and during his travels would need to discover why the people don’t have enough money and food to support their families.
3.Fail to accept him as he is
It is important to accept your Sagittarius as he is. There are specific traits that are common to the Sagittarius including his refusal to be controlled, and you have to be willing to accept these things or your relationship will not work out. You cannot try to change him into the person you want him to be or think he should be.
4.Try to keep him on a leash
The Sagittarius is not a homebody, he enjoys adventure. If you attempt to keep him in one place he will walk away. That doesn’t mean he will never want to stay home if you get him to commit to a relationship, but he will always have the need for adventure even if it is close to home. He would much rather go on a camping trip or the beach than spending his vacation sitting and talking with relatives you see only once a year.
5.Try to make him do something he isn’t ready to do
While this holds true of many things, it is especially true of commitment. It is very difficult for a Sagittarius to make a commitment, and the more you pressure him, the less likely he will be of giving in. Even if he falls in love with you it will be very difficult for him to make a permanent commitment, so you need to let him go along at his own pace. When he is ready for something long-term he will let you know. Just because he loves you does not mean he is ready to give up his freedom. In fact, many Sagittarians believe it is their goal in life to be with several women rather than committing to just one.
little extra help on the commitment issue act shy make him the first to commit and hell be yours forever this worked like a dream for my girlfriend
This helped me break-up with a Sagittarius. The controlling point really lived up to being true. As soon as I started being controlling, he packed up his bags and bounced. THANK THE HEAVENS!