Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in Zodiac, ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius is considered a positive and masculine sign which is of the four notable signs among them. To deal with Sagittarians it is very important to understand what kind of personality they have and their weaknesses and strengths. So let us start analysing Sagittarius behaviour.
The first thing to understand about Sagittarius is that they have wide range of thoughts going through their minds which can burst any time unexpectedly. They are very talkative in nature so they can talk for hours together without even taking others’ input in the conversation. They are overwhelmed with their brilliance and do not take note of others’ points even after considering them. The point to be noted is that the Sagittarius will never sit idle. They will keep themselves occupied with something or the other. Even though a Sagittarian may be lost in a jungle, he keeps doing something to try to find a way out of jungle. They have a sense of curiosity in their nature because of which they will use all the resources to find answers at any cost. They become restless if they don’t find something they are looking for. They remain active all through their life no matter how old they are. They are independent in nature and do not have any tolerance for restrictions.
By all the above facts it is very clear that they are dominating in nature and they do whatever they like to do even though they know the way they have chosen might be risky. They do not like to depend on anyone for anything. So if you are in a relationship with a Sagittarian and you want to change them or try to dominate them, no matter how long you have been in relationship together they would not mind walking away from your relationship and they won’t even mind talking about their break up or relationship in front of other people. If you want a successful relationship with a Sagittarian you must accept the person the way he or she is. They dig deep in order to find the reason to do anything or accept any fact. They are very social in nature so they mingle with others very easily and they stick to a relationship longer. It becomes very important to understand their nature to handle them easily. Even though they are dominating in nature they will listen to others sometimes but it might not mean they follow what you say. They might sometimes agree to everything you say, simply to make you feel good but when the time comes they will stick to what they think about that matter.
A Sagittarian irrespective of gender is enthusiastic, versatile, jovial yet impatient by nature. It is very difficult to win the heart of a Sagittarian as they are lovers of themselves. Contradictorily, it is quite simple and easy to win the heart of Sagittarian as they get impressed with simple and tiny gifts. They are very interesting even though they are dominating in nature.
Between this and Jupiter’s transit of my sun sign, it feels like i’ll be even more sick than usual about felineg stuck, but still stuck. Just when Saturn leaves my rising sign.. I feel everyone has a life but me. I’m on a shelf. I’m SO beyond sick of all this. Alas when you’ve been mired socially (no job) no matter how bright your spirit can be, you always end up..exactly in the same place. I guess no star in the world is going to change the situation around me, the social problems’ that plague this location.what a waste of my life
Hey Kritika
I know how you feel I have been unemployed for 6 months. It sucks!
Since Sagittarius is the Guru, ruled by Jupiter, the Guru of the Gods,
We only need to move Kritika, in order to release from the ugliness of those around us USING our positivity & Light in exchange for their pessimism & darkness.