Sagittarius adults in general make warm, open-minded and vivacious parents; thanks to their natural optimism that gives them faith in their offspring. It is this very particular nature of theirs that enable them to guide their children in the right direction. They have an innate capacity to explain things clearly and that makes them natural teachers, a characteristic that is a must among parents. While Sagittarian men take a little while to actually let the fact sink in that he has entered parenthood the women take to parenthood quite naturally. However, once a Sagittarian, always a Sagittarian. Thus, a Sag mother is never seen to slow down, but is forever seen to be taking risks and trying out new things just for the sake of the experience. Thus, kids of Sag mothers are gifted with a potpourri of experiences and are extensive travelers as well.

She is otherwise lenient and prefers to give her children the freedom to mould themselves in their own way, let them figure out what they want through their personal experience rather than giving them lectures and being authoritative. They know how much they themselves value freedom and they are considerate enough towards their children as well about this. However, this does not mean that she showers her children with any less love or care or compassion. She keeps a discreet eye out for their welfare and makes sure they do not go the wrong way. She would prefer to be a friend to her kids than a mother, for she understands that it is but natural human instinct that a child will not be able to open up to a parent unless he or she assumes that the parent is his or her friend. For you, children are much smarter than their parents and therefore respect what they have to say. This makes the kid grow up feeling all confident about oneself without an iota of doubt creeping into them.

It has been a general observation that Sagittarian mothers are more inclined towards their sons and that they often do not get along so well with their daughters. However, that still remains a speculation as there have been aberrations to this so called generalization as well. So do not start over thinking about this.

There is also reason to be warned about their over enthusiasm regarding their children’s mental and physical development. Do not become enthusiastic or start expecting more than what is necessary with regards to your children’s intellectual capacity. You should start noticing the signs when you catch yourself giving them books to read that are far beyond their level of understanding or in other words, far too advanced. There is a completely opposite side of the Sagittarius mother to this. If her child does not fare well in school, she does not become paranoid or over-react. She remains calm and takes it all in her stride. This is because for the Sagittarius mother their children’s happiness is the only thing that they are concerned about.