You’ll find yourself lucky if you land yourself a Sagittarius friend. More than being fun people to hang out with, they have a lot of positive traits that anyone can ever wish for in a friend and a companion.
For one, they are very honest so you can count on them to tell you the truth and not say things just to make you feel better. Most Sags believe that it’s better to bite the bullet now. They will expect the same from you, of course. If they think the dress is ugly or the chick your dating is way out of your league they will say so not to bring you down but to make sure you don’t bad or make a fool out of yourself. You can always prove them wrong and they won’t feel bad about it. They will even feel happy for you and laugh at the fact that they were proven wrong.
They are also great conversationalist so watch out because they may be able to talk you into doing something really naughty just for the heck of it. They like doing fun, spontaneous and crazy things and they like doing these with fun, spontaneous and crazy people.
Sagittarius friends are very supportive of a person’s dreams, projects or any random ideas. If they see you have the passion for it (and Sags can be very passionate people), they will push you and even help you achieve your goal. They are enthusiastic and will plan each step with you. Their lively spirit and enthusiasm can be very infectious and you will need that from a friend when trying to achieve something. They will not stop your plans as they are not jealous people and won’t stop you just so you don’t leave them behind. The way the Archer lifts you up can take you a long way. When you’re feeling down, the Sag will go out of their ways to cheer you up. They’ll bring you to parties, introduce you to people and even do a little retail therapy with you.
For all of these, a Sag doesn’t expect anything in return. They are idealistic people and just like living in a better environment with a better atmosphere. They avoid pressure as much as possible so they try to have fun as much as possible and they can’t do that if the people around them are problematic and gloomy. That and they just generally like to help. They love the feeling of making people smile and helping people. It’s a good feeling that can lift a person up.
In a way, they can be overbearing too. There are Sags who doesn’t just like to listen and cheer you up, there are also those who tend to want to fix it all. Some Sags would take matters in their own hands. If you’re a Sag, keep in mind that not everyone wants this. Sometimes, all you need is a patient ear who listens and a shoulder to cry on. Understand that although this does not solve a problem, there are just problems that aren’t yours to solve and that sometimes, letting a person talk and rant and pour out all their emotions can help them ease their mind and hearts.