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> Daily Archives: March 28, 2014

How hardworking Sagittarians can be

At the mention of ‘Sagittarius’ the image in the mind’s eye is immediate! A masculine being with a human body till the torso and that of a beast further down, arching an arrow against a bow, aiming…

A few qualities this image seems to abound are that of toil and hard-work. The half-human half-beast that it is, portrays the skill of an archer, used to perhaps very rough environments and tough lifestyles. And so, wondering if Sagittarians come off easily as hard-working does not sound a fair question at all! Yet there are many attributes to a Sagittarian that may convincingly lead us to a fair answer.

A Sagittarian is symbolized by the centaur (the half-human half-beast). At best he is a wanderer and an adventurer. Ever had a Sag friend that was ever so energetic or athletic? Well, now you know! Sagittarians are high-spirited and fun to be with. They are quite charming and upfront at the same time – the perfect mix for a socialiser. Born optimists, they are quick to take risks and make decisions and are never tethered to anything over-emotionally. Any act of selfishness targeting them, although might hurt a little at first, is always borne with a sunny disposition at the end of the day. They truly believe that fretting is a waste of time, and rightly so!

Moreover, centaurs were considered intellectuals of the Roman mythology. This explains the philosopher in them with their natural tendency to be curious about things. Always on a quest for knowledge and truth, Sags are ever-ready to learn and share their explorations with others. These folks are never short of ideas owing to their adventurous lifestyle and innumerable exiting experiences. Like fire, with which element Sags are represented, they constantly flit from one thing to another. While this spirit of freedom is most refreshing, it inevitably has its flaws.

The Sagittarian can be easily bored. Anything that does not border on ‘challenging’ will risk the loss of both interest and focus of a Sagittarian, easily turning him into an irritable person. More often than not the Sagittarian faces trouble finishing things that he starts if it takes too long and does not yield quick results. This impatience is often mistaken for laziness. Being the high spirited free wanderer that he is, the Sagittarian has a tendency to let go of work that he commits to if and when freedom is compromised. Both the dislike towards boredom and the estrangements of freedom leads the Sag to procrastinate in work.

Having explored both sides of the coin, it is safe to assume that a Sagittarian is no less hard-working. He is at his best when faced with a crisis. Ever ready to delve into a problem and, dirty his hands to solve it, a Sagittarian is dependable in challenging situations. Always in pursuit of truth and knowledge, the Sagittarian will by no means rest till his thirst for the same is quenched. Given these attributes, it is quite agreeable that hard work is an in-ground virtue in him. The only risk therefore, lies in underestimating the Sagittarian!

Career Path chosen by Sagittarians

The symbolic image we often associate a Sagittarian with is that of an archer – a centaur (half-human half-beast) arching an arrow against a bow. The symbolic image, if we have the leisure, more often than not takes us further – a surrounding rough and green terrain (a forest perhaps?), with several centaurs in a group (since centaurs travel in herds) and their bow and arrows aligning with the target, skilfully aiming and finally shooting. How adventurous a scene!

And yet this is perhaps the best place to start with when discussing career options for a Sagittarian. Just as the imagery would suggest, a Sagittarian is all about adventure and risk-taking. He enjoys his place in a challenging work environment where his skills and expertise are put to test. This is probably why Sagittarians have a higher propensity to succeed in business where a lot of cold-calculating and quick decisions have to be made.

Legend has it that Sagittarians were the intellects of Roman mythology, constantly in pursuit of truth and wisdom. The modern-day Sagittarian prides himself in being this historic counterpart! A career in pedagogy or writing therefore is an option to look at if you happen to be a Sagittarian.

Sagittarians are always on the go. They love to explore and travel, and prefer excitement and change to mundane routines. A career as a travel guide or travel agent is definitely in the cards for a Sagittarian. Extremely athletic, Sagittarians also make for a good sportsperson.

Sagittarians make excellent entertainers and conversationalists. Their optimism and energy combined with their gift of humour make them the life of social parties and gatherings.

Having explored this, it is for a fact that Sagittarians love freedom and can still tend to go for a career that suits fancy and liking. Given that he is easily sociable, extremely tactful and diplomatic; a Sagittarian is known to be naturally likeable at his work place. Moreover, a Sagittarian always displays the much needed level-headedness needed in moments of crises at work. You can always count on a Sagittarian to meander his way out of a sticky challenge at work for they are full of ideas and suggestions. Knowing that centaurs have always lived and travelled together in herds suggest that their modern day counterparts make excellent teammates.

The ‘lows’ of the game is that Sagittarians hate boredom. They expect quick turnover or results from their work; otherwise they are likely to flit from one work to another till they feel they are challenged enough. Routine and monotonous work situations will never see a Sagittarian for long, and although they commit to work seriously, they do not want their freedom being compromised. Because Sagittarians prefer excitement and change, you will find them procrastinating at work once the challenge level tunes down which people often misinterpret as laziness. A Sagittarian can be argumentative and passionate about getting his point across making him ideal for a career as a lawyer or journalist, but this is often mistaken for stubbornness.

Having said that, they are excellent teammates to have at your work-place and are easily up to the game as long as they are challenged for what they’re worth.