People born in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the ninth sign of Zodiac Calendar, are very cheerful and lively. In the myriad literature Sagittarians are referred to as Archer; appear like a man holding a bow and arrow with a half human and half horse body. They are broad minded, carefree, restless and cheerful.
One of the strange traits noticed in a Sagittarian is being optimistic and enthusiastic. It becomes very difficult to keep their energy low and it is very important to keep them enthusiastic in regular intervals. They also keep themselves busy and are independent. They are always surrounded by people who listen to them; sometimes they argue with everyone and do not listen to anyone. If they feel you are trying to change their personality, they do not mind walking out of the relationship. They live on the principles of exploring and they explore every corner of the road on which they are walking. They are freedom lovers and they make a choice of people using the freedom the person gives to them.
Sagittarians are scared of commitments. Sometimes they make a choice of entering into a commitment and if they do not find their freedom in that they turn down that commitment and live life alone happily and independently. They lose many opportunities like these but they do not repent for that and are happy. They are very talented and entertaining, so they keep themselves engaged with many activities. Thus, their life sounds very interesting and adventurous. When it comes to the choice of business, they always prefer where they find interesting things to do like meeting people, entertaining, singing, dancing or any profession which includes some of their talent. They generally avoid a profession which is based on a daily routine and which seems to be boring. Sagittarians are good at getting their work done, so it does not matter how difficult the work is. The only thing that matters to them is how to get that work done. They prove themselves successful even under pressure.
When we talk about the relationships of a Sagittarian, their positive approach and entertaining nature makes their friends very happy and treat their life partner as a friend. This is one of the best qualities of a Sagittarian which gives a positive energy not only to them but also to the people around them. They are very good communicators, so they talk about their religion, beliefs and relationships frankly and never try to hide any truth unnecessarily. Sagittarians live on the principle of the right to speak and express. Sometimes they express everything to others without thinking that it might hurt them but at end of the day others understand what a Sagittarian thinks about a particular matter. The very trait of being positive towards their life is one such strange thing which many fail to adapt in their life and get depressed but Sagittarians never look or think negative about anything. They are always ready to accept everything which is coming their way. They get bored only with the emotions like jealous and possessiveness. Thus, they are frank, inspiring, confident, enjoying, curious, true believers and are charming; they live their life to the fullest.
This is the best site I have ever found so profound to be true.
Omg this is ssoo true :)!
My boyfrnd is a virgo…we r in a relationship fr the last 4 years.we were in the same class n thus used to be together always.Last year i had to go to another place to pursue higher studies while he s doing job in our hometown..Recently he is becoming too much possessive about me..he is nor liking my company with other guys.. few days back we had a heated conversation n i just told me to take my own way..i took those words n nw he is repenting bt i m feeling confused..i askd fr some tym to think n still he hs been behaving in an immatured way..Wat shud i do??
it is true!
that I caught him off guard with my aura. He drpepod hints to me but he was always too shy to look me directly in the face or to hold a long conversation. I will be honest, the first time I heard his voice I was somehow attracted to him. Fast forward, I finally told him to come place and we could get to know one another better. It was a nice meeting. The rest is history. He is so loving, so touchy feely and he is in awe of me which gives me so much confidence. I’m trying to get to the point that when we get together that we can lay off of sex because he is ALWAYS hard and ready to go no matter what we are talking about or doing. The sex is INSANE btw. The thing is that he does spread himself thin. He helps everyone and he loves it. When he comes to see me during the week, I am usually the last stop. He has to go see his mother, help his sister with her car troubles, etc. Even though I’m his last stop we stay up late and have a good time and he spends the night. Last night when he came over he looked really stressed out. He had a headache so bad that he was lying on my bed, squinting his eyes and rubbing his head. He mentioned something about his mother and many of the things that people rely on him for. I tell him all of the time that I don’t want to be last on his list. He was the first one to tell me that he loved me. From that point on he continues to ask me if I love him over and over again. He expresses himself so thoroughly. I am in love with how much he loves and takes care of me. I do not know what is next. I’m trying to be patient and not think too much into it. He is a lot to handle, I will tell you that much!
Get out now while you can. Trust me, Virgo will never keep you happy long enough to satisfy you. Don’t fool yourself. This relationship is WAY more work than what you get out of it. You deserve so much more! Virgo shows love in different ways, but not the way Sag needs to feel loved & appreciated. Being married to a Virgo you will feel very alone. They are totally
content having you nearby without interacting with you. It’s not worth in, I’ve been married to one for over 20 years and knew it was a mistake on our wedding night. Young & stupid was I! Don’t let it happen to you….
Mary, you are so right about the Virgo and Sag chemistry. We Saggies need to feel connected with the heart, Virgos are stuck in their heads.
Mary if you were that unhappy why stay 20 years? They sags are supposed to be independent?!
Because Eileen, you idiot, Sagittarius gives n gives n gives n is all about positivity! We take on others problems too often BECAUSE so many others are lazy n nithing would get done otherwise!
Its true we Love ourSelves the most n look for our selves in others forgetting our projection on them.
20 years of giving another good energy n taking their negativity!
This was spot on.