Free Horoscope for October 16, 2016

  • Aries Aries - October 16, 2016

    The Moon is full in your sign. This in itself will make for an emotional time but the conjunction the Moon makes to Uranus in your sign could also be adding fuel to the fire of emotional vulnerability. One symptom of this could be what might be seen as erratic behavior on your part. You could be sending out more than one mixed message to someone who yearns for a bit more consistency from you. Try to see rationally what needs to be seen rationally and you can succeed. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Taurus Taurus - October 16, 2016

    Many of our actions are preceded with clear thinking but there are times when we act or react in ways we're oblivious to. Our subconscious can, at times, play just as much a part in what we do as our conscious thinking. It's also our subconscious thinking that gets the blame for what we believe to be mistakes. Where you might be wishing you'd made a more sensible decision, allow time to confirm what you might believe to be a mistake could actually be a blessing in disguise. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Gemini Gemini - October 16, 2016

    To bring closure to a situation that has confused or irked you for some time, you're going to have to handle it in a sensitive and delicate way. You are equally aware of what might ensue should you choose to allow emotions to form any part of an exchange or discussion. If someone has truly crossed a line in some way, then it's only fair they know your thoughts on the matter. Just be careful you don't burn a bridge that you might wish in the near future was intact. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Cancer Cancer - October 16, 2016

    When we know our confidence could do with a boost, it can be difficult to know how to summon it from within. It is often the actions or supportive comments from certain others that can be most helpful when it comes to feeling content and confident within ourselves and the sky implies someone in your world is superbly placed to make you feel such ways. Where you have wanted support and appreciation, it appears you're about to be in no doubt of both coming your way. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Leo Leo - October 16, 2016

    As much as you might wish someone in your world would simply look at a certain situation and see what you see clearly within it without a need to explain or justify yourself, it appears you might have some placating to do. You could be inclined to point out that a situation 'is what it is' and doesn't need a lengthy explanation surrounding how it has arisen or where things go from here. Be prepared to have to justify what you believe to be very obvious. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Virgo Virgo - October 16, 2016

    What have your patience and tolerance been in aid of? That's something that could become clear shortly. Rather than absorb a problem not of your making or rush to someone's aid whom you rightly believed should learn to stand on their own two feet for a change, you have cleverly allowed yourself to watch a situation unfold from a distance. You might not yet see how this has benefited you enormously but will be very aware of this soon. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Libra Libra - October 16, 2016

    Today's full moon in your opposite sign is accompanied by several aspects but, in addition to the moon being full, it forms a tense link with Uranus, also in your opposite sign. If you have been aware of a potentially emotional situation coming to a head, then this could be a time when your waiting is over. It's important though to see how allowing emotions to play a part in what needs conveying or changing can help to clear the air and make a fresh start much more feasible. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Scorpio Scorpio - October 16, 2016

    What is it you can't live with and can't live without? The sky implies this might be a responsibility or obligation you want to sever ties with yet also feel you have a duty to continue involving yourself with. Might you feel differently if you believed you were gaining more than you are by continuing to involve yourself with whatever-it-is? The sky doesn't promise immediate reassurance but coming events could offer enough of a glimmer of hope to justify continuing. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Sagittarius Sagittarius - October 16, 2016

    We can all relate to having said certain words 'in the heat of the moment' and regretted doing so. Yet, with hindsight, we can also see how what got said needed to be said through having cleared the air and allowed a fresh start to commence in terms of dialogue and exchanges. With the moon full and its tense link with Uranus in Aries, your interaction with a certain person might not be same again but for all the right reasons. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Capricorn Capricorn - October 16, 2016

    The saying, 'roll with the punches' creates unpleasant imagery of having to accept discomfort with a sudden or unexpected blow. Yet, as any stunt performer will testify, it is possible to counteract such sudden forces by moving strategically to absorb or deflect them. A Full Moon combined with an aspect implying a need to react swiftly to a sudden and unexpected change could shake your emotional security briefly. But expect to be able make precisely the right move at the right time. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Aquarius Aquarius - October 16, 2016

    It's important you don't underestimate what you can offer a certain person or possibly an organization. Where you might feel inclined to involve yourself in a very measured way, possibly due to believing you might be crossing a line in terms of your involvement, it will hopefully become clear soon how much you can contribute toward what you're keeping at arm's length. If you allow others to benefit from your wisdom and experience, then you can benefit similarly. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Pisces Pisces - October 16, 2016

    We often see problems that arise in our respective worlds as ours alone to resolve. We can be too focused on achieving one particular result in the belief it is the only option available and one we must pursue. Yet, it can be amazing sometimes how someone else views our issue. There are times when they can provide insight that has escaped us and helps us to see what we've seen as problematic in much more manageable way. Expect such enlightenment soon. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

Sagittarius - The Archer (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. In western astrology, the sign is now no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and one of the four mutable signs. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has been associated with the astrological ninth house.

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