Free Horoscope for May 14, 2015

  • Aries Aries - May 14, 2015

    A need exists in some way to separate fact from fiction. Perhaps, you could do with more fact to balance what you believe to be fiction. As a particular situation in your world becomes clearer, so too will your understanding of where you stand with a particular individual. First though, you need to do a bit of detective work and dig a bit deeper than you've been prepared to dig recently to unearth a piece of helpful if not essential information that will do much to put you in the picture. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Taurus Taurus - May 14, 2015

    When sat on a jet plane running behind schedule, we tend not to immediately assume the flight isn't ever going to depart. We accept a delay exists and presumably for a good reason. It would take quite an impatient - and pessimistic - person to retrieve their hand luggage and demand to be removed from the plane simply because of a slight delay. Where a result appears to be delayed where you would truly like to see one, don't adopt a pessimistic attitude now. Be patient. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Gemini Gemini - May 14, 2015

    Some less-than-desirable situations cannot last forever. At some point, something shifts. A change occurs that helps a negative evolve into a positive, or that at least something that offers potential for improvement. We then wonder why we were so determined to see a situation as negative when it clearly had scope to be something better. Don't treat a positive change to what has been seen as negative in an area of your world with unjustified suspicion now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Cancer Cancer - May 14, 2015

    There are countless occasions throughout our lives that appear, in many ways, identical to others. Take, for example, certain celebrations we enjoy at particular times of year. Processes and experiences appear similar to those of the past yet we're always aware of how something differs from last time – or how a new level of magic is present. There is a new level of magic contained within a situation you might be inclined to see as history repeating itself now. Trust that. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Leo Leo - May 14, 2015

    What causes us to throw caution to wind and take a risk? There can be many answers to such a question but perhaps the best surrounds a perceived need to try the untried in the hope it brings a result that hasn't been forthcoming. Do we do this out of desperation? Perhaps, sometimes. Yet, there are times when we genuinely believe we have nothing to lose from taking a risk and investing effort in a way we know in our heart we ought to. Prepare to take courageous action. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Virgo Virgo - May 14, 2015

    The sky speaks of a need on your part to be understood in ways you perhaps believe currently that you aren't. Certain decisions or actions on your part could have been met with confusion and scorn by certain people and you might be surprised at a need to justify yourself in some way. That doesn't make others wrong. They have what appears to be genuine concerns about action you're taking. Hear them out and you might actually learn something of value. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Libra Libra - May 14, 2015

    It's important to look at an area of your world where you might believe 'all is lost' or, at least, there's not much point in investing any level of hope toward. A situation might appear cut and dried and unworthy of hope yet there appears to be much more going on behind certain scenes than you're probably aware. A positive and confident action on your part could not only bring a very hopeful result but dispel tension or uncertainty where both have existed for some time. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Scorpio Scorpio - May 14, 2015

    Someone, somewhere in your world, appears to be drawing very much the wrong conclusion in some way. That wouldn't bother you if wasn't for the fact that the conclusion they're drawing affects you in more ways than one. You might wonder how they've arrived at a certain belief but it's clear to you they've got the wrong end of the proverbial stick in some way. The sky does imply this situation needs correcting sooner than later - and by you. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Sagittarius Sagittarius - May 14, 2015

    You might need to consider what it is you want to see happen in an area of your world and why a plan might not be going to plan. It doesn't mean you're being unrealistic. Neither does it mean you're pursuing something or someone unsuitable or inappropriate. Does what or who you truly want or the development you're keen to make happen remain as important as it once was? For now, be prepared to be flexible, nothing more. Help to reassess what's truly important is coming. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Capricorn Capricorn - May 14, 2015

    Life would be infinitely easier if so many people didn't have grand and different ideas about what you should or shouldn't be doing. You could find yourself in a chaotic situation but to make progress you yearn to make and free yourself from a certain confusing situation, you need only be willing to focus on what you know to be factual and not theoretical. That includes steering clear of sources of gossip, too. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Aquarius Aquarius - May 14, 2015

    There is something you ought to consider doing solo without help or intervention from others. You could be prone to negative criticism from one or two people, possibly those you believe to be authoritative in some way, who don't quite connect with what it is you're trying to achieve. This doesn't make them - or you - wrong. It simply means you have some work to do in order to reassure certain people or a certain person that an ambitious plan is viable. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Pisces Pisces - May 14, 2015

    A bit of praise, we know, can go a long way. Praise, when we know we deserve it, can do much to boost confidence levels and encourage us to think more about what else we might be capable of. You're well placed to receive praise or recognition now and this can spur you on to achieve more. If you're willing to back up words with action, then success is assured and you could be surprised at how easily accepted something you're proposing or suggesting becomes. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

Sagittarius - The Archer (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. In western astrology, the sign is now no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and one of the four mutable signs. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has been associated with the astrological ninth house.

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