Consider honestly what you believe you're powerless to change or influence. You might feel certain that you've made a point as best you can but might feel it has fallen on deaf ears or been ignored completely. Fortunately, a shift in a balance of power with a certain person is underway. This could open up the lines of communication in a way that's needed. Resist reiterating a point for now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Free Horoscope for August 14, 2019
Aries - August 14, 2019
Taurus - August 14, 2019
We accept when it's necessary to stand up for ourselves or 'put our foot down.' A sense of uncertainty or trepidation could be replaced with courage and conviction, especially if you're aware of a need to be resilient in some way now. By adhering to a principle or 'sticking to your guns,' you'll succeed in sending out a clear, understood message to someone. This is both timely and helpful. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Gemini - August 14, 2019
If a need to let go or move on causes a sense of hesitancy or trepidation, then be assured the action you're considering is both timely and necessary. Try to see what's occurring as an essential step in the right direction and not a hurdle to be feared. To bring the improvement you want, you'll need to release something you've been determined to nurture and cling to until now. This will be much easier once you accept the freedom you'll gain by doing so. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Cancer - August 14, 2019
We can often see a need for patience as unhelpful or frustrating, especially if a sense of urgency overrides it. A plan won't be rushed, and you might need to accept that aspects of it are beyond your control, for now. The most sensible option involves accepting limitations that exist but to see how these help you to replace a hasty or impetuous approach with something more methodical. Magic can happen, but, on this occasion, it won't manifest instantly. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Leo - August 14, 2019
You might feel alone with a particular quest or believe you're the only person who truly understands what you're keen to achieve. You appear to have support on offer from more than one person but might convey confidence in ways that cause others to believe you don't need their assistance or input. Consider how improving communication could help you gain support where you know you could use some. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Virgo - August 14, 2019
It's easy to assess situations at face value and be oblivious to something valuable concealed within them. That tends to be where lessons or opportunities reside. You could be willing to accept a situation is as it is and that there's little you can do to improve it. Be prepared to explore what's unobvious and concealed within what's seemingly uninspiring. Something helpful, insightful, and reassuring is waiting to be discovered. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Libra - August 14, 2019
It's not impossible to change the mind of the most stubborn person if they're presented with facts they can't ignore or dispute. If someone you know is basing their actions or a decision on something they don't have essential information regarding, then you could be integral to them experiencing a change of heart. Offer the facts they need and are likely to appreciate. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Scorpio - August 14, 2019
We don't always help situations to move forward or progress by applying more pressure to them – or ourselves. Impatience can have a detrimental effect with something we know won't benefit from a sporadic or reckless approach. That's why it's important to avoid impatience getting the better of you now. There are limits to how much you can accelerate something that might need more care and patience applied than you're giving it currently. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Sagittarius - August 14, 2019
When less than satisfactory situations present themselves, it doesn't take long for us to identify what we must do to improve them. You could be dealing with something that ticks along predictably on one level but is erratic on another. Trust that the idea you have to create a stronger sense of stability is likely what's needed to bring the necessary improvement. It might be time to put a back-up or contingency plan into action. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Capricorn - August 14, 2019
A situation or arrangement you may have grown used to and believed fell short of what you needed could be something you're willing to review again, now or shortly. That doesn't necessarily mean you'll experience a sudden or profound change of heart. However, it is possible that you could see what's helpful – or salvageable - in some way. All is not lost. You can yet gain, regain, or revive something valuable. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Aquarius - August 14, 2019
When we question what we believed our faith would never diminish toward, we can sometimes feel we've been misled in some way. When we discover a reality differs from what we thought it was, we then wonder at which point we saw a situation in an incorrect or inaccurate light. Where you might feel your faith has been misplaced, you could discover how momentum has been working in the background in a way you were unaware of. That should lift your spirits. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic
Pisces - August 14, 2019
A problem shared could be a problem doubled at this time. Someone would like for their issue to be yours, too. Unless you handle this with care or caution, the matter could be nurtured or given a new lease of life. This person might need to accept that you're not obliged to take responsibility for their creation, either. Be careful what precedent you set by involving yourself further or deeper. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic