Free Horoscope for August 01, 2014

  • Aries Aries - August 01, 2014

    When storytellers take us down blind alleys or present us with deliberately confusing or misleading information, we're prepared to accept this, to a point. We can often see how we're being set up for a surprise or twist in the plot we're likely to appreciate rather than be annoyed by. Sometimes, we're prepared to accept confusion if we think it might benefit us ultimately. That's why you should be intrigued by and supporting of what appears confusing now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Taurus Taurus - August 01, 2014

    Do we gravitate toward what is 'easiest' through laziness? Sometimes, we want a quick and easy solution. We don't want to have to think further about an issue because we want it dealt with and out of the way in the swiftest way possible. Taking the path of least resistance isn't always done apathetically. You can bring about a long term change to an issue now. A course of action is likely making itself clear to you. Don't be concerned if it appears too obvious – or easy! Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Gemini Gemini - August 01, 2014

    When is it not appropriate to share? We're encouraged to share yet there are times when it is perhaps best to keep something to ourselves and one such time involves issues that are ours to deal with. When we involve others in issues that require a solution from us alone, then it becomes a case of a problem shared being a problem doubled. By all means, seek advice surrounding your current issue or dilemma but remain 'live' to the need for you to solve it, not someone else. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Cancer Cancer - August 01, 2014

    There are many tales of gold diggers digging for months or even years in the hills who gave up in despair, only for someone else to come along with a shovel and discover gold in a very short space of time. When we decide to give up or throw in the proverbial towel, we never really know how close to a breakthrough we are. As tempted as you might be to remove yourself from a certain situation, consider how close you are to experiencing change you've long wanted to see! The sky insists you're closer to a much more desirable situation than you probably think. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Leo Leo - August 01, 2014

    Life would be easier if you could rely on various people to do as they've promised. If you take at face value all that certain people are promising or pledging, then you've reason to feel reassured and comforted. Yet, it appears certain people are saying one thing and doing another, or not doing anything at all. That leaves you wondering where you stand and what you're supposed to do to honor certain obligations. A change is happening now that will relieve you of much duty and obligation. Soon, you will be less beholden to those you feel beholden to. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Virgo Virgo - August 01, 2014

    Negativity never grows tired, runs out of steam or gives up. It loves to hang around and make its presence known for as long as possible. It hates knowing how much control we have over it. If we decide at any time to banish it and our desire to do so is strong enough, then it has no say in the matter. If you want to remove a negative influence in your world, you can. Believe it has no place in your world and it will disappear. Continue to nurture it, and it will become even more comfortable. The choice is entirely yours. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Libra Libra - August 01, 2014

    To resolve a current issue, you must first decide how badly you want to it resolved. That might sound obvious but it's possible you've grown very used to the issue that has hung around for some time, giving a good impression of being impervious to any solution you apply to it. Wanting it out of the way is the first half of what needs to be done. The second surrounds you accepting responsibility for its existence. Decide enough is enough, take action to rectify it and you'll see how easily solvable it really is. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Scorpio Scorpio - August 01, 2014

    The arrival of The Cavalry could have been a daunting thing to witness. A huge dust cloud accompanied by beating of many hooves would understandably cause anyone to be fearful. Despite noise and appearance of intimidating change, what's coming to you now is something that can genuinely help you. Embrace it. Don't feel inclined to question or reject it. Its appearance might differ from what you expected but you can trust what's coming to your aid now is precisely what you need. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Sagittarius Sagittarius - August 01, 2014

    Stick with what's tried and tested in an area of your world you long to see progress within and you're likely to get the same old, tired results. Play it safe and you're likely to see how little progress gets made. That's because what's needed is imagination. You know, in your heart, that an imaginative approach that creates a sense of surprise or separates you from other options is what's needed. Be creative and take a risk. Someone will appreciate it and react accordingly. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Capricorn Capricorn - August 01, 2014

    Is it better to better a Devil you know? Is it easier to 'play it safe' than take a risk and see what might happen through doing so? You know where in your world you'd be prepared to take a risk and see what occurred to be free from a situation that has been uncertain for too long. You have a safe and comfortable option you can pursue– but is it providing you with certainty and comfort you need? Taking a risk could transform a situation – but only do so if that is truly what you want! Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Aquarius Aquarius - August 01, 2014

    Some people refuse any kind of help when offered because they insist on achieving something singlehandedly. They want to be able to say they did something on their own, without help from anyone. That's admirable in some ways but much depends on how helpful the help being offered really is. If it represents something that can't be attained elsewhere or can accelerate a plan greatly, then it has to be worth considering. Don't let stubbornness or pride prevent you from accepting help where you really could use some now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Pisces Pisces - August 01, 2014

    Let's talk about the word 'obstructive'. While we're at it, let's talk about the word 'provocation'. Does either word hold relevance to you now? It definitely appears you and someone else are playing a game on par with matches around dried tinder. All it will take is a tiny spark and something will be ignited that is better left alone. The clash of wills occurring now won't last much longer. With that in mind, avoid creating a confrontational scene just to make a point. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

Sagittarius - The Archer (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. In western astrology, the sign is now no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and one of the four mutable signs. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has been associated with the astrological ninth house.

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