Free Horoscope for April 05, 2014

  • Aries Aries - April 05, 2014

    'There's no point closing the stable door after the horse has bolted'. This popular saying refers to an attempt to stop something undesirable happening after it has already happened. Somewhere in your world, you appear inclined to invest effort in trying to stop something from happening that has already done so. This therefore means you have an opportunity to relax about something you're priming yourself for. Trust that what you fear is more connected with the past than present. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Taurus Taurus - April 05, 2014

    Can you summon energy and inclination to do something uninspiring? We all struggle to do so sometimes but all it takes sometimes is a reason to motivate us. When we're unable to identify a reason, we tend to ignore the task itself but you're being given a good reason not to give up on a pursuit now. What you've done previously might not have worked but if you can muster some imagination and effort, something wonderful can be achieved somehow, somewhere. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Gemini Gemini - April 05, 2014

    You've probably grown very used to an uncomfortable or even undesirable situation in recent weeks. There is something you've had to accept unwillingly. A clear and unignorable restriction has been put in place. Between now and the end of January, you will start to see hope where something has appeared hopeless. A process is coming to fruition, slowly but surely. Look out for the first glimmers of hope now. You won't fail to see them. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Cancer Cancer - April 05, 2014

    There appears to be a celestial equivalent of a boot poised at your backside. The cosmos is encouraging you to make a brave move but, given the analogy above, it appears you're not too keen to take the initiative yourself. So, you're being given some help. You're about to discover you possess both motivation and inspiration in ways you believed you didn't. Before this can happen, you need to allow certain information to come to light. Once done, expect to take action. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Leo Leo - April 05, 2014

    Second best is always an option. Some people aim their targets higher for the sole purpose of at least achieving it. Many believe it to be wise to do so. But sometimes, if we aim higher than we actually want or need to be, we find we achieve a greater result. This spurs us on to wonder what else might be achievable. With all that in mind, what result do you really want in an area requiring you to set a target of sorts? The sky's message to you now is to aim high and surprise yourself. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Virgo Virgo - April 05, 2014

    We know when we've been asked a daft question. We know when someone hasn't listened to what we've told them or thought through their question before asking it. They know we know what they've done. We know they now know what they've done. They – ok, that's enough. Before you defend a point, allow someone the chance to recognize how ill thought through their argument really is. Don't get embroiled in a futile or irrelevant conversation unnecessarily. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Libra Libra - April 05, 2014

    What do you deserve? What are you entitled to? Those aren't rhetorical questions. Your needs have changed recently and are continuing to change. So too, are levels of respect and support you would like to see increased in from certain people. To get more of what you need, you need to be clearer about what you need that you can provide yourself. Some people simply need reminding in some way of how supportive you've been. From there, the rest will come. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Scorpio Scorpio - April 05, 2014

    You can opt to believe something isn't any of your business and leave it alone. However, you know there's something you need to know more about. You know there's more to a situation that it appears or are being told. That's why you're being encouraged to ask questions and look closely at certain situations. The reality behind something you've had suspicions about is likely to be revealed. It will, however, take some probing on your part first. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Sagittarius Sagittarius - April 05, 2014

    We have learned, at some point, that it's better to say nothing if we're unable to say something nice. What constitutes 'nice' though? The word could be construed as insincere if there's something we want to tell someone and, through believing they might not want to hear it, we coat words with sugar. It's best for you and someone else that an honest and very open conversation is had. You can gain so much more by simply being honest and speaking your mind now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Capricorn Capricorn - April 05, 2014

    The sky speaks of an ability to regain control in a particular area. Perhaps, you feel as if you've already worked hard enough where control over something that appears beyond your control is concerned. You've grown used to someone else dictating how a certain situation or outcome will be. Progress won't be immediate but it can be made now. Recognize how you might need to compromise but the proverbial boot is definitely shifting from someone else's foot to your own. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Aquarius Aquarius - April 05, 2014

    You have the right to change your mind. Does that give someone the right to oppose your decision? Perhaps, but only if they have vested interest in whatever you've changed your mind about. You know how a situation has needed to be questioned lately and how you've drawn a new conclusion about it. You might just discover someone else will start to think similarly if you're able to convey an idea in a way that includes them within the plan. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Pisces Pisces - April 05, 2014

    When we believe ourselves to be right and the point we're making us unquestionable, we sometimes overlook how heavy handed we can be making it. We forget that we probably wouldn't want to be spoken to in ways we choose to address certain people. You may have a valid and important point to make but won't win popularity contests by making it in ways you may feel inclined to do. Be sensitive and consider how you can support in some way by being so. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

Sagittarius - The Archer (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. In western astrology, the sign is now no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and one of the four mutable signs. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has been associated with the astrological ninth house.

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