Free Horoscope for April 04, 2014

  • Aries Aries - April 04, 2014

    People are always on the lookout for scapegoats, those whom blame can be pinned squarely on whilst real culprits sneak off in the background, unnoticed. That might be a bit of a dramatic summary of something occurring in your world now but it does appear someone believes it to be easier to allow blame to go your direction as opposed toward themselves. It's unfair you should be blamed for something you've been supportive of and this will be clear to others, soon enough. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Taurus Taurus - April 04, 2014

    Not so long ago, life seemed to contain many more mysteries and conundrums than it does. Now, we have an app for this and another app for that and have vast amounts of information available to us as we sit on buses or trains. Does that make life any less magical? Do we have to look harder for magic that exists all around us? You're about to have your faith restored in more than one way but particularly in magic! Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Gemini Gemini - April 04, 2014

    There are many references to how, in order to truly understand someone else, we must put ourselves 'in their shoes'. Shoes are personal things. Those that fit one person's feet might not fit someone else's. Then there's personal preference in terms of style. Ah, but that's not what the saying asks of us. It asks that we try to connect with something personal to someone else in order to see a situation from their perspective. That's precisely what you need to do now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Cancer Cancer - April 04, 2014

    When we struggle with making a decision, it's always a good idea to draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and list pros and cons surrounding whatever we're deciding. The interesting thing is, the list is always longest on the side we secretly want it to be longest on. The same rule can be applied, albeit with a bit more imagination and effort, to what we perceive to be good and bad happening in our worlds. Your list of all that is truly good now ought to be a longer one. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Leo Leo - April 04, 2014

    Many people want to be sold to. They enjoy seeing those doing the selling go to great lengths to provide service and make them feel special and wanted. When we experience such an experience, we believe we have made a purchase with someone who truly had our best interests at heart and was able to match what we were looking for. You've selling to do to someone now. To persuade them, you need only be sincere and very aware of what they expect from you. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Virgo Virgo - April 04, 2014

    People do the daftest things when under pressure. By that, I mean we really do the daftest things when we're faced with tight deadlines or agendas that do nothing else but grow in size. We try to cut corners or identify shortcuts we believe will save time and effort. Then, what happens? We end up wishing we'd been a bit cleverer or wiser. We see reasons to have undertaken something with more care – or pride. Avoid the loss of pride through doing something hastily now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Libra Libra - April 04, 2014

    Excuses are easy to find. Excuses rarely excuse us from anything, though. There's a difference between taking responsibility for something and ensuring someone else is aware of the slightest way we believe we weren't at fault. There seems to be a potential three-way pointing of fingers happening now and this involves you. Yet, as quick as certain people might be to lay blame entirely at your feet, you know the truth and reality of a situation. Pressure will lessen soon. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Scorpio Scorpio - April 04, 2014

    The key to progress in a certain area relies on you being accepted in some way by an individual or organization. It will also require selling or convincing on your part. Distance that exists between you has to do with lack of trust or a need to for reassurance that must come from you. It's important to understand that you're pushing on a door that is actually half open. You won't need to work as hard as you believe to win someone over but you will need to be open and honest. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Sagittarius Sagittarius - April 04, 2014

    Is an opportunity slipping from your hand? Is something you believed you had good grasp of now appearing to become unattainable? Much has to do with timing where a particular goal is concerned and you're very aware that time isn't on your side in ways you wish it was. You are right to believe that action on your part is required. You're wrong to believe that you must act hastily or desperately. A process isn't moving as fast as you think it is. Relax and do it properly. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Capricorn Capricorn - April 04, 2014

    Tides come in, they disappear. They are part of a repetitive but crucial process. Somewhere in your world, a repetitive process is underway but you might be oblivious to how crucial it is to a result you want to achieve. You might be seeing it as an obligation or tedious task that you'd prefer not to have to invest effort in. Look closely at what is begging for attention that you find uninspiring and you will see within it an opportunity to make a significant and necessary change. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Aquarius Aquarius - April 04, 2014

    Sometimes, we are spurred into action but find ourselves taking it before we fully realize what we're doing. It's as if a course of action comes naturally and requires no thought on our part. This scenario gets even better when we discover that what we did spontaneously achieved something that careful thought, planning and consideration had failed to do previously. Allow yourself to succumb to some kind of spontaneous action now. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

  • Pisces Pisces - April 04, 2014

    There's something you can see that is putting you in an advantageous position. Someone thinks you were born yesterday. They think they're being clever by attempting to trick you in some way. What they fail to see is how easily you can see through a façade. It would be understandable for you to play along with this admittedly ludicrous game. Whilst someone is deserving of knowing your feelings in no uncertain terms, avoid making a bigger issue of it than is necessary. Ask 1 free question to a Psychic

Sagittarius - The Archer (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. In western astrology, the sign is now no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and one of the four mutable signs. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has been associated with the astrological ninth house.

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